Rising Storm 2

Rising Storm 2

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>no waiting list to join a server



Squad has that!!! Please buy it now!!

like clockwerk






Squad, more like S H I T

>people are STILL voting for hue city

I don't get it, the map is so fucking shit. Song Be/Anlao is easily the best. They offer so much flanking possibilities and shit.

>placing squad tunnels near enemy first point and just keep going there breaking their lines

Don't people just get hard ons for CQB shit? Look at Strike at Karkand

What's with you fags and your pathetic obsession with falseflagging squad?

It's amazing how innacurate the m60 is. How do you go from the mg34 and 42 to this piece of shit thirty years later?

More maps when? I'm getting bored of playing the same few over and over.

>Song Be/Anlao is easily the best
Battlefield babby detected. Territories is Red Orchestra. Supremacy a shit.

I'm not a weapons expert but I'm pretty sure the RPK isn't supposed to be as inaccurate as it is either. Even when prone and with a bipod it's hard to hit at range.

This isn't Red Orchestra?

Helicopters/Squad Tunnels really make Supremacy good.

Supremacy is a fucking awful game mode, fuck you. Give americans spawn points that make sense or placeable like the Vietnamese for SU-mode or just remove it already. And no the helicopters aren't worth shit compared to having a nice, concealed, and static spawnpoint that take 0 seconds to spawn you instead of a 30 second heli flight.

Rising Storm's mechanics do a poor job with what it is trying to do with Supremacy. Song Be works because it's a small map while An Lao is completely shit and all other large maps will be too. If I wanted to play that kind of game I would be launching Squad instead of Rising Storm 2 because that is a game built around that game mode.

>it's bad because it's different
The greater lethality of RS2 makes the meatgrinder of territories far worse than it ever was before. The maps for it are also shit, and nullify pretty much all of the US and VC's unique mechanics. Supremacy has plenty of opportunities for flanking but still maintains a general front line because of mechanics like the base spawns and supply lines, unlike battlefield and such garbage.

The game was clearly designed around supremacy. Which makes sense as it much better represents the change in warfare between WW2 and Vietnam.

>all this ass hurt

Of course its not as good? Dingus.

Americans also have attack helicopters, its not supposed to be exactly symmetrical you fuck.

You can also find squad tunnels and destroy them. I went on a rampage just now on Anlao destroying 6-7 tunnels over an entire match.

>Offworld Industries browsing Sup Forums trying to shill their game

It makes it a fucking marathon constantly running from point to point to find the one SL shithead who put a tunnel behind your lines. Of course the moment your SL dies you have to run from all the way back in the spawn since 2 Hueys can't move all 32 players about. Territories works with tunnels, Supremacy doesn't.

You have squad leader spawns, you have choppers, and you have spawning ON choppers. Use some fucking teamwork you mindless territories-nigger. Yes, it's still not as good as VC, but you also have better weapons than the VC across the board. It's asymmetrical warfare, deal with it.

>complaining about running a lot

maybe don't fucking die so much? Or have a decent Squad Leader?

And no all 32 players are not dead at the same time. Also if you are playing against good Vietcongs you will have to defend F/E anyway since they will be attacking those regularly.

But let me guess, you are a fucking babby that just dies constantly and keeps running up to C and fighting over that one point only when in reality C is basically a point you don't even need.

Tunnels are basically pointless in Territories, because all they do is make your distance to reach the point shorter. Then all squad leaders do is place it the exact meters away from the point they can.

While in Supremacy a good squad leader places it in a place that is hard to find, and a place where you can reach the back lines of the americans. It offers for way more skill of a squad leader than territories.

Tunnels are inherently shit in Supremacy and they pale in comparison to hueys. The Vietnamese get their one default spawn at the edge of their map and then one static spawn wherever their sl puts a tunnel down. These tunnels are almost always immediately spotted and destroyed by the loach and cobra and on the rare occassions they aren't, they become obselete two minutes later when the fighting has moved away from the nearby cap meaning that even with their tunnel spawn, the VC will still have to run 250+ metres to get where they need to be. The Americans on the other hand can have their default spawn point on the edge of the map and three mobile ones that can be literally anywhere. Even when their SL dies it's only thirty seconds before they take a huey out to where they need to be and are spawning their entire squad again.

This problem isn't apparent in Song Be because its tiny and you can easily run anywhere but it makes playing the Vietnamese on An Lao a nightmare and leads to the US winning it 90% of the time because while they can spawn anywhere, the Vietnamese can only ever spawn within decent proximity to C.

>Use C4 twice
>Team kill 3 people with it

Cu Chi is such a great map

>placing your tunnels where they can easily be seen
Nevermind, you're literally retarded and your opinion is worthless.

>squad leader consistently fails to put down tunnels
>squad leader puts down tunnels in the enemies sights
>squad leader runs into an inbound napalm strike

>Running around as point man pumping gooks full of 00 shot and shitting on their tunnels

I love this class. But I wish the Claymores weren't near useless, stupid that you have to activate them manually instead of being tripwire activated.

And I wish I could switch them out for WP nades instead.

>what is the loach auto spotting
Have you even played the fucking game?

To be fair some maps are absolute dog shit in terms of placing tunnels.

It's either


Also tunnels don't help when objectives are close to each other anyway

>implying that results in nearly enough spots to keep tunnels down the majority of the time

>Play Combat Engineer
>Never pick the Flamethrower
Anyone else?

Stop playing territories then, user.

>all these "red orchestra vets" complaining about Supremacy

fucking babbies lmao
>wah I can't play the game exactly as I played the previous ones waah, I have to play it differently waah

World War 2 and Vietnam wars were not fought the same way dinguses.

Choppers can't move 32 players constantly dying. SLs have to get transported/run from spawn back to front. Choppers of course get SAM'ed or just plain DShK'ed/RPG'ed. It's fucking shite for a mode where there isn't a moving front. Also the weapons VC have are not worse. SU as US is the most not-fun I've had with RO2 since its awful launch.

>Tunnels are inherently shit in Supremacy and they pale in comparison to hueys.
Maybe don't put your tunnels in the middle of a field where heli's can easily spot or hit them.

>Even when their SL dies it's only thirty seconds before they take a huey out to where they need to be and are spawning their entire squad again.
Ah yes the 2 Hueys will constantly fly out the 6+ SLs where they need to be efficiently. What fucking game are you playing where the transport pilots aren't fuckers who were to late to click on Cobra?

Ah yes I'll have an SL that doesn't get magically shot.
>But let me guess, you are a fucking babby that just dies constantly and keeps running up to C
Fighting for C is almost unaffected by the constant flanking of tunnel shite, if anything C is the point where supremacy is the least awful to play because you just ignore how the garbage gamemode works. Having played game after game doing the infinite marathon of fighting over E/F/B I'd advise everyone playing that map to ignore the objective and just meme it up on C, at least you'll have some fun that way.

The problem is it plays like shite not that it's different.

>implying it doesn't
>implying any tunnel will survive more than two minutes when combined with the 32 American players running around on top of the all seeing Loach

I'm too afraid i'm going to get caught out in the open to ever use it, but fuck it's wild in bunkers and shit.

>choppers cant move 32 players constnatly dying

Just stop reading here guys.

Fucking lol, 32 people are dying constantly?

You just need to improve, drastically.

An Lao is the fucking worst, kill yourself

When I use it while pushing on a Territories map, its fucking useless. SMG or Shottie is way better

>32 people
I'm sure to pass the message.

more like scat

>Choppers can't move 32 players constantly dying.
Then stop dying you fucking retard. You shouldn't have your entire team constantly dying. Stop playing it like it's territories and mindlessly rushing onto C like you have brain damage.

>Also the weapons VC have are not worse
Oh come the fuck on, the AK is trash compared the M16 Laser gun. Hell, every other weapon is also blatantly worse baring the shotgun.

>The problem is it plays like shite not that it's different.
No, you are literally complaining about needing to play it differently.

Well for starters the m60 can be shoulder fired and the 42 can't

>literally the only argument territoryniggers have is "I'm actually punished for dying"
Take your faux-DM rush to zero reinforcements back to RO2, retards.

It needs a campaign mode, more maps and squad leaders need smokes

>firing an RPG across the street into another window and seeing 4 dismembered bodies fly out on hue city

At least they didn't vote compound, that maps belongs to CoD.

Nigga use the SKS, it's hella accurate and somehow more powerful than the AK.
Only downside is that it's a 10 round gun, but it's got a quick reload.

Anyone else find the game just distinctly meh? Refunded after just under two hours, I just don't like how the game plays relative to how the maps are, especially when compared to RS1 and Red Orchestra. Those games had maps that fitted the gunplay where slow advancing and careful approaches worked best.

But RO2's maps feel more limited, and combined with how wildly inaccurate firing from the hip is and how slow entering iron sights is, the only correct answer of how to play is camping. Actually attacking/advancing on a location your options are highly bad, you either pepper an area likely to have campers with explosives, you enter iron sights and slowly slowly enter the area praying you aren't killed by behind or an enemy watching your spot or you try to rush an entrance into the area, praying there's no camper watching that spot

tl;dr game has shit feel overall. Shame because the guns and customisation feel nice.

Because the M60 was a fucking awful weapon, user. Outside of american machoism it was widely hated for a variety of reasons.

>Maybe don't put your tunnels in the middle of a field where heli's can easily spot or hit them.
It's not a question of ease. Even when under bushes and behind rocks one pass and the loach spots them with many players checking their maps often and seeing where the mark appears.

>Ah yes the 2 Hueys will constantly fly out the 6+ SLs where they need to be efficiently. What fucking game are you playing where the transport pilots aren't fuckers who were to late to click on Cobra?
I play on a server not filled with shitters and most of the huey pilots are quite decent. They not only know how to get their passengers down but also where they are needed.

The problem is that the Vietnamese are punished for dying while the US aren't at all. Supremacy is inherently imbalanced to a massive degree. It could be fun it it was done right, but it isn't so it is shit.

>Then stop dying you fucking retard. You shouldn't have your entire team constantly dying. Stop playing it like it's territories and mindlessly rushing onto C like you have brain damage.
I'll stop the bullets with my mind sir! So what's this meme where you apparently can't die fighting over the points besides C? Is C the only zone where bullets deal damage in the game?

>Oh come the fuck on, the AK is trash compared the M16 Laser gun.
The AK is pretty good but if accuracy is your problem just get an SKS. VC subgun is just as good as the US one. Pistols are basically the same. I have no issues with weapon balance.

>No, you are literally complaining about needing to play it differently.
Apparently differently means constantly running or hoping the pilots are super efficient teamplayers. If one side relies on supreme co-operation and the other doesn't, there's a bit of unbalance there.

Weird how people don't want to constantly get punished for dying when losing control over an area and losing tickets is already punishment enough?

Campaign modes just break the balance in maps unless they remove that meme where you can spawn on either side of the map this time.

>the only complaint people that don't like supremacy has is that they have to run a lot

lmao you are saying that you are just dying constantly, and can't sit in one place behind a wall and just take potshots at people running onto objectives

And the M14 is a better SKS.

The full auto is pretty useful sometimes, though. Both for anything close range and for suppression.


Guys this is such a casual game, just play Squad instead silly casual gamers.

>people don't want to get punished for dying


campaign mode is a meme, it's just voting for maps with an extra screen involved

>trying to find a place to put a tunnel on chu chi second cap

The problem is the degree of punishment, not punishment in it self retard and you know this full well if you'd bother reading and quoting correctly.

>placing tunnels out in the open
>not moving tunnels to wherever they're needed

You've had bad SLs.

So you want a more casual mode? Where you don't get as punished for dying.

Got it.

>it's a they dropped a napalm just outside your spawn and you have to stand there waiting for a minute because invisible flames will kill you if you don't episode

>he thinks the only way to not die is magic
Stop being shit you fucking mongoloid. Be more careful and don't get shot instead of mindlessly rushing at a point.

Which is a worse M14. Even still, not having to give up having full auto with the M16 is just better. Personally I've had more success with the grease gun than the VC subgun, and the M60 is easily better than the RPD. This isn't a bad thing, it's intended.

>Playing differently means actually using teamwork
Yes, it does. Both sides need it, in fact. Stop being shit.

Flamethrower Engineers don't get WP grenades and C4. SMG or Shottie Engie is definitely viable and fine

>join that finnish server
>every territory map feels like bridges of druzhina
It was like banging my head against a wall for 2 hours.


I really like it but wtf.

C4's range is massive compared to nades

because the community maps are on the way.

It's got 8 though.

C'mon buddy, let's be real.

Squad, more like SQUAT so I can take a S H I T

We got em user

I'm not going to argue with your imagination user fuck off.

>Stop being shit you fucking mongoloid. Be more careful and don't get shot instead of mindlessly rushing at a point.
I'll be sure to stop every bullet that finds it mark, stealthily moving or rushing forward these hot tips will surely stop the enemy having the jump on me in the future.

>VC weapons are all worse
You're just bad at aiming if you actually think the SKS is worse than an M16 or 14. You'd have to be an awful shot to even notice an accuracy difference at that point.

>Both sides need it, in fact
VC requires 0 team work outside of placing the tunnel and having a team lead that blows shit up, no need to coordinate pilots, no need to keep SLs alive, etc.

there is literally nothing wrong with skirmish

>Arma, RO, Squad
>like them but always a shit in all of them
>die, can't see anybody
>pixelhunting fag shit
>play Rising 2
>play really well
>gasp the maps and movement easily
>be SL and always make good support
>I'm in love

I have NEVER loved an fps, specially a more realistic like this so much.

he still can't read it seems

If I loved DoD will I like this or is there a better alternative?

Because literally ever multiplayer shooter in the past five years has released with not enough maps. This is the standard, stop comparing games that have been out for years to brand new games.

W-whoa we got a fiesty user here

Playing more carefully will greatly reduce the amount you die, yes.

user, having bad aim would make the effects of lower accuracy less relevant, not more. Also, the difference is as much in the recoil and ability to place follow up shots as anything else. Or, in the m16's case, being able to use the auto effectively in mid-ranges by firing in bursts.

They still need to generally coordinate where they're going rather than mindless running at the next stage ala territories. Less than the US, maybe, but still far from none.

>Everything is shit and worse than a few years ago. Please stop talking about how shitty it is to make it better again.

Doesn't bother me in the least and won't for weeks, possibly months to come.

The maps are great, I just hope servers start just cycling them through without voting to avoid Hill/Hue all the time.

You are probably the type of player that just sprints constantly, rushing into points and dying.

Nobody has ever said here that you will never die, but you seem to complain that most of what you do is running back from spawn. In which case, you need to improve your own skill, immediately.

I survive most of the games on An Lao, while still pressuring points constantly. Crouch and use cover, and don't fucking sprint that much.

Yeah its not like maps are the main content of a mp fps

What's your go-to American shotgun?
What type of buckshot do you use?

What about Vietnamese shotties?

Trench gun for the longest range which is the most useful "stat" for a shottie. The 5 shells vs 8 shells for Duckbill isn't worth thinking about.

I don't know what the different buckshot do.

I go for the longest range Hunting Shotgun with Viets, they feel the same in CQB tbqh famalam. Take half buck half rifled slugs

Generally I would agree that it's fucking retarded, but in mapping's case that really is true. The visual fidelity that the public demands is massively higher.

>What's your go-to American shotgun?
Grease gun.
At least then I can kill things beyond spitting distance.

Vietnamese is hunting, no question. Switching between Slugs/Buckshot is just too useful.

Duckbill is the most lethal

And more maps will come, 5 great maps at release is perfectly adequate for people who aren't playing 12 hours a day, 7 days a week.

The smaller shotguns take up less screen space when ADS

>straight up taking someones arm off with the buckshot for the grenade launcher

The Vietnamese SMG > Grease gun as well

>5 great maps
>great maps
>great maps

>it's a Hue city or Hill 24/7 episode

You got a stutter or something faggot?

If you want DoD you are better off playing Day of Infamy