>The best New Nintendo IP Since 2006
>Better than Shittoon and possibly better than KEKS
>No one Talks about it
Wtf i hate Sup Forums now
Rhythm heaven thread
>The best New Nintendo IP Since 2006
>Better than Shittoon and possibly better than KEKS
>No one Talks about it
Wtf i hate Sup Forums now
Rhythm heaven thread
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There's not really much to talk about. It's a great series that I love dearly.
Also Lockstep is really not that hard.
Tsunku has cancer
Almost 0 casual appeal: it's a casual game for nichè gamers
I agree anyway
>>The best New Nintendo IP Since 2006
>Better than Shittoon and possibly better than KEKS
>No one Talks about it
what did he mean by this?
Wii version could have been better.
Still one of the best rhythm games on the DS, 3DS, alongside Ouendan/EBA.
It's an okay game with like one or two memorable games because they became memes like the Wrestler one. Nice to come back to every now and then and that's it.
Megamix is the best game in the series
It's shit. You're shit.
Is challenge train too hard for you?
It's the Katamari Forever of Rhythm Heaven. A great celebratory send-off for the series.
>All those Watered-down Minigames
>Extra games are 80% Fever
>Blue bear,Pajama party and Kitties got cucked(All 3 are in the Left hand remix and >No sequel),Meanwhile Circus trapeeze Got a sequel and it's on the Final remix(You end up Playing both the original game AND THE SEQUEL)
>Jumpin' Jazz/Frog hop 2 instead of Munchy monk 2
Frankly, I would've preferred them replacing Rhythm Rally 2 with Munchy Monk 2, but decent points overall
E3 means nothing to them, hasnt in a while. Its just a fun experiment for them and a place to offer a comfy vidya stream.
Big announcements will come after in various directs. I think they are gonna stay true to "2017 only" games they've said, so I dont expect too much surprises, maybe Pikmin and MHXX announcement, thats about it.
woops wrong thread.
Nintendo needs ssomething for blind gamers, so Rhythm Heaven will live on, I imagine its cheap enough to produce.
>can't praise a game without shittalking others
classic Sup Forums
I love me some Rhythm Heaven, I just wish they weren't so lazy with the remixes in Megamix.
It is if you have no sense of rhythm
every casual i've shown this game to fucking loves it, which makes its niche status pretty confusing
Working dough and donk donk are the bane of my fucking existence.
>No one talks about it
You know that's not true even ignoring the meme threads, but most of these stupid fuckers on this board just want to shitpost anyway, I hope there's a new game for the switch in the future though and I don't think I'll be buying a 3ds just for megamix
And 100x times better than GAY V and Witchshit 3
Rhythm Heaven's tap-flick system was absolute fucking genius. It feels way better than pressing buttons.
No, user they'll make another one, they have to!
I mean I like Rhythym heaven but I don't think it's the best thing ever. I do want a new game though
The last game in the series was shit so naturally the series is buried.
Why would they make a "best of" compilation game if they didn't want to send it off?
>Tika-tika-tika desu ka?
>Tika-tika-tika desu ka?
>Tika-tika-tika desu ka?
>Eh? Sugoi desu ne!
10TH anniversary
>Duba-duba-dat true?
>Duba-duba-dat true?
>Duba-duba-dat true?
>Woah,you go big guy!
1, 2, 3
I wanna fuck that cheereader
Let's go read a buncha books!
Last time I played Megamix, I got to the post-game point where all I have to do left is Perfects and the Challenge Trains. I wanna finish it, but I'm scared to go back and get my ass beat. HARD.
My favorite game
I love Rhythm Heaven as much as the next guy, but come on man, you don't need to shittalk perfectly fine games.
Also, MC Adore best rhythm girl
>42 Seconds game
>In late game
>Micro-Row is Longer and Earlier-Game and It's The same thing But no 2 Cue
At this point is Clearly Obvious that MM2 in Megamix was Scrapped Because Tsunku has a Crush in the Blue Pepe
Forgot pik
>No one Talks about it
Maybe because the last actual game was for Wii and the latest entry is mostly a collection of older mini games with only a few new mini games?
>possibly better than KEKS
What the fuck is KEKS?
Two things:
>As great as Rap Men would be, it and Bon Odori probably wouldn't translate well.
>How would Love Lab work with buttons?
Other than those, looks fine.
I think they were referring to ARMS
this. why the shit talk, OP? I like RH but it's not like it blew my mind
>How would Love Lab work with buttons?
Hold with A and Move with Up D-pad
What the fuck
Fuck Maoi Doo Wop
I thought megamix was good, but not the best. I disliked how piss easy it was until near the end.
>Quiz, Love Rap, and all those easy versions of games that only get their normal (Previous game versions) later.
>The part 2s of most of the old returning games instead of adding more returning games and making second levels of the new songs since the new games we got were great.
>Introduce amazing things like Tempo Up and instead decide to lock them solely to the Challenge Train instead of granting you access to the ability to change the tempo once you clear that level on the train, or even just let you buy the option once you clear all of the train.
>Everything to do with that piece of trash goat.
>Remixes don't feel like they flow as well as any of the older games did, especially on the musical front.
It's alright, but pretty much every other game outshines it tremendously.
Agree with everything you said but the new games were undeniably on point. The sumo one is my favourite in the series, I wish it was harder/longer.
At least they ended up getting repeated in the remixes which was nice, but it wasn't enough damn it. That sleeping one with the monkeys and the girl was fantastic. Hell, the only real let down of the new songs is the kids down the street grabbing falling fruit.