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>engineers will defend this

Don't forget building a teleporter to the 2fort intel room.


What a funny looking sentry you go there.
Mind if i take a closer look?


I enjoy that sound! The other thing I enjoy is That one Engineer webm

tf2 will be a decade old in a few months

Someone post the webm.

What a ride it's been
>the early days of no hats and when soldier carried like 60 rockets
>the free to play update, ushering in a new wave of retards that were easy to kill
>the loadouts
>the amazing screenshots and deathcam pics
>the new weapons we'd get every year
>the long summer evenings playing 24/7 servers and just cabering dumbasses
>the hilariously awful balancing
>all of the Gmod cartoons
>the hype train during some of the bigger updates
>taunt killing
>the holiday punch

Don't be sad the time has passed, be happy you've gotten to participate in one of the best class based FPS games out there.

Th... This...

>implying I don't run out and kill fuckers with the shotgun
>implying I don't leave teleporters in randomass places to force spies that feel the need to sap everything to uncloak

It breaks my heart that we can never go back. So many excellent old maps you can't even play anymore. So many old matchups that don't play out the same thanks to massive rebalancing.

At least with a game like TFC, you can still play it as it's always been. Well, with a couple additions, like teleporters.

What a fucking game. Its glory days are behind it and it's pretty clear development is grinding to a halt (if it hasn't already) but still. What a fucking game. There has been nothing like it since and probably won't ever be again.

>There has been nothing like it since and probably won't ever be again.


>didn't partake in this
>only joined when it became F2P
End me, please.

Say what you want about "the good old days", I'm still having heaps of fun with the game


>inb4 overwatch

It's still a fun game, but it's a very DIFFERENT game now. I hope you had a chance to play the earliest incarnations.



>tfw you still play TF2 because it's the only fun shooter left

And yes I played Overshit and gave it up.


Been playing since '07.

Pyro Update is gonna be make or break. I'm willing to take pretty much any sort of shit from TF2 as long as I can frag and teamwork the same, but lately the absolute fucking travesty that they call matchmaking is making it hard to actually get proper games.

Here's hoping pubs get placement matches as well. I don't want to play in a match with someone who hasn't even set up their Steam Profile ever again.

Aside from Blizzard being garbage at character interactions and not having nothing remotely resembling humor in their game, Overwatch is fun to play. Blizzard has already outdone Valve in the custom game mode department, between snowball fight and their take on coop robot battle.

Tonights.....the night....

>Picture of blu engie riding his dispenser into the sky

>no custom maps or server mods
Overmeme shills should stop

>engineers will defend this

The same sense of community isn't there though. It's one thing to make a doofy custom game and have a bunch of guys or Battlenet friends join, but it's another to log onto some 24/7 rtd 2Fort server for a few hours and see the same old familiar folks along with some new faces and just turn your brain off and frag for a while, maybe have some conga parties idk

>still no saxton hale version

I've seen some attempts and they're all shit.

>got the game from the orange box
>only played it for about 20 hours before it went f2p

I got muscle.

Erectin' a WAHOO

>tfw you brought an entire server to a screeching halt because you started fucking about and taunting
>everyone else starts fucking about and taunting til it's one big party
TF2 is the king of fucking around in a multiplayer FPS


>back when both tf2 and Sup Forums were fun

>8 heavies of both colors in a circle eating sandvich
>that one tryhard soldier bouncing off the walls killing them

How to Pyro Update

>revert all changes made to Pyro and his weapons from the Axtinguisher nerf onwards
>that's it

Things that never happened: the post.

>bought the orange box in 2010
>play tf2 once for about 10 minutes and never start it again until the f2p update
feels like I missed out on stuff

I still want to see some new weapons for him. If I could, I'd add a hot steam gun, it does scalding damage but doesn't actually light enemies on fire, instead it leaves them all wet, pairing it nicely with the sign.

also the primary would put out teammates because it's water.

OW is too panicky for me. In other games like CS, Battlefield and TF2, you have cover mechanics, to catch your breath and take solo routes. In OW, you can't really fuck around, and you can't solo the other team due to hardcounters.

TF2 is still good. One thing I'd like to have back is autobalance because right now it's too easy to stomp when there are quitters around.

That's a right pretty bra washer ya built ya smol ugly girl!


I still have this map saved on my hard drive, it's incredible.

Like a museum of long dead ancient memes.

You can't fuck around cause it's 6v6 as opposed to 12v12. One person is worth a fuckton more in such a small setting.

The entire game is so fucking stressful and demoralizing. For something that presents itself as so casual and fun it's fucking awful how many bursty instakills there are and how a retard on your hardcounter can completely shut you down no matter how well you play. Plus there's just general cancerous shit like Mercy's ult that actively punishes you for teamwiping

>buy overwatch at release, play straight through until season 3 when it gets boring
>come back to fucking about on tf2 again

I never asked for this

In the other games I mentioned, you can most definitely solo the other team while fucking around even as 6v6 though. The way OW is designed, basically the Checkers of shooters prevents that.

That's also true. A really good solider/scout/demo can almost solo the entire enemy team. That's straight up impossible in OW.

An I aim ta fuck yer bra washer ya call a dispenser in front of ya.


OW is basically gambling using your mood. You'll feel really happy or pissed off after the match. There's no whatever aside from just quitting the game forever.

OW also lacks banter, no one shit talks each other after a kill, no one makes fun of each other.

There isn't even a "No" option in the voice menu

That would work if it had extended range, but reduced damage.

AHH the French champagne

Happened to be after first season happened during Christmas. It just hit me that every single QM game after the one I ended will be the same. There is very little room for chance or iteration besides Tank/Healer/combo of DPS and Defensives, roll out, get Ult, use Ult, wait for Ult again, Win/Lose based on ults or wether your team or theirs is in that "lol it's just QM" mood.

At least in TF2 if a game is going bad or my team is being stupid I can just D/C from it no issue, not like Blizzard who, also in HOTS, has to slap me with a leaver status, even if I HAD to D/C from some bad bout of lag or something.



>no one shit talks each other
I think Hanzo can say "you were never my equal" to Genji after a kill

Fucking shit this. The only fun characters in OW are Junkrat and Roadhog, everyone else is so one note it might as well be a Saturday Morning cartoon from the 80s. It pales in comparison to the oozing about of character TF2's cast has.

Quick Sup Forums whats your favorite domination/revenge quote!

>tfw didn't save the gif of the engineers spawning in and causing explosions
damn it

Jolly ho user
Jolly ho

bought TF2 separate from orange box in 2007
yeah, fuck your orangebox

shit, remember when TF2 had to be BOUGHT?
fuck i hate that it went F2P and all the russians and BR came in.

fucking unwashed, banana eating, vodka chugging, FPS ruining, 500 ping lag causing FUCKS

>get Ult, use Ult, wait for Ult again, Win/Lose based on ults or wether your team or theirs

The game got insanely boring once this dawned on me. Literally nothing else in the match matters except overtime ult vomit.

That shit doesn't even come close dude, we both know that

There's too many. One that's up there is when Spy refers to Engie's buildings as toys.

there isn't even an all chat option
fuck that shit

i mean, at least consoles don't have to deal with people talking on mic at all or fucking text chat for that matter. no one can get angry because there is no other way to show it. you can't even say No to things, its just Ok or Thanks or something that is positive or non confrontational

>all those comfy official videos

Literally no other game will have characters this unique, this memorable with so much personality.

'member when MvM got updates?

"Scotland is not a real country; you are an Englishman with a dress."

>there isn't even an all chat option

But there is, hit tab.

"Well. Off to see your mother!"

Here's a schematic for ya: MY ASS

You got a giggle from me

>only started playing in 2013
eh, till then my computer only had 256 MB of RAM anyway I couldn't have played even if I knew about it



A lotta good that Soldier trainin' didja. I'M DRUNK!

>all those videos over the years
>the gift that was expiration date, which was one of the last times valve gave a shit
>getting all the comics over the years
>no real update in forever
>last new weapon was in 2014
>the comic storyline is almost finished
>killing official pubs
>completely forgetting about robot gamemode

thanks mate

Not many compared to TF2

He's talking about mic allchat.

>Start talking about TF2 with friends
>The one guy who never played it insists that Overwatch is better because it has more characters

my heart hurt

>tfw I'll never be able to relive the good old times of playing my favourite Team Fortress map


Oh right.

>that dumbshit spy talking while allchat is on

>So, your deadly skill is jogging? Mine is murdering people.

"chat" is text, you mean alltalk


Here's hoping the next update brings a long list of balance changes to weapons that really need the help.

For one, fix the Righteous Bison. It was fine as a crowd control secondary that could pierce enemies and help to make them spread out. Now it's not even worth using for the meme.

What weapon do you want them to make not garbage? The volcano fragment? The classic?

I just want more alternatives to stock that don't cripple your productivity for something that barely even works.


I always feel like Valve is never really thinking about the long term. It seems like they just do something if people complain, but you rarely see anything that shows that they're thinking years ahead. I get the feeling MVM was just supposed to be a sideshow, but they felt obliged to update it once people started actually enjoying it.

Fix the Bison, the Pomson, the Phlog, give a new effect to the grodbort axe the Pyro got because it looks so fucking cool but it's not very good.

he was very talented and gave me some good, innocent memories.

"I just beat on your sneaky ass like a mule, boy!"