why do politics feel the need to mess with our videogames?
Why do politics feel the need to mess with our videogames?
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Fake photo, fuck off shill
When you stop feeling the need to post fake pictures for replies
sage and report these shit threads
>game made in japan that less than 2 kusos about american politics is a response to an american political group
Because fuck white people and the alt right weenies
Go tell that to Sup Forumstards infesting this board.
>why do politics feel the need to mess with our videogames?
Because vidya was one of the last bastions free from their corruption.
Their disdain for gamers kept them at bay for the longest time, as they used to think we were beneath them.
Then they corrupted the other nerd markets (like comics) and we were next on the chopping block.
Critical Theory is a cancer.
It's not, that pic is false.
Modern idealists are all filthy scum that pathetic ideologies, ideologies that they have no way to push by telling the complete truth.
Fortunately, they are also the kind of people that nobody would miss if they all died, which would be something great.
>Because vidya was one of the last bastions free from their corruption.
>Nobody even has a solid definition of said group, or if it's serious or a joke.
Because white people can;'t take their special feewlings getting hur hurt
Good, let western civilization crumble, there's nothing worth saving anymore.
t. Salhad al Almud
Oh no, let muslims crumble too, but that one will happen in no time.
Saudi Arabia will run out of oil, everyone will forget about the country, it will run out of money, it will plunge into a civil war, and all middle east will die along with it.
Good riddance.
Everything is political. Culture is inherently political. Way too many STEM majors on Sup Forums/reddit who don't get that.
All this guy
Politics must be attacked, mocked, and eventually censored from any and all media.
>Everything is political.
how is yoshi's island political?
Good thing there's a politics board where you can talk about it, then.
Fuck politics.
That fucker baby Mario convinced me to be pro-abortion.
You remind me of the White from Shin Megami Tensei IV.
That's not how it works. Eerything that is created reflects a value choice that is based on the creator's morals and beliefs. You can't escape it.
The hell? This is fake, right?
>Green Bush
There you go.
The bush being green = stigma against dyed hair in current politics
Bush = Bush Jr., and how he kept us from reaching our goals (represented by the green bush being the furthest away from the sky)
Choice of art style, type of narrative structure, gender roles within said structure, how gameplay works, all reflects some form of values.
Of course you can't escape it if you are a talentless hack with no imagination, sadly the videogame industry produces nothing but this drivel.
White people are ok, though
What? The fuck does that have to do with anything I said?
I miss 2011-era Sup Forums when no one here really cared about politics, apart from being worried about SOPA.
I miss the internet in general having no politics. Pre 2012 internet was great.
Only talentless hacks are incapable of creating stuff not related to politics.
Wasn't it that Tropes vs Women thing that started the identity politics obsession on Sup Forums? I remember early 2012 being alright.
So it has no relevance to what I posted. Gotcha.
It's not intentional choice. Every subjective decision (and even objective ones) has a political perspective attached.
apoliticism is an implicit endorsement of status quo
No it doesn't.
2012 was when Sup Forums got it's hate boner for Anita
you sound like a goddamn marxist.
I don't think politics really belongs on a video games board, honestly
Good argument kiddo, keep having fun with your toys unaware of the world beyond the basement.
Wow Sup Forums is GREAT at arguments!
Nigga u okay
Yes, but you have to understand the internet at large back then was changing. Politics were already seeping into everything, once the great SJW age started it was already too late and then it would be impossible to stop politics on sites like this.
What people here don't get is things like GaberGabe are inevitable. Even lets say /new/,Sup Forums,GG,/Hackings,Fappenings,etc didn't happen. Politics would STILL seep onto Sup Forums simply because the internet at large was politicized so in turn, the users themselves do too. And once the users get eaten up by politics it wouldn't be long before you see ''fuck white people'' or ''MAGA'' posts everywhere.
Oh no, the status quo, better get ready for my two minutes hate of the way things are
Sup Forums will always survive, though. Not unchanged, but it'll always exist as a mish-mash of anonymous weirdos that do a better job of reflecting the state of the internet than anyone else.
Nobody gives a shit, this is a videogames board.
People here never cared about the world, or the politics, and when something bad happened to someone, no matter who, we laughed.
Everything is getting politicized now.
Let's hope a GRB hits this planet soon.
Objectivity is a thing
Entertainment media at least should be free from politics. Children consume them, which are easily influenced, for example. And you shouldn't be using something whose goal is being simply enjoyable to further your goals
>Objectivity is a thing
Silence was never consent
that's still a political position
I honestly wonder, why would someone hate or want to hate white people?
People need purpose, western civilization has run out of things to do, so they cling to the first thing they find in order to feel like their lives mean something.
In their case, they cling to politics, to the left, in this case.
This also causes them to believe politicians unironically back their beliefs.
The intro theme is LITERALLY the USSR anthem.
Look it up.
>western civilization has run out of things to do
yoooooooo wtf
I see
People have progressed to the point where they have run out of problems (more or less), so they make new ones up to fight back the boredom
Something like that?
Up until now, humanity has always thrived by conflict, there was always some danger, something to do.
Now you can live your entire life without doing anything at all, and people feel like they have no purpose, that all they have is their job.
Making money to buy food, water and a house.
Now the closest thing to a danger we have are a bunch of terrorists armed with poorly made bombs and rusty, 50 year old AK-47s.
Which, if we truly wanted, we could destroy them in the matter of weeks, but the US military won't get funding for their ultra-advanced military planes if they don't have someone to use those planes against.
We could focus in space, but the only ones with motivation are billionaires like Elon Musk, who want to make a business out of spaceflight, but even then, progress is quite slow, and NASA only gets pocket change since there's no Cold War, so no need to show off. They put a man on a dead rock relatively close to us for a few hours, built a clunkily made space station, and called it a day.
Are liberals retarded? Zelda is and always was the most redpilled franchise there is.
Link is outright disgusted by faggots in the game and Aonuma thinks gays are "odd".
>muh redpill
>muh progressive
What the fuck are you two talking about?
It's a goddamn videogame about an elf in a fantasy world.