Graphics thread?

Graphics thread?

What game has the best graphics right now, Sup Forums?

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Fallout 4

frostbite games

Doom, battlefield, grw

You don't /thread your own post.

Unironically this

Actually just pleasant to look at. Followed closely by red dead.


I agree! I hope everyone bought the season pass to Fallout 4 when they could!

Risk of Rain

Doesn't have to be realistic to be good

it's a pretty nice for an open world and it's not empty like mgs or flat like the witcher
somethings looks pretty good some really don't look right


fight me

The Division

Pixel graphics can be nice but Risk of Rain is so ugly. I love the game but wouldn't Cortex Command be a better example of good pixel graphics?



it has a very nice hole tech and the snow and fog effect are very nice

Cortex Command looks like a """""HD textures""""" Terraria mod

Zelda Botw

Rising Storm 2

a fucking no-name hunting simulator game.


I'm a sucker for a tight stomach

bretty good

Was just about to post this, by no means the best right now but the game looks really gorgeous for a literally who AA game. Weather effects in particular look fantastic.

That screenshot makes the graphics look better than they are. They're average+ at best.

And before anyone snarks I have a 7700K + GTX 1080.

speaking of "literally who" projects - it's a shame that picrelated of yesteryear was so quickly forgotten.

Can agree playing it maxed out on a 6700k/1070 games look good but its nothing special.

This. It is still just an UE3 game, and not even too good looking one at that. It still looks fine.

battlefield 1 easily

Why didn't they bother changing to UE4 I'm guessing because the game is basically an RO2 mod?

What game is this?

That + they got free license of UE3 thanks to their past achievements. More experience on it too.

They have implemented some UE4 style elements into their engine with KF2 and RS2 though, but it makes little difference.

Solus Project. It's the only game of recent years that I can remember, where you have to survive random space tornados, whilst listening to soundtrack from Gravity movie


Fucking JC2


Depends on your measurement
>Photo realism
Battlefield 1
>Most realistic open world
Witcher 3
>Overall most realism
Crysis 1; environment interaction fucking counts as graphics
>Most aesthetic game overall
Your favorite game


sorry, that --> is Solus Project

-- this is Call of Duty Advanced Warfare


Yet again, another HZD screenshot where everything detailed stops being rendered 50 feet in front on you and the lod is nothing even close to special. Well done.

Performance-wise MGS:V. More games need to use the FOX engine.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl deserves a shout-out for still looking so good after 10 years.

this is bait right?

These hands bring me back to my days playing Day of Defeat.


For all its other problems Lords of the Fallen can look good, albeit derivative as fuck.

I always find it funny how the game is nowhere near the visual masterpiece sony fans will lead you to believe when your not using the bullshot mode.

>watching grass sway in the breeze

comfy as fuck

nah, man, STALKER looks exactly like it looks - a middle 2000s tech of preshaded textures with bumb & parallax mapping sprinkled all over it for good luck. Nice architecture tho


Pretty much. STALKER's focus was clearly on having an engine capable of rendering vast areas and the look simply ended up lending itself to the bleak game STALKER was. Look no further than Boiling Point to see what happens when same conditions don't exactly make it work.

Rainbow Six with the HD texture pack looks amazing

Am I the only one who thinks the Halo games look really good for Halo 3 onwards?

They strike an excellent balance of styalization and realism that ages a hell of a lot better then straight realism without being blatently stylised, and have really strong visual design even if they aren't technically all that graphically impressive. Some of the best skyboxes in the medium, too. I'd even say Halo 3 has aged better then crysis, resolution aside.

I agree with the outside, but the inside textures in combination with its very decent lightning system still make it an impressive looking game at times.

Modded with something like CoC it can look miles better than the average game released today.



What game is this?



Can agree, it's too bad that 4 and 5 are blights on this earth and should never have existed.

literally one of the most unfunny meme on this site


I wanna feel comfy again boys. Game?

the hunter call of the wild

>Dishonored 2/Prey
>Horizon Zero Dawn in certain areas
>BotW in a very few certain areas and lighting
>Witcher 3 if grass had shadows
>Gravity Rush 2 when standing still and models have loaded
>that hunter sim
>Child of Light
>Mirror's Edge Catalyst when textures have loaded
>Bloodborne if it had AA
>Darkest Dungeon
>Wind Waker without HUD
to name a few that look pretty. No specific order but BF1 and Dishonored 2 are gorgeous.

If we're talking how pretty they look rather than polycount/texture resolution/fancy post processing effects.
I also very much like the Source engine aesthetics. Something about the 2007-2011~ era of clean edges.

the hunter call of the wild


On pc kindgom come deliverance mostly because of the forests.
On console and basically for all other pc games not kingdom come deliverance its horizon zero dawn and btw it isnt even close.

with enb it looks great


I know its controversial to say but Mass Effect Andromeda has some neat Environments

I don't remember planet coaster looking that sharp


Automatically looks shit


Those trees are ugly desu

why the living fuck do people use that trash, or at least leave fucking DOF blur on?
And what's with that brown?

and still no other game does multiple dynamic lightsources all in one scene like stalker does.
>Oh the models and textures are soooo dated
boo fucking hoo. Crazy how bad textures still make for an immersive game where I don't stop and go:
>wow, these textures look like they're from 2008

dof on the back of weapons is irl it would be,a lso the brown is what the texures are coloured so don't blame me.

Hello Todd

>I love beautifully crafted eyecandy skyboxes

Post original, mongoloid

Out of my way shits, game of the century come through

winner winner chicken dinner

That's so fucking funny my man. LOL.

Literally the best


thanks, found a new background

GeoW 4 is beautiful.

Its so weird seeing Gears of War with color because I'm so used to be being brown and gray: the game


saved this one a while ago, i think it's Kingdom Come Deliverance

>dof on the back of weapons is irl it would be,
No, no. Fuck no.
Seriously, eyes don't work like that. You don't NEED to, and you should NOT even try to simulate eye focus trash in games, as YOUR eyes are doing that for you anyway. When the living fuck will game devs learn this?
>also the brown is what the texures are coloured so don't blame me.
that just makes the new textures shit.

Starter Pack > > > that shit.

Halo 5's MP and forge are fantastic and 4's campaign, while not great, is alright as long as you ignore the shit story.

I'd argue it actually has one of the better sense of atmosphere in the series outside of ODST and Reach.

Also, graphically, 4 looks damn good for a 360 game,, it just butchered the UNSC art style.

>that just makes the new textures shit.
literally is the most used texture pack and you can turn off the dof.

as much as it was a shit game, i cant believe nobody mentioned the division, its probably the best looking game atm

>Seriously, eyes don't work like that.
If you close one eye, it works like that.

Stalker's skies are always beautiful but one thing I don't get is when the skyboxes gets really crazy the game tells you to stay inside.

But you do not need or should simulate that on a monitor, as your eyes are already doing that. Only thing it results is making the game looks blurry as fuck for no reason, and cause headaches, as everything looks like you'd be playing an N64 game on a CRT screen.

In different ways, Frostbite (BF1 and Bfront) and UE4 (Paragon, others)

Paragon does some absurd shit, and Frostbite's amazing with photogrammetry.

>as your eyes are already doing that.
They don't. The barrel and the stock of your weapon is equally far from your eye because it's the same screen, so either both or neither are blurry.