>the best fighting game of the year is made in the west
How the HELL did this happen? I'm scared, fellow Sup Forumseebs...

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>west reviews western made games better


>also, caring about review scores. Ever.

TLOU is objectively the best game ever made.

Wait until Arms releases

The west is getting BTFO

Thats because IJ2 gets a bootleg movie within the game, complete with quips. I mean Rev2 does as well but thats Japanese.

>TLOU is objectively the best game ever made.

I dont mind if the west gets a great game once in a blue moon amongst all the japdomination. Injustice 2 is damn good but will get Tekken 7 as well.

User score is shopped, I mean not that it matters since it got 1 and 0 bombed.

Honestly what matter is that every other fighter is better than SFV, year everyone only plays SFV.

Really makes you think.

>Sup Forumseebs
please don't

guess which of these games will have the most players online after a year? the answer may surprise you.

Majority of reviewers aren't professional fighting game players who go to tournaments or keep up to date with evo, they put fighting games on the same field as every other game.
So with that, they're going to favor a game more when it has a lot of a content for single player outside of story and arcade and also fun side content for multiplayer too, meaning NeatherRealm games are going to get good scores compared to things like Tekken 7 and Street Fighter V.
So if you only care about vanilla 1 on 1 fighting and gitting his then review scores are pretty irrelevant, if you wanna play casually and enjoy variety then you should shift toward Injustice 2.
I'm not worried about Tekken 7 being a bit bare bones since I only care about playing that game competitively, I've already got Injustice 2 play for casual leisure.

Tekken 7 has a lot of extra features though. I mean, the series always has.

Then why did it score so poorly compared to GG?

gg has more waifus.

The answer is none because fighting games die the fastest and only autists and EVO fags give the game a pulse after a year or two.

I'll be utterly amazed if it isn't Injustice.

What did he mean by this?

I think the solution would be to ultimately add rpg mechanics to pad out game length. It wont be long before even fighting games succumb to the open world/open sandbox gimmick complete with npcs and side quests. Think Yakuza, but with tighter fight mechanics.

Rev 2 is expansion DLC. Notice how few reviews it has. It would be more fair to compare T7 to vanilla Rev

Well in terms of gameplay there's arcade, story, character episodes (which I'm kinda pissed about since the ending cutscenes is just lame non-prerendered dialogue exchange in the fighting arena, compared to previous games that were FMV and even sometimes anime) and treasure for single player. And for multiplayer there's local and online and both are pretty vanilla.
There doesn't seem to be a SoR kinda mode or bowling or any silly fun mini games for both single and multiplayer.
Yes they were kinda janky and no-one really cared for them but y'know since they were there it really made the game feel filled up to the top with content.
I can see they went for the quality over quantity approach for this game as opposed to TTT2 but I dunno, you could be right I'm being a bit spoiled, who knows, can't really say till the game comes out.

Still higher. Xrd is 84%, and Revelator is 86%.


Same shit then?

Nitpick, but the disc version of T7 is basically the expansion version

>NRS shilling
Literally worse than Capcbros and Smashkiddies

It's a boring game frankly compared to something wacky like GG.
Guilty Gear is the most fun fightan by a mile right now.

Interesting. Dunno what to say now.

True, but first console release. GG may have been in arcades first as well but the updated versions were ported pretty quick in comparison.

Just imagine how well reviewers play fighting games.

Nothing, tekken blew its load too late, and not enough content to justify 4 FUCKING YEARS

Guilty Gear is still the better game that doesn't cater to casuals.

It being an expansion version and the immense wait would drag down the score for a lot of people.
I mean, the Akuma announcement should have been when the game was coming out... Not waiting for another like 6 months.

Fighting games are pretty lack in content by nature so it either has to his absolutely every 100% spot on or have enough side content to appease casuals for reviewers to give a good score.

This is also why ARMS is going to sell well as a fighting game btw.

>reviewers play the games for a few hours with bad skill and say it's OK
>weebs don't play it at all and say it's bad
Really almonates my activmonds

Top two are competing against their previous titles.

Bottom two are just new games in the franchise.

is TLOU and Zelda actually that good?
I don't like either genre (And I especially don't have a console for Zelda) so I never played them

How did Pokken do anyways? Wasn't that supposed to be Nintendo's shot at the casual FG crowd?

How? It has barely any content and its a casual shallow kiddy pool in terms of skill, it's basically a fighting game for shitters who want to feel they aren't subhuman trash incapable of competing at actual fighting games.

it outsold SFV
so take that for what you will

so does anyone roughly know the big negatives of the game ?

>game published by Warner Bros. Interactive, a AAA production label which pays journalists to shill their shitty games like Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor, gets a higher review score than a game from Bandai Namco, a company that doesn't.
Gee, I dunno OP, it's real fucking mystery. REALLY gets the noggin joggin.

>It has barely any content and its a casual shallow kiddy pool in terms of skill, it's basically a fighting game for shitters who want to feel they aren't subhuman trash incapable of competing at actual fighting games.
I was going to explain the key thing that was going to make it sell but you already did it for me. Why do you think SSBB is the single highest selling fighting game?

>Bandai Namco
>Not big AAA studios with some hand in cookie jar business going on in the industry


How do I get started on fighting games? They always seem so intimidating.

You dont. Stick to better genres, like rpgs.

Practice like an autist for hundreds of hours in training mode and watch a lot of videos. You're better off learning a programming language.

So do you think arcsys paid reviewers too with guilty gear?

Ok, I'll just play ARMS and enjoy it.

How the fuck did SFV get a 77? That launch was practically the same as the betas they were running before launch. And T7 barely beats it with a 81?

Its not worth it. Somebody out there much younger than you will still kick your ass online no matter hard you try.

Yeah I agree. Why did Harada insist on it staying in arcades so long? Or was it that hard to scale down for consoles?

tlou is garbage gameplay-wise

Is TLOU a zombie game?

TLOU was tedious with its hand holding.

>40/40 bait (shitisu magazine)

Capcom, yes. Bamco, not really. For Capcom, SFVB was just a fuckup that couldn't be defended.
Of course not. Arcsys barely had enough money in the first place.

Terrible online, barebones content, shallow gameplay.

What's curious is that Overwatch and SFV released in practically the same state, yet one is goty and the other still hasn't hit its March 2016 sales expectations of 2 million

Overwatch didn't have to live up to the expectations of a wildly successful predecessor, and all the fresh new character designs contributed to a shit ton of porn/fanart.

>tfw tekken didn't get a better score because it didn't have normie pacifier modes
Also giving 87 to Rev2 is stupid, it's a fucking patch.

What are you talking about? Overwatch had to live up to the hype that built up for half a decade, and had to live up to the level of quality Blizzard (was) known for at that point.

Sure, that's why i still encounter hundreds of people online in mkx without any problem

Injustice 2 is the tits btw. My main is green lantern at the moment and he looks more like smoke/triborg at this point which i personally find hilarious