Tfw you get called a hacker in a game but you're not hacking

tfw you get called a hacker in a game but you're not hacking

>that tfw when you are so good you get banned by server anti-cheat

tfw you get called a hacker one match and called trash the next match

>tfw your brother gets you VAC banned

had this happen in samp, i was so good at lag shooting people would always report me to the mods.

i was a Goddamn god!
i miss sacnr

>tfw your so bad you get a hacker unbanned

>tfw yer mer pritty den zerda

kill yourself spooky

what game?

>tfw you cheat every game and never caught by anti cheat or called out

too intelligent

>join BC2 vietnam server
>never really played that mode
>everyone else sucks dick, get stronk score
>kickbanned for hacking
Now I know why everyone else sucked, all the good players got banned already

Hahahahaha no but seriously, season 3 when?

>tfw get called a hacker in all chat
>someone else defends me saying I'm not doing good enough to be hacking
>I actually am hacking

it was a multiplayer mod for san andreas, if you haven't played san andreas multiplayer you missed out.

different servers like mini missions, cops and robbers, stunt servers.

shit was great.

>Medic update
>Get a Kritzkrieg early
>Soldier I'm healing gets banned for crit hacking

oh I just didn't remember the acronym

>tfw you hack but people think you're good

actually had that happened to me few days ago.
best feelings ever.
it's good to have the enemy to appreciate your skills instead of the team complaining when you are actually doing your job well.

>tfw you're so bad you never get called a hacker
>bonus points if you actually are hacking

tfw you get called a faggot and you're a huge fag indeed

>you're a hacker
>you're wearing white fatalis armor, it's not out yet
>it's been out for two months dude

And then he said "not in Germany".

Stupid hamster poster.

I've played it a few times years ago I heard its still pretty populated but mostly by BR's and Ruskies.

I play on bf4 with a friend of mine, we use the heli (and actually play the objective, not just vehicle camping), he's the pilot, I'm the gunner.
I'm pretty good with the tv missile.
The amount of times I've read FUCK YOU RUSSIAN HACKER FUCK YOUR MOTHER in the chat is insane.

Aren't a lot of servers on Battlefield setup to autokick you for having a K/D thats too high? I've heard server admins on those games are really notorious for kicking legit good players.

>Aren't a lot of servers on Battlefield setup to autokick you for having a K/D thats too high?
Not a lot, at least in europe, but there are quite a few. What I do is I jump out of the heli and splatter myself on the ground if I'm close to the limit.

>What I do is I jump out of the heli and splatter myself on the ground if I'm close to the limit.
Kek thats a great idea, I haven't really played BF since BF2 but I would frequently see people on there going something like 40/2 spending all game in a helicopter but never get kicked.

bf4 as of now is cheap as fuck and pretty damn optimized.

Get called a cheater and sweaty cunt daily in Titanfall 2. Being 40 and making kids mad. Feelsgoodman.


>play a match against an obvious hacker
>they have so little game sense or map knowledge i can still kill them every time with almost no effort