This will be part of Nintendo's E3 presentation

>this will be part of Nintendo's E3 presentation

What will Nintendo have to do to win E3 when this has already made them lose prematurely?

Will a new proper Metroid cut it? F-Zero maybe?

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Monster Hunter Double Cross Localization.

But people actually buy Rabbids games unlike Metroid.

Go figure, it was annoying metroidfags all along complaining about a game they didn't even play, like usual.

This year is Knack 2 year. the only reason you OBSESS about convincing us to hate rabbids is early damage control for your stupid brand religion

How about waiting to see what the fuck htis game is like before shitting on it?

sorry I'm autistic

paper mario + ttyd remaster

actually it won't. Ubisoft france just stated it will be revealed exclusively at Japan expo


So, it is an RPG, a shooter, or something else?

Then why did the rabbit franchise die earlier?

Because people were still mad at it for replacing Rayman for a time, and because they made too many games too quickly. Also Rabbids Land sucked.

Being described as a SRPG, think XCOM.

>Nintendo's E3 will show Mario X Rabbids
>Sony's will be about Sony Smash 2
What's with all of these embarrassing crossovers?

This is a dumb crossover, Rabbids aren't in the same league as Mario.

This should be Mario + Sonic Kingdom Battle

E3 means nothing to them, hasnt in a while. Its just a fun experiment for them and a place to offer a comfy vidya stream.
Big announcements will come after in various directs. I think they are gonna stay true to "2017 only" games they've said, so I dont expect too much surprises, maybe Pikmin and MHXX announcement, thats about it.

Class based shooter

How did the rabbid franchise die first when it's getting a new game with mario ? :^)

Can someone show another set of Ubisoft slides because I can't believe this due to all of the misspellings and outright wrong words

Nintendo always has that one shitty shovelware aimed at dumb parents nobody cares about in their presentation, as long it's the only one and we have new good games it should be fine.

I see. Could be interesting in that Garden Warfare kind of way.

Sony Smash isn't that bad aside the blatant imitation attempt, what's sad is the people who unironically will care about Knack 2, shows just how bad Sup Forums's taste is

>Putting Mario in the hands of Sega/Sonic Team

Lets see how Sonic Mania and Forces does first.

Years after its death they were already replaced by the minions and still are

Animal Crossing will help them a lot.

If they announced a Pokemon game for switch people would lose it, but I doubt they'll do that.

They need to talk about the virtual console, and they need to launch it with a ton of games!


Does anyone else think this still could be fake?

Someone with enough knowledge on design, rendering software, and digital painting could make this if given enough time.

>One bad game = automatic loss
Nice bait

Can't wait for the big baddie to be a fat old creature with orange hair yelling stuff about making the mushroom kingdom grea- better!

They would have to show off a BotW tier trailer just to break even.
No way they can pull of two of those to actually win.


You are becoming ridiculous. More than before, that is.

Yeah,like I get that the French are retards but turtle shelves is just too stupid too ignore

It will be at Ubisoft's conference.

>Shows Mario and Co. aiming guns and shit

Already garbage Forums_hate_reddit_so_much/

would be nice but I really doubt it

What kind of autism is this?

>In an early prototype, there was a boss battle against a Donkey Kong-themed rabbid, which has access to a pile of bananas it can use to replenish its health. Players need to cut off its banana supply to prevent it from replenishing its health before they can deal any real damage. The boss will dab periodically if it properly lands an attack.

If they show mario, e3's basically in the bag.

microsoft is literally going to jack off on stage to scorpio and sony's going to hit rewind and press play on last year's show with the same games since they were all announced for late 2017 or 2018. Oh I suppose they'll show some Destiny 2, which I'm looking forward to, but the gameplay is going to be more or less identical to destiny 1 so nothing incredible to show.

I think you're implying that microsoft or sony have anything at all to show off.

WOW it's like video games are made for children?