Xbox Swap

>Xbox Swap

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>Xbox Die

Microsoft definitely has the money to make a tablet that absolutely BTFOs the Switch. This will be interesting

Can't wait to watch netflix on it desu

you could play PC games on it and even emulate BotW if it uses Windows

>implying it won't be locked down architecture like the xbone

Like how they have money to BTFO the PS4!

>"zune will kill the ipod you guys!"

sony got btfo by the fucking 3DS

there's no way xbox goes portable


With zero games like the xbone

Scorpio rapes the shit out of PS4
Zune is god tier
Windows phones are god tier
Windows says hi

It's already done:


this is bait

why did i buy a zune...

>Spend two years making super-power Scorpio
>Realize that people actually want Switch instead

Loving every laugh, boys

>windows phones are god tier


They will never make a Switch. They make the Surface tablet which are fukin expensive.

fuck off Sup Forums


Fuck off Jez Corden.

>Scorpio rapes the shit out of PS4
wake me up when it actually gets any games

I want to play, not compare e-penis sizes based on arbitrary "performance" numbers.

Current gen:

PS4: 1316 games
XB1: 1024 games
WIIU: 725 games
3DS: 1012 games
Vita: 1433 games

>current gen

the zune was pretty good, what was the problem with it? the only thing the ipod had going for it was that it was just a gimped iphone with access to the store for shitty apps, which was still overpriced especially for poorfags. you might as well have gotten an iphone or something. the ipod is a meme device, like all of apple's shit.

Is this going to be another Kinect scenario?

Are you 10? The iPod came out way before the iPhone dipshit

underage detected

ipod had way too much brand power behind it no MP3 player ever had a chance of dethroning them, I had a 8gb zune which I lost and later a 16gb zune HD which I still use. Zune had a much better quality DAC than ipods and just sounded better overall.


The Switch is Next Gen. The Current Gen wont start until the new consoles are here.

they are so pathetic, i can't wait til the Xbox brand goes under with the flop that will be Scorpio

>Microsoft definitely has the money

jesus the same retarded line for more than a decade now. yes they have money, it doesn't mean they will write blank checks to every devision they have.

they don't have the best console, they don't have the best phone, they don't have the best tablet.


>comparing the zune to the ipod
why would you bring up anything that came out before the zune you mongrels when you're comparing the two. the last good ipod was before the touchscreen bullshit and had a nice big HDD.

Sony's feels genuine. Also they have games and can relate to Nintend

Microniggers sound condescending.

Nintendo Switch
Xbox Swap
Playstation Shift
Sega Substitution

>Sony's feels genuine
Is just even more pathetic. At least Microsoft posted a picture.

You're pathetic


>"Microsoft presents... the Xwitch!"

Nothing! please don't make a fucking handheld. The switch is the most retarded concept ever.

>It's okay when Sony does it

It's not overblown, like MS's is. Sony's is subtle with the heart. Microfags are trying too hard to seem like care. You can literally tell they got an intern to sit down and write it because they literally couldn't be bothered to give a shit.

Have we reached interdimensional communication or are you just shitposting?

You idiots realize that the three big guns get along just fine, right? Especially with mobile gaming meme trying to take over.

It's just fanboys that can't do it.

>Tfw ps4, WiiU, Xbox ONE
>Tfw shitty (core 2 quad, 750 ti) gaming PC
>Tfw switch next year

Enjoy being poor, fags

but Microsoft did make tablets and they're fucking shit.

Man, sonycockroachers are so cancerous.

Why would you ever want a portable platform without Japanese B, A, and AA games?

No they're not.
>no source
>no nothing
>1 post by this ID
Fuck off.

>sony got btfo by the fucking 3DS

Yes and i would still love to see another PSP.
Sony just knows how to make hardware. They should make a SuperPsp, with all of the Vita positives and none of the negatives (memory cards). Improved hardware/ battery efficiency, proper shoulder buttons and the great PSvita ergonomic design I would love it.

Don't you have some Netflix shows you need to binge on your Scorpio?

Eh, thee surface is nice. Not everything hast be
>Muh RGBt PCbro mustardrace

People already bitch about the Switch pricetag.

If Microsoft make a portable they will be asking for the big $$$$$

And it will probably still be garbage because they won't want to effect their XO sales figures.

It couldn't be a true hybrid console unless it was a successor to the XO or had a shared digital library.

Having a shared digital library is the only way they could market it as anything other than an overpriced Switch.

But similarly the hardware requirement would make it cost FUCKING HEAPS and its battery life would be absolute shit.

Either that or it was 2kg and they market it as "Switch for adults"

Just face it, we won't be seeing a Switch competitor from a party that already has 8th gen consoles in circulation.

I wouldn't be surprised if Google , Apple ASUS Dell/Alienware or Razer.

Microsoft and Sony would only have money to lose, they already bet it all on their home consoles.

RIP in piece home consoles

Xbox Swoop

because it swoops in and destroys the competition lol get it?

I doubt they try again in the next decade after the colossal failure that was Vita.

Maybe they try a phone again? It was shit the last time, bit hey, who knows.

Also this gem

Lel everytime

>RIP in piece home consoles

Consoles like the Switch are the new future. While devs will never go 100% mobile, it takes longer and longer to make AAA+ games. What if you could make a game that doesn't have to look amazing, just PS2/PS3 tier graphics but can focus on the gameplay instead.

Xbox Stop

Because their console division stops and they never make a console again.

here's your (You)

>Look like ps3 and focus on gameplay instead

You mean focus on DLC and microtransactions

Sony and Microsoft don't care about gameplay.

>*western branches of Sony don't care about gameplay


>Zune is god tier

>I doubt they try again in the next decade after the colossal failure that was Vita.

I don't think they had much bigger expectations for the Vita, they knew tablets and smart phones were cornering the market. They never invested big apart from some PS3 knock off games. They didn't get a Final fantasy, a monster hunter, a GTA.

That said what's different now is how prevalent indie games are. a Super PSP could be an indie central.

>only 127 G
lmao they sneaky af

I own a Windows Phone and BOY, you're wrong

what's the problem, boss

No one will buy it.

It could have a proper Devil may cry 5, every game Sup Forums ever wanted, give you 20 dollars an hour to play, and it could give you a hand job at an time.

Yet Sup Forums would still autisticly spurg that its microshill.

Yeah and it'll be expensive as shit.

The switch is placed at a pretty good pricepoint

I'll take both myself :)

>It's the Wii One fag

Haven't seen you for a few weeks.

I don't have a wii

>Microsoft surface laptops get pumped out at a high capacity
>Interested in Nintendo's gaming tab

Oh boy... I wouldn't be surprised considering they haven't tried it before

>portable Xbox

This would have even less games than the Switch

but the question is would it still have more than the PS4?

scorpio remote play using an app on the Switch to stream the data.

PS4 has 1 (one) worthwhile exclusive.

Switch has 1-2 worthwhile "exclusives" which I'm only counting because literally nobody bought a Wii-U.

Xbox One has...... literally jack shit.

xbone has Halo 5 and Horizon 3. Also STILL the best insomniac game of the gen lmao

Wouldnt that literally just be a Windows based tablet with a controller rig?

I'm good with my xbone and 360 thanks

i dont understand what constitutes "pathetic" here

>9 people responded seriously
>only two displayed actual sketicism
I'm giving my (You) to you rather than those fucks anyway because you honestly deserve it more.

>rival electronic
>Phones, MP3 player, Tablet, were all shit


Anything that challenges a contrarians fragile view of the world.

>Soulless Burnout Paradise copy

It doesn't mean anything anymore, like fag and cuck

Every so often these 13 year olds find out about a new word and they are physically incapable of not posting it for a while

>Also they have games

Yeah keep dreaming cuck.


>Xbone Switch
>Runs a custom mix of Xbox and Windows OS
>Can play all your PC games and Xbox games

>literally "its ok when Sony does it"

I know
but I want to hear what the think hole that posted it says

I liked mine, but then some spic stole it and when I went to buy a new one they only carried the shitty Zune HD

But all the new PS and Xbox consoles are just small improvements, and all PS4Pro or Scorpio games will be playable on the previous gen...

till this day you stupid nigger still don't understand the concept of good games selling the system, not the otherway around

You know what, I have noticed a trend for the last 15 or so years
>nintendo announces a new console
>a year or so later other companies copy nintendos Ideas and make more powerful consoles


>burnout paradise copy
wow the shill is strong in this one

>everyone mocked Nintendo for keeping the NX a secret for so long when they said it was because everyone would try to rip off their idea
>mfw Nintendo were completely justified in that worry

What a world we live in

They don't have the rights though. You can bet every bit of the way the Switch works is patented to Nintendo.

That really only happened with motion controls, and we all know how that turned out for Sony and Microsoft.


>saying le n word is polposting now
you have to go back