Come, sit, tell us some vanilla/tbc stories.
Come, sit, tell us some vanilla/tbc stories
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Legion is fun
I played a troll fire mage in vanilla/tbc. Leveling was absolute nightmare, you literally had to sit down and drink for 20 seconds after you killed a couple of mobs. I also had to beg in front of the AH because having 100 gold was a small fortune on my realm. You had to walk until lvl 40 before you could get your first mount. But it costed gold. So did spells. So you had to either walk your way to lvl 50 and have viable spells/damage, or choose to save up for a mount, but suffer even more on your drinking/mob killing speed. Also, there was no LFG so you had to spend an hour in /2 just to collect 4 other people, and if you were lucky enough some of them had a flight path to the stone so you could summon the rest.
I tried raiding a little (i had a life back then) and couldn't even get near it. You had to collect elemental resistant gear, lots of potions and shit just to be able to TRY a raid. Fuck fire dragons and that fire resistant Onyxia cloak.
Lol tl;dr nigga bitch
I wish Legion was set not in the overdesigned state WoW is right now. I like the game but everyone you encounter including NPCs looks like a clown. Warcraft aesthetics are fucking ruined
>everyone you encounter including NPCs looks like a clown. Warcraft aesthetics are fucking ruined
they looked like clowns in vanilla, only difference was less polygons and butt-ugly texturing
If anything it looks better graphically and aesthetically than it ever did
I remember doing that exact trek at level 5 with a level 60 Night Elf Druid showing me the way, just because I wanted to see what Darnassus looked like. Felt like it took hours, but couldn't have taken more than one.
In the middle of the wetlands we got ganked by two horde, I remember the druid grumbling something about how he had no chance against shamans. In the end we reached Darnassus and he went back to whatever he was doing and I spent the afternoon exploring the town and training fishing.
I'd got to what, ten, eleven years old? Doesn't even feel like that long ago.
reminder not to play warmane if you love the spirit of the game
>10 years old in 2004
>leveling in elwynn
>felt like doing somethinge edgy
>realize i got several healing potions in inventory from quests
>go to the river in the south, and "throw" my potions from my invenetory thinking i would poison the water and kill some animals
please don't judge me
this is too weird to be fake
>born post-1990
Kill yourself.
Oh man the memories.
I was scared shitless that a GM would see me there and ban me.
I loved to explore.
My year and a half playing wow (as a nolife) was my best year in a half since I'm born.
Rank 14 in the house.
>healing potions
>high rate funserver
>pay to skip fake queues
>can buy gear off their store
>dualspec and shit that wasn't in the game
>stock mangos
if you play outland you need to fucking kys
playing medivh is acceptable if you must, however not advised
Haha you were kind of a weirdo desu.
Maybe you still are.
>be in a guild that is laid back and social
>We start dipping our toes into raiding after many night of discussion
>We get half way through Kara
>Next day, waiting anxiously for the raid so I'm helping out people leveling
>Guy needs oney for his 60 riding
>"You've been here a while, here. Just help someone out when you hit 70."
>Feeling good
>Raid time
>He leaves the guild during chess
>"wtf bro?" "people on the internet are dicks, thanks tho"
>Never forget
>We go on to fucking beat all of Kara on our first weekend
>Yay, but still fuck that guy
>months later join up with the leader of the top raiding guild to do The Eye
>I ran his alt through lots of dungeons way back and had been friends since
>One of their guys leave, but because they can 9 man it:
>"Fuck it, lets get a random from trade chat"
>First guy responds, gets invited
>Its the guy from months ago
>"People on the internet are dicks. Get used to it"
>He gets kicked
I loved how you could encounter people like that again on the premerge servers. One misdeed could ruin you.
>high rate funserver
>x5 only for exp
What the fucking point of leveling through the same content again and again?
>whats the point of playing the game
maybe if you didn't hop on every fotm server you wouldn't be burnt out all the time
>heard about as an underageb& thanks to South Park
>try it
>roll a human mage
>somehow make it to level 10 despite spending all of my money on vendor armour thinking it was what I had
>"Hmm, what's across that river?"
>get fucked by level 21 wolves
It was a simpler time.
TBC levelling was a boring fucking chore
What is the equivalent of that trail for horde players ?
Durotar>Barrends>Thousand needles>Shimmering flats>Tanaris>Un'goro>Winterspring ?
That's from the top of my head, from 9 or 10 years ago. I think there was Stranglethorn in the middle of it somewhere because my friends ad I really wanted to go there.
I don't care what every normie says about wasting my life, these were golden moments
>jump on the vanilla train early 2006
>human male Paladin aka best class/race combo in the game
>see some guy on his golden steed in SW
>decked out in marshals gear with glowing blue eyes
>tells me it's a secret Paladin thing
>mind is blown by how cool this dude looks
>make it my mission to get to r14
>known on my server as THE Ret Paladin to beat in duels
>no one could take me down, not even thunderfury warriors/rogues
>raiding with my guild in MC which i had been with since the beginning
>healing because I'm not a stupid faggot who thinks Ret can dps in pve
>eye of sulfuras drops
>well this is a no brainer obviously they'd give it to me since i'm the token 2 hander that carries my shitty guilds premades
>they give it to some shitcan warrior who turned out to be the gms little faggot brother
>autistically lose my shit over vent and /gquit
>guild immediately disbands claiming that i should have been the one to get the eye
>mom and dad hear me raging and decide it's time for me to stop playing computer games for a while
playing vanilla right now on a pvp 1x private server. it's really fun
>Start playing WoW because all my friends wont stop talking about it
>Never played an MMO but played the shit out of Warcraft 3
>Oh shit Druids look Unique, I'll call mine Illidan
>Ok Illedan it is
>All my friends are in Elwyn Forest, don't know how to get there
>Get lost explorting Teldrassil and Darkshore
>Holy shit it's actually Ashenvale, the actual Ashenvale from Warcraft 3
>A bunch of Horde attack my town
>Massive group of Alliance on Horses come to our aid
>We fight the Horde at our town for 4 hours
>They eventually retreat
>"We need to counter attack Crossroads now!"
>Wait what?
>My level 24 druid charges into Crossroads
>Die almost instantly
>Kill a 13 Undead Warlock on Respawn
>Tell my friends of my glorious Honor Kill the next day at School
>Those memories will never come back
>played rogue in vanilla
>didn't know how to play, too dumb to understand stats and gear
>get a quest to go in Wailing Caverns
>try to run in there alone and get raped by elite raptors
>figure out it's a group only thing
>try to find guys in chat to run the dungeon for hours at a time because no dungeon finder
>we run into the cave toward the instance
>I don't know what an instance is
>fall down the hole in the ramp leading to the instance
>aggro everything, wipe us before we make it inside
>Feel like a fool
>get in the dungeon
>a chest in one of the rooms, I run and open it and loot everything inside
>Everyone gets mad because I didn't roll for anything
>Much later into the game, another player criticizes me for not using poisons
>I didn't know there was poisons
>2005, nightelf male hunter (was 14yo)
>build a group for red monastery, which took about 30 mins
>walking to fucking tirisfal as alliance with no mount
>die to guards/gankers
>finally assembled in instance, took another 45 mins
>wipe on first group because healer was feeding the kids
>slowly progress through dungeon with some deaths
>tank suddenly needs to leave
>say i can tank, i have chainmail and i collected already some strenght equipment for htis situation
>barely could hold on aggro
>first group we did but it was a mess, disband and leave
>wasted 3h again
Such was life
Nice try, faggot.
>I loved how you could encounter people like that again on the premerge servers. One misdeed could ruin you.
Rep was pretty much everything back then.
Fuck the 1.3 and the inter-servers. I loved to always play against the same few hundreds dudes in Warsong.
Cool dudes.
Nice edit
>lvl 14 druid quest
>Travel half way across the world and through a lvl 21-30 zone to reach this item
>Oh and it's underwater
>And we haven't patched in Oxygen Bubbles yet
t. born in 1989 fag
Oh dude i loved that, i remember when a friend and I met that Nelf druid in STV, we ruined his fucking day.
Way later we found him in Tanaris and ruined his day too, then in Un'Goro.
We moved to winterspring and forgot about him.
Way later in TBC, first zone, the exact same druid who managed to farm and get to end content way sooner than us just scouts the first area of BC, spots my friend and I and fucking destroys us. I swear for 4 fucking days, when we tried to level in BC he would just find us and anihilate us.
That was too much fun laughing our asses cause the poor druid we perma ganked had his long deserved revenge.
>hit button in stormwind
>instantly teleported to the instance, don't even know where the fuck it is in the instance
>no one says a damn word
>everyone has extremely OP leveling gear
>never wipe unless someone is a massive idiot
>if anyone gets half health they just leave the group
>instantly get the space filled by the game
>never have to do anything
>red monastery
Majority of people do see it as an improvement which is all Blizzard (rightfully) cares about.
You mad? :3
>enter stranglethorn
>whoosh starts playing
my ass still closes shut when i see a screenshot of that jungle
who's gonna try gummy's?
>the quest to get zerker stance that takes you through hostile horde territory onto that kick ass warrior island
>warriors along the way there wouldn't attack me, and i wouldn't attack them since it was like a pilgrimage
>next part of the quest wants me to farm a bunch of mobs in arathi that were like 5 levels higher than me then kill an elite that had a good 9 levels on me
so stupid but god i loved it
Anyone who plays on a PvP server without the intention of doing PvP is clinically retarded.
>Play Dwarf rogue in TBC
>Loved mutilate since it's inception (hated combat swords)
>Casual raiding guild with raid leader being chill early-20's bro playing NE Hunter
>Doing ballroom in Kara
>He gets MC'ed in ballroom
>Target switch the fastest I've ever done in my life and kill him
>Hear him sputtering over the mic
>One of the longest group laughs I've ever heard
And thus begun the longest rivalry I've had in WoW. Where every raid was a dance between us trying to MD and TotT each other to gain aggro and die.
Stranglethorn was too much fun as a rogue.
Tanaris was top tier too, just spoting mages in town, leaving them some advance then chasing them, waiting for them so sit after farming and absolutely deleting them in seconds.
These were simpler times.
>When they first added TBC and you were first seeing new zones and leveling your first Dranei/Blood Elf
damn, what a feel
Oh yes please tell me how you're supposed to fight back the one-shotting from stealth level ?? undead rouge at level 30
>on vanilla first time at friend's request since he wanted to make a guild
>made night elf
>walked 2 metres and immediately a night elf chick started messaging me and cybering
>some reason sides went into orbit
fucking weird game early on before camwhoring and chat sites since it was about the most online you could get back then.
I hope it is ad good people are saying it is. I've started playing during Wrath, came to appriciate Vanilla on Nost and wanr to do the same for TBC.
Started playing on the tbc prepatch I wanted to play a gnome mage but ended up leveling a human rogue. doing quests in stv I stumbled upon the arena in stv and saw people camped out around the edges watching several people fight in the arena, I knew there were duels in game but saw several people fighting at once all the same faction, it never dawned on me till I walked into the arena its free for all. after learning from my mistake of just walking in and dying to everyone turning to me I stealthed around picking off people who were low or squishy. eventually it lead to some guy getting so mad he kept challenging me to a duel.
First duel I won because lol cheapshot kidney no trinket.
he said no stuns.
thought nothing of it said ok and did the duel again, garrote and ruptured him and ran away. I didn't know at the time I could have bleed kited him without getting intercepted and wouldn't learn till much later in season 2.
winning again he said once more with no stealth and no stuns.
half my abilities thrown out the window I said okay but last one because I want to continue leveling.
Immediately he opens with charge and I some how manage to vanish it into a garrote. I never considered it stealth because I didn't stay stealthed I opened right away. doing normal thing and running around like retard I won, after a lot of bitching from him and on lookers saying rogues are op and that I cheated I just brushed it off and moved on.
ever since then every season I look him up, find him, find his rating and when he plays and make sure to beat him a few times. I denied him gladiator in season 2, 3, 4, 6, and 8. he rarely goes above 2k rating anymore.
You knew exactly what you were getting into on a PvP server. I have zero respect for anyone who complains about ganking and camping towns on those servers.
>The Crossroads is under attack
It definately is time wise. Though of course you have a point.
The trek to learn weapon skills from OG and UC as a low level tauren
>You knew exactly what you were getting into on a PvP server
Right, a prepubescent kid with barely any english knowledge knew what he was getting into.
>You knew exactly what you were getting into on a PvP server
>there is almost 0 PvE servers
Yeah ok.
>i want to duel you
>oh but you cant use any of your classes signature abilities
these fucking people man
>buying ALL the spells while leveling
i bet you play an undead rogue you little cunt
>Hearthstone had hour cooldown
>Sprint had 5 minute cooldown
There was something very eerie about being in spirit form after you died in WoW. The ambiance that played in the background, the fact that you couldn't communicate with anyone. Always creeped me out.
>>there is almost 0 PvE servers
Nice lie you've got there.
You voted for Hillary or something?
>have 49 rogue twink
>get bored with BGs
>decide to wPvP
>go to Hellfire to gank leveling clothies
>bring 70 Pally friend to keep mobs off me as I run around
>never helped me during actual fights but would countergank 70s sent to gank me
>most I ever had called at one time was 3
>3 70s to gank one 49
>friend 1v3s them and wins
>generally have a good time overall blowing clothies up and making them shit themselves at the absurdity of it all
Aside from raiding overall, this was the most fun I ever had with WoW. I miss wPvP.
>I miss wPvP.
I know that feel.
>49 rogue twink
>I miss wPvP
Always rogues or locks.
give me a list of populated pve servers
ill wait
Legion is another game entirely, not warcraft
yeah, exactly
you're talking out of your ass
wpvp aka greykilling or 3v1ing is for tryhards
My main was an SPriest and my entire wPvP experience on that character from vanilla-Wrath was YOU CANNOT DO THAT WHILE STUNNED. I also have a 29 twink warrior--not that it means anything anymore but I was far more limited in what I could do with him than my rogue.
> equivalent of that trail for horde players
Mulgore>Barrens>Durotar>Stranglethorn Vale>Duskwood>Deadwind Pass>Swamp of Sorrows.
> Mulgore>Barrens>Durotar>
Undersity and then through slow but safe path through Silverpine Forest and Hillsbrad Foothills then through Alterac to the Hinterlands
Extremely dangerous for 30 level but fast Undersity>Eastern Plaguelands>Hinterlands
You wanna fucking throw down
Dont reply to me sweetie
>sweetie posting without sweetie pic
Oh, honey.
>had to
>had to
No, you were just shit.
Stop it sweetie
horde is such a nigger faction
the amount of times they would camp outside gadgetzan or do shit like glitch behind bankers and kill people was astronomical
Yeah but Orc Females
>Started in early wotlk when I was 11-12
>Still got to live through the glory days, just running around the world, exploring dungeons, trying to find weird shit and zones
>Suddenly feel need to play TBC even though I never played it
burning crusade was the fucking bee's knees, warlocks were so fucking op the mages were so jealous.
>tfw started mid tbc but still get called a wrathbaby
>Be me, 13 y/o wigger
>Have wigger best friend
>WoW releases
>Aww shit yes
>Level up together
>Warrior + Priest best combo
>Get to Desolace
>Choose Westside centaurs
>Run around in red Scout's Tabards
>Kill Eastside nigger centaurs while screaming "WESTSIDE NIGGA"
>Kill Alliance scum while screaming "FUCK CRIPS NIGGA"
>Stay in Desolace until everything's grey
10/10 best fun I ever had in WoW
You will never know those feels.
>before camwhoring and chat sites
Those have been around for a very long time. LiveJasmin started in 2001. I remember watching Shoe On Head YTMNDs in between playing WoW.
Fuck outta here gramps
And then Game Master Leroy comes on and hes like...
>before chat sites
Sure is summer time!
that would make you 15 in 2004 goofball.
> dat quest for sea shape for druids
> at first you get teleported to the moonglade, enchanted sacred druid forest with eyehurting blue/green color correction.
> then you dive into big lake in the middle of forest and search there quest item.
> if you didnt choke your next target is to find tiara of the depths in a one of small rock islands near darkshore, that are far from main shore line.
> be tauren
> gotta go through ashenvale to enemy territory which is darkshore, then swim all the way through location if you dont want to be found by gankers/guards and other enemies.
> all just to find this under water.
making a 5 man group just to get through the cave in the starting zone.
Raiding Ulduar was the best experience I had in all of WoW. GOAT raid
I married a trap i met from the guild
>play vanilla at release
>it was fun
that's my story, please like and subscribe for more content like this :)
Being 14, running around Azeroth with friends and never knowing what was behind the next hill. Christ those were carefree days. I see so much hate for the leveling in Vanilla, but I really liked how rough it was.
>I married a trap
>Be newbie nelf druid in vanilla on RP server
>Was young, retarded and still in awe at this new amazing world that I've been experiencing since WC1 when I was 8 (also WoW was my first and only MMO I ever got into)
>Do stupid shit like join the first guild I met which was after arriving in Goldshire and crashing a party with semi-naked elves dancing on tables and then did a naked run with 50+ people to Stormwind before jumping in the moat
>Levelling through Westfall and then Darkshire
>Meet human mage
>His character ended up thinking "holy shit a talking cat!"
>Adventure with him for many levels, forming a sturdy friendship based on mutual ribbing
>Even when we went our separate ways, we would inexplicably meet in random locations by sheer chance and undertake some quest
>These quests we always undertook with bumbling idiot efficiency despite our growing skill/gear and doing other quests well
>Years pass, we lose contact through both of us taking regular prolonged breaks
Godspeed wherever you are Vastor, you brilliant piece of shit.
>lvl 10 something mage in westfall
>skull lvl orc hits me
>panic blink
>he casts ghostwolf
>oh shit its on
>run away
>barely making it away with blink every 20 sec
>make it to the questhub
>be safe
Shes alright girl