Old hunters got pricedrop in the psshop

Old hunters got pricedrop in the psshop
How is it compared to the The Ringed City?

TOH is pretty short, and reuses some assets from the base game. But it's filled to the brim with good content like new weapons and tough bosses. It's a must really. Haven't got TRC yet.

It's fucking great, much better than Ringed City.

Ok first off
How much is it?
Now to awnser your question
Yes, it has some of the best bosses of all soulbornes and adds some more weapons

>How is it compared to the The Ringed City?
Really nigga? Is that even a question worth asking?

ToH alone is worth buying before the whole of DarkSouls3, much less a shitty DLC of it.

How so

It adds 11 new weapons to the 15 in base game. Definitely a must buy.

Nigger everyone whose posted has told you to get it
Now whats the price at

It also adds more very much needed arcane tools and weapons, since the base game is very poor when it comes to those.

It's the best DLC ever made

It's the best & most content-packed Souls DLC of all time, and belong to the best Sous game.
Do I need to say more?

I mean, you initial question implies that you have bought and playing Ringed City, you are asking for comparisons. ToH is 10x better AND on discount. If your standards are low enough to get that DLC, why would you even need to be convinced to buy this one for less?

Old Hunters by itself is better than all of Dark Souls 3.

>you initial question

> bought and playing Ringed City

I need to go to bed

Clearly he's a Sony fanboy, you won't get anything but buzzwords and memes for an answer out of him.

Why so salty?

Thanks for proving my point.

Hm, does Rakuyo have a cylindrical scabbard like that in the actual game?

What was your point?
>m-muh sony

Great argument, retard. OP asked if TOH was worth it, he gave him an answer. You're buttblast is showing.

i just paid full price for it 2 days ago

how much of a cuck am i

I just bought the base game, should I buy the DLC right away?

looks like it flattens out at the tip and is only round at the base of the scabbard

Definitely not as cucked as I was when I ordered the full priced GOTY edition with my PS4, only to find out it was on sale for like $12 like 2 days later.

Not a cuck at all.

Thanks for supporting future FromSoft and JapanStudio collabs. I'm sure your extra investment will help out the development of the next two PS4 FromSoft exclusives.

Answer my question. Why so salty?

The entire game plus DLC is currently 17 buckaroos. Please tell me you didn't just buy the base game did you?

Hey faggot, how about answering instead of being such a gigantic faggot.

Im looking at the ps store right now
Base game is $20 and so is the dlc

Do you have PSplus?

It just rehashes the bosses from the main game

Ludwig = Dark beast paarl
Living failures = Celestial emmisions
Maria = Bloody crow of Cainhurst
OoK = Gerhman
Laurence = Cleric beast

Adds nothing to the lore either. better off just replaying the main game.


Yet all the bosses in the DLC are better than the bosses they are "rehashes" of.

Contact Sony, they're good about giving you money back in situations like these.

Old Hunters is one of the best DLCs ever made


Nvm, sale ended. Damn bro.

This has to be bait. I mean, this is so stupid on so many levels. Living failures and celestial emissary look alike, that's true, but it's a completely different boss fight. Same with Laurence. The rest of your comparisons are too retarded to acknowledge.

Clearly he's a cum swallowing fagboy, you won't get anything but buzzwords and memes for an answer out of him.

I bought the pal goty edition for 40~ USD did I cuck myself?

How are hey retarded?

Ludwig and Paarl - Giant, flailing, quick beasts
Maria and Crow - sudoku, blade weiling, parry weak humans
OoK and Gerhman - OoK is the nightmare version of Gehrman. They both have the same cry, and the placenta OoK carries bears the blade from Gehrman's scythe.


see I'm not denying the point that these bosses have similarities. Saying that lowers the quality of the DLC bosses is retarded, since they are all around more polished and tougher fights.