It feels so goddamn god bros

It feels so goddamn god bros

>denouvo cuckery was made by sony
makes you think

Great thread, lad.

nu-Sup Forums btfo

>goddamn god

One low testosterone russian guy is enough to beat Denuvo

spy and denuvo btfo, why is baldman so based?

That's what hurts them the most, some bald russian is better than their entire team, bad time to be a Denuvocuck

>denuvo shills now silent

>Dishonored 2 still not cracked
Literally the best game in the Denuvo reportoire is still safe

Make a thread when they crack Tekken 7 in about a month.

>in about a month.
or less, hacker baldy is hayai

Was he on the job with Automata from the start or did he take over later? Because I think it took a month for it.

I don't pirate anymore, but i'm glad moralcuck redditors are getting btfo.

have fun with your bugs my man

Wasn't Automata the testing grounds for the crack itself?

I'm not the one who payed for it HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

>tfw denuvirgins permanently btfo

Wouldn't know because I bought it. I vaguely followed denuvo cracking and don't know about the details.

I'll pirate T7 for now though. Too much for an FG that might be dead on PC, maybe later if there's a good deal.



>I'm not gonna buy a game if it has Denuvo
>Oh good the devs removed Denuvo from the game, now i'll pirate it

Denuvos main job is to prevent cracks within the first month or two so the game can sell like hotcakes. The 'only way' to get the new game everyone is talking about is to buy it.

After tge first couple months it does not really matter if the game is cracked but they would obviously not have it cracked.

Also just buy it niggerniggers. I can understand pirating shitty games but if they are so shitty then whg even pirate them to play?
No better than niggers.

>Wouldn't know
Well, that's at least what I've read when the crack for Automata came out. After that they said that they could apply the crack within a matter of hours.
>I'll pirate T7 for now though.
Fighting games are really niche, so it's best to support them, if you enjoy them, but I do agree on the pricing and them just ending up dead.

>Giving money to publishers and developers who put Denuvo into the game in the first place
Simply removing it isn't going to make me forget that.

Because I can, and to shit on Denuvo cucks like you

i think CPY doesn't want to crack it until all dlcs come out or something, or until they fix the performance problems, read that somewhere

Every game I pirate I can get a hooked what are you fucking gay or something user ahh right you cap to anime cartoons lolololol

At what point is this pasta considered spam and a reportable offense?

>it's best to support them, if you enjoy them
I do. And I've been burned so many times now. You wouldn't believe the money I spent on them and ending up uninstalling due to being dead on arrival.

I've painfully realized the FG community is on consoles for anything not SF.

>I literally unironically buy every single one of my games.
>I never pirate
>I refuse to buy games with denuvo , even after the publisher removes it .

I can't be the only one .

>being a buggy piece of garbage out of the box is a security feature someone's happy about

I buy all my games and never pirate user. You are not the only one.
i also only play on console

Having a niche interest can be suffering at times.

Considering that Sonythings are the root of all Pro-Denuvo threads, I just want to take the time to tell them that I'm enjoying my playtime with Nier, and that I spent nothing on it, and that the days when games like that would've been locked onto your decrepit shitbox are over. You all can keep Sony's 1st party Cinematic Diversity Experiences, I wouldn't want that shit even I could play them

I don't pirate because I'm not a degenerate thief and I'm not a poorcuckold

Lol why does it seem like the games I don't give a shit about are always the ones not cracked. I guess no one gives a shit and therefore doesn't crack them

You want a medal?

t. assmad denuvocuck in denial

>Another wojak
Back you go, redditor.

That's just an excuse that started saying when their UNCRACKABLE shit got demolished by chinks

Cool, I wanted to play this.


because the devs are cracking their own games themselves to get out of paying denovo.
I'm not making this up

Why? does it make you THAT mad that it reminds of you?

You must be strong user---those goalposts are not easy to move.

>cpy has explicitly said they will not crack Dishonored 2 due to poor optimization and other early access tier jewishness

Reminder that the denuvo leaks showed that sony has a hand in denuvo which is why so many faggot shill it.

Except denuvo was cracked almost immediately for prey, day of release or shortly thereafter.
This is an update to the crack to make it less stable.

*more stable
i done done a retard

You need to take your zombified memes and go back.

>goddamn god

Once a game is Denuvo'd it automatically gets on my boycott list and will never see money from me.

actually this, also everything that crumbles the industry is good at this point

Do you prefer this? it's still the same result

>sony has a hand in denuvo

>made the very invasive 'anti-tamper' shit that is denuvo which makes your gameplay experience suffer
>pitches denuvo to publishers, publishers took the bait
>publisher releases PC game with Denuvo despite strong opposition on it from many legit consumers
>sales for said game is absolute shit
>tells publishers to develop for the PS4 instead because "You guys don't have to worry about DRM, we take care of that. You guys don't even have to worry about pirates pretending to be customers shouting 'muh freedumbs! muh computing rights! muh invasive DRM!' "
Maybe it's all a tactic by Sony to slowly destroy PC gaming

>which makes your gameplay experience suffer

it doesn't, though. i wouldve never known it existed if not for hearing about it here

Maybe not, but you're still a retard