Dante and Bayonetta have their full assortment of powers, weapons, and their choice of one ally and/or summon

>Dante and Bayonetta have their full assortment of powers, weapons, and their choice of one ally and/or summon


>Doomguy has all of his weapons, items, powerups, feats, and the strongest version of the BFG

Who wins in a fight? Doomguy kicks both their asses, since witches and half-demons are his specialty

Other urls found in this thread:


Including invincibility?

doomguy wins

The most simple and one dimensional guy wins every one of these kind of fights because people are afraid of sounding like tryhards.
Everyone's going to say doomguy, there just saved you a thread.

Dante is immortal.

Bayonetta nukes him with a massive earth-shattering fart.

Yes, to counteract Dante's immortality and Bayonetta's hairy disposition.

Considering the fact that Doomguy kills demons, and hellspawn in general, on a daily basis; im gonna go with him.

You do realise that running at 60mph while carrying a ton of shit isn't a big feat compare to people stopping time, telelorting and throwing skyscrapers right?

Comes down to Doomguy and Dante in my head. Dante tanks the near-infinite ammo, revives a couple times or some shit, and kills Doomguy only for Doomguy to beat hell again and come back.

And the cycle continues.

Not invincible, though. He can be killed, it's just very hard.

> t. shitter who's never played a Bayonetta

Time to shift the equation! Who's got the better sound track in their games?

Dante and Bayo have some strong contenders, but At Doom's Gate is one of the most well known OSTs in all of videogames.


Dante and Bayonetta no question. Fuck even just Dante could kill him. Both of them can just stop time. What's Doomguy gonna do then?

The soul cube from Doom 3 allows him immunity from temporal manipulation. How else could he return to the time period where the demons killed his bunny?

quad damage

Bayo steals it.
DMC gets close second.

hes immortal in the sense that no one has killed him. In that context i could say i'm immortal as well because no one has murdered me.

Wouldn't he telefrag them during a victory fug?

Great it lasts 30 seconds whereas Dante can royal guard indefinitely and has an invincible Juggernaut form.

Quicksilver doesn't stop time. It speeds up Dante to the point where time is practically stopped for him. Doomguy's fucked.

>What's Doomguy gonna do then?

but doom 3 is another domguy in another universe, 1, 2, 64, and 4 are the mainline canon games

>It speeds up Dante to the point where time is practically stopped for him.
>steps within 10 inches of Doomguy, who stops him in his track
>Doomguy blows his head off, and the rest of while while he's at it, with the BFG

>Dante needing to be anywhere near Doomguy

Nigga would get yamato'd from the dimension over.

epic meme

they both beat him easily though

BFG blows up the entire reality in seconds. It's not even a fair fight.

If Doomguy was the one in RoE, he could use the artifact

Bayonetta's still alive in the alternate reality over since she wasn't even needed in the fight. Therefore, Dante and Bayonetta win. EZ game EZ lyfe.

Where's the pasta that the praetor suit contains nuclear energy and can make him do nuclear punches?

That reality blows up too. You don't seem to realize that Doomguy is the Samus Aran of PC FPS's. Whereas she blows up any planet she lands on, Doomguy destroys any reality he's in.

Is Quake 3 canon, since he went through different dimensions?
Because he's in a higher tier than a guy who telefragged a Lovecraftian beast and grabbed Thor's hammer.

Also, he may or may not be related to BJ from Wolfenstein.

are you mixing your harry potters with your lord of the dragon balls again?

>witches are his specialty

since when?

Never, unless he thinks Archvilles and Summoners count

I want a Doom anime

Witches are demonic concubines who got their origins as women who sold their souls to the devil for power. Umbran witches are the same, but they're more akin to human women who were barbers and had an obsession with hair. this is why scissors are Bayonetta's kryptonite.

>Inb4 Id are watching this thread and will write about Doomguy being able to do more shit than he actually can.

ok, but i still don't see how his specialty would be witches, I don't think he's ever fought a witch before.

*teleports behind you*

In the manga, Archvilles and summoners technically count, since the female variants cast magic spells.

Why is Doomguy so hilariously overrated
I get that he's an iconic figure of vidya but why do people always have to go full STRONGEST CHARACTER IN ANIME

A guy who climbs out of hell to kill monsters over 5 times, making Kratos look like a sissy in comparison, is nothing to shake a lamb's tail at.

He's a self insert character, so people project shit onto him.

What reason do they have for fighting in the first place? You can't kill doomguy anyway, they killed him in the end of knee deep in the dead only for his soul to remain intact and that only made him angrier.

I don't know or care, but I want everyone in this thread to know that Bayonetta is my waifu

>having a waifu
>not a husbandu

lmao @ your post senpai.

>doomsguy beating dante
this is the same shit as "batman beats superman in a 1v1 fight xD"

you are simplifying their track records like "he's unbeatable because he always defeated everyone, while the other got his ass kicked on several occassions" while not taking into consideration the context of these situations and the powers of their abilities.

Dante always does the most absurd, crazy, skillfull shit in his videos and is basically untouchable unless he doesn't give a fuck about being hit or fights the very few enemies who are on his skill level.

Doom guy is extra strong against demons and BFG works by absorbing demonic energy and using it against the demon.
He could beat Dante because he is specifically anti demon Marine saint man, not Bayo.

And witches are demonic in origin, as the use of black magic didn't come from god. that's for sure.

Doom guy is not Batman anymore, he is actually a supernatural immortal multi dimensional Slayer of demons that got even more buffed up by Archangels. It's the same guy but he spent so much time in hell that he became immortal and had a whole order of paladins form around him. His armor was also upgraded by the greatest demon Smith and he seems to absorb demonic energy to buff himself up.
Also his weapons are specifically anti demon, ESPECIALLY BFG because it sucks out demon energy around it and uses it as an energy for explosion, Dante has a lot of demonic energy.

Bayo wins though.

No, in Bayonetta universe is dualistic, she is not actually demonic and has connections to 1/2 of a God.

Considering that all the gods in Bayonetta's universe are evil, it's safe to say that this makes her a demon.

We know what makes demons demons in Doom universe, it's not evil but their argent energy.
Technically demons in Doom are more like interdimensinal aliens.

you are as retarded as this thread.

Go and tell Jubilaeus that I'm wrong.

Doom is not fighting against "evil", he is fighting against demons specifically and demonic energy specifically makes him stronger.

>replying seriously to a fart poster

Doomguy would rape bayonetta and mould her pussy in the shape of his dick. Then he'd breed dante the twinkster's boypussy.
Fucking debate me

The BFG is so strong because it rips apart demonic entities on a cellular level. Dante would be one shot by the giant fuck-off AoE, then Bayo would witch-time Doomguy.

Flock off, she's mine.

It's just memeing to the next level. These people really think DG is more powerful than other characters.
I mean they even conveniently forget that the demons he beats are often killed by simple human-made weapons. If a simple shotgun is enough to kill a demon, then maybe that demon wasn't much to begin with.

Now, if you're talking about him punching them to death,then THAT is an argument.

You do not know recent developments in DOOM 2016 lore if you believe this to be true.

tfw I love her games and I love her
this might be an unpopular opinion but i think i preferred her Bayonetta 1 style and her face feels different in Bayo 2 after it being an absolute work of art in 1
and I'm really concerned about them making Bayonetta 3 because I don't want them to fuck with it too much and i woul;dn'wouldn't put it past them to do that


in Doom 2016 Doomguy is an intradimensional being whose people were so strong that they regularily invaded hell and nearly killed all the demons permanently. So much so that the demons actually worship and revere him.

im sure he can handle a shitty witch and a half breed demon

>she isn't real

probably not.

Alternatively if doomguy or dante impregnated bayonetta who's child would be stronger

these slow-asses have no chance

Can't dodge something that can't miss.

you can

All I want is Bayonetta 2 for switch.

>DoomBaby performs his own c-section, he rips and tears through bayonetta Aliens style.


Dante could stand a chance because of Royalguard and Trickster. He could feasibly block the BFG and stay out of sight.

He also has Juggernaut mode.

Doomguy wins. He doesn't telegraph for 5 years before firing.

Depends on assumptions.

Are Doom demons on the same level as DMC demons? Do berserk, Quad Damage, Invincibility orb, haste and Doomguy's ability to heal from demon blood (One of the Slayer's testament) still work in this situation? Which Dante are we talking about here, 1,2,3 or 4? Which Bayo are we talking about here?

Bayo and Dante both have retardedly broken and unbypassable blocks. Also they can both counterattack off of said blocks.

doom fans are autistic

Is there even anything Royal Guard can't block

Same can be said for DMC and Bayo fans.

As soon as the main character gets broken shit, the fans will always remember details of their powers to a t.

Doomguy with the BFG is the equivalent of that kid who could break a forcefield with a dinosaur that eats forcefields. He's unstoppable.

Only because you headcanon him to do so.

All this argument is telling me is that the demons in Doom are way, way shittier and easier to kill than the demons in DMC/Bayo.

>immediately starts killing demons before he even learns to talk

Again, it is based off assumptions between the power levels of the enemies they are fighting in their respective games.

All that is known at least in Doomguy's case is that he slaughtered so many demons for so long he is basically their boogeyman. They feared him so much that they sacrificed one of their higher ranking demons and a temple to just get him to sleep.

>block the 1HK superweapon which, as of Doom 2016, is expressly stated to work by using the demon's own demonic energy to cook them from the inside out

>Doomguy is the son of bayonetta and Dante and grew up into a rebellious teen who hated his parents

Demons being retarded in DOOM does not mean that he's retardedly strong.

You don't understand. Royal Guard and the Moon of Maaha Kaala block anything.

BFG isn't anything. It's EVERYTHING. It killed every final boss of Doom in not even 2 hits. Meanwhile, Bayonetta and Dante take 30 minutes each to kill their respective final bosses.

When this is the same hell dimension that has absorbed other dimensions including the Argent D'nur which contained the very things that produces Argent Energy which a single neutron of can outpower a nuclear power plant's entire year's worth of energy in a single second, it's not something to be reckoned with.

They block EVERYTHING too.

You guys are all nerds

You clearly don't understand how royal guard works. He will literally block the BFG and return its attack to Doomguy.

But it can't block the BFG. Since Bayonetta and Dante are coursing with demonic energy, it gets stronger the stronger they are, so it becomes infinitely more powerful, and unlessthe Moon of Maaha and Royal guard have the same infinite power potential, they'll get overwhelmed eventually.

Who then does not get harmed because his suit is built to withstand hell energy.

It becomes a moot point after that.

You don't understand how the BFG works. It nullifies anything that has demonic energy no matter how powerful.

Looking a Doom 4's BFG, it can boil the blood and fatty tissue of the recipient, and then the targets spontaneously explode. I thought that would be a closed case, but it seems to seek out Argent Energy in targets to do this.
I was going to say this would be a definite killer for Bayonetta, but it seems like it would only be effective if you say that Dante is Half-Demon, and therefor has Argent Energy in him. I think being blown up could get him.
If you agree that he'd have Argent Energy, then Bayonetta could probably be taken out with a Chaingun, she can only dodge so many shots.
Though obviously that requires mixing the lore of the games, and I could understand not using that.