Final dungeon was shit

>final dungeon was shit
>final boss OST was shit

REEEEEE, I didn't wait 8 years for this, have they never heard the term, save the best for last?

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Who cares. The game was 150hr+ at that point. The last dungeon was just a victory lap

Wrong on both accounts. Congrats on the shit taste.

>final boss OST was shit

This tracks sucks as a final boss track, even blooming villain would have been preferable to have used here than this generic garbage

They just can't top Nyx.


shit taste.

what else did you expect from such a shit game?

>Tony: Help Me
Okay that got me

Your taste is shit. On NG+ I was hyped as fuck for the Yaldy fight to hear that theme again.

>final dungeon was shit
Yeah it was pretty much just a staircase
>final boss OST was shit
It wasn't awful, but 3 and 4's tracks were better.

I have to agree with him, it sounds meh tier at best compared to The Battle for Everyone's Souls, or Rivers in the Desert.

You mean best jrpg ever made

That shit is top 5 worst tracks in the game, it's a track you'd use for a miniboss
P4's track was garbage too, only 3 had a good final one.

The best track in the game is a minute long

Your mom failure to abort you

>Final boss is God
>God pulls out a GUN
>Even Morgana is surprised

Which track are you thinking of?

>Spend game trying to break out of prison
>Final dungeon is the actual prison
>PS2 SMT game style aesthetics
>Finally break out of prison to the real world
>Now fight the Elite 4 archangels on your way to Yaldy

Final dungeon was awesome. And while Yaldy's boss theme is pretty standard, the version that plays when you get Satanael is best song

Awakening theme? I agree

Blooming villain right after

And I agree with others, final boss theme really let me down

riddle me this phantom fags, why did the drugs only affect scenes that have to do with their tweest plan and not the rest of the 8 month long flashback?

You mean this ?

I quite enjoyed Yabadabadoo's music.

Yaldabaoth, like Nyarlathrotep, doesn't believe in a fair game and warped your cognition in an effort to have his guy win the game.

>why did the drugs only affect scenes that have to do with their tweest plan
Because the twist wasn't actually that good.

Yaldabaoth had nothing to do with Shido.

And yet a magical butterfly comes by to jog your memory.

all the persona final boss themes are mediocre at best except for this

If most of the game was Joker's flashback, how come we get to see scenes that Joker is not a part of? Checkmate, Phantom Thieves.

>doesn't like this and BURN MY DREAD


You must me millennial to believe this.

Its not best ever but its the best one I've played in a long time.

>have they never heard the term, save the best for last?
Persona 4 was the same way. Shido was the perfect final boss, everything led to him, and half your team - plus Sojiro and Sae - had beef against him.

Akechi is Yaldabaoth's pick for the game, he's betting on him winning so he gave him Loki

What did she meant by this?
This is probably the best track in persona 4. I got so hyped when I was fighting a giant eye just because of this track alone and when I reached izanami I was expecting some kind of musical masterpiece and they gave me this piece of shit

I liked the final dungeon theme a lot but yeah, the final boss theme was really boring.

Meguro needs to step it up again.

The flashback inconsistencies reminded me to Dragon Age 2, that's not a good thing. It was still a fun game tho

>People told me Persona games had good stories
>Played Persona 5

Why did you guys do me like this?

>final boss OST was shit
I sadly have to agree with this, it was disappointing AND Rivers in the Desert just stole the show and couldn't be topped, also the final boss can be pretty lame since you can basically grind 20 levels with the two last shadows in the last steps before entering the grail chamber.

>Grinding in SMT games

"I am the senate" boss felt pretty neat but underwhelming if you grinded the reaper the week before going against him. Which is what most people did according to the network view, most people were at lvl 82 while i finished my first run with only 74

>He doesn't like Yal Theme

You probably played nocturne with the sound off.
Or didn't play it at all.

>not finishing the compendium in your first run

Shido's boss fight was kinda lame though. His only gimmick was that he kept getting up.

this, it also didn't add anything major on his knowledge on the metaverse, he ended just being a corrupt guy with no actual power over the whole "investigation". The last parts of the game are actually pretty lacking and kinda rushed. But it didn't really made the game less enjoyable for me tho.

>tfw the series has improved greatly yet no villain was able to top Nyarly

>not being the last good song of the game

It's implied Nyarly is behind the scenes doing shit like Nyx's awkaening and setting up all these events

But did you have fun user ?
It's just a game.

Persona 3 and 4 have implied Phil and Nyarly while Persona 5 has Not-Phil and Not-Nyarly.
They even gambled or had a game on the fate of mankind in persona 5.

>what is digital devil saga

I thought it weird that Igor would make a bet like that.

>You probably played nocturne with the sound off.

I didn't and this is the best track in the whole game despite only playing in such a minor part

>grind 20 levels
Why did you even do this ? Fighting all demons getting in the way should give you enough experience to beat Yaldy. Lv 70-73 is good enough IMO.

When was it implied that nyarly was in p3 and p4 wasn't it kagutsuchi who was behind Mitsuru's grandfather?

Shido was pretty lame, especially when he went full Armstrong, I expected him to have some fun spouting political rhetoric instead of generic "I'll kill you, I'm the strongest" dialogue

Considering SMT is confirmed to use Multi-verse logic, it seems humans and their worlds aren't very important outside of their cognition and hidden potential

I grinned from level 76 to 82 just to get Yoshitsune and some other high level personas for my n+
I didn't kill the reaper and I'm a completionist asshole. I noticed that no matter what the enemies on that floor would give you 10000 exp and 20000 yens no matter what so I could go on even more but it was late so I just beat the final boss.
I never ended using Satan anyway so it was a waste of time

Yeah but its fucking Igor. Dudes a total bro. Gambling on the imprisonment of billions of innocent humans is more up Phil's alley.

Well Atlus seems against just straight-up bringing Philemon back so they made Igor do it instead

The best OST in the game is a fucking store theme, what the fuck.

Thats not Sunset Bridge user

user if you were a true perfectionist you would have devoted yourself into getting maxed $$$ and fusing the invincible Yoshitsune to solo the twins in NG+, and maybe some other demons for buff/debuff.

Maybe he didn't have a choice.
>Yaldy: I'm gonna nuke humanity
>Igor: Yaldabaoth I've come to bargain

When does that even play?

Possibly, but the way Lavenza describes it the entire thing seems just like a Nyarly/Phil bet but with the names replaced. Though they could just be slowly making Igor more of a cunt to take over Phil's job of being the punchable twat.

I still don't know why I buy games in this series. I appreciate the art animation and everything else but I never want to play them. It's like I feel better owning them.

At max confidant rankings.

You probably have a problem with time management.

Also during the final day.

Some of P5's plot feels pretty similar to P2. The Phantom Thieves is pretty much a good version of the Masked Circle (mess up people emotionally, led by Joker, popular and mysterious, etc.)

Yeah, does everything really have to be "epic"? Shido was fine as a last boss. You don't have to fight a ""god"" at the end of every jrpg.

Speaking of that, New smt fag here, I'm about to start a n+. Is it maxing everyone possible without a specific date managing or it just becomes way more easier since you don't need to max your stats?

Is there a Joker edit of this yet?

>You don't have to fight a ""god"" at the end of every jrpg
No but you have to at the end of every megaten.
It's part of the franchise, retard.

You dont need a guide for P5 in NG+, that beautiful extra time for not needing to max stats is more than enough combined with you storming through dungeons in a day.

>final boss OST was shit

nah, the worst OST was the one when he summoned not-satan, that was crap.

The only date managing I've done is with Mementos requests since they come in on specific days. So I sometimes try to time it so I get Confidant requests and normal requests around the same time. But that's only if you're going for the trophy for getting all requests done.

It's incredibly easier to max Confidants in NG+ with maxed stats. I even had time to play games, read books, abuse reaper flu trick and fishing the Guardian.

>combined with you storming through dungeons in a day
wait a second, do you guys not beat dungeons on the first try

Meguro's just not that good at final boss music, and Divine Identity is another example of that. The only outright good final boss music he's done that I can think of is in Raidou 1 and Persona 3. There's also Fog and the first phase of Hari-Hara, if you want to count those.

A game where you don't have to grind unless you're doing all the side shit.

Nyarly is pretty good

Although Hitler's theme is still the best

I see, that's useful, I'm looking forward to get raped by the twins tho. Seems fun.

I actually started doing that only from the last three dungeons, Shido's ship being the easiest one by far.

Meguro didn't so the OST for P2 did he? I haven't played 1 or 2 yet, but I was under the impression that the guy who did SMTIV's soundtrack composed for P2.

I also thought that Shido's ship was really easy so I tried to do it in one day, near the end I had no SP left and surprise Goro fucked me up

Yeah I just check and he skip both P2 games for some reason despite doing both P1 OST (he still did P2IS P's new OST, though Nyarly's theme is still the same)

Both P1's Pandora is pretty good imo:

A beautiful duology with memorable secret boss fights.

Mist was great, fuck off

I also almost bite the dust there. Had to use the soma I got from Sae's palace to survive that, didn't even needed it against Shido tho Also, maxing futaba and her SP recovery just breaks the game desu.

Rangda makes you practically immune to 90% of Goro's attacks.

only scrubs don't

>b-but I was playing on hard


Not on hard in NG. I'm too much of a scrub.

I thought everyone had a Rangda by then.
More like 99%. My Rangda didn't even Elec res. Null bless is good enough. Or maybe I was just lucky.

although I like the final boss theme he made for P1 PSP I sorta felt like he ruined a lot of the feeling of P1 by taking away the more atmospheric tracks
Also he changed the regular boss from deadline
not to mention the lack of the an awakening theme which was so good in P1

Screw this 'last boss theme' bullshit, the real question is which game has best regular battle music?
The answer is Persona Q. If you said anything else you deserve to be smacked.