*breathes in*
*breathes in*
Hasn't the Ubisoft logo always looked like this tho?
Someone earlier said it was a toilet being flushed, which is also a good comparison
This new logo just perfectly fits their brand.
>New game is announced
>Not immediately apparent that it's shit
>Still though... The details looks kind of messy
>Game gets released and you can take a closer look yourself
>You realise it's shit
Even reddit can make a better logo than they can.
haha poop is so funny. are you going to show the rest of your class your funny joke, sport?
>straight-up admits he's from reddit
Go back you filthy immigrant
>3D model top view to front view transition
>hurr le epic ubisoft is shit may may XD
When will this meme end? Fact is, Ubisoft makes big, well made and FUN games. I suppose the only criticism that could be levelled at them would be their recent political correctness, but, hey they're nowhere near as bad as EA or Activision with their "progressive" disrespect of real wars.
>old Ubisoft philosophy
>Prince of Persia games evolve
>new Ubisoft philosophy
>we shall delete a few actions and features with each sequel
Oy vey the shills are out this morning
brilliant bait m8, have a (you)
Fuck off retard, Ubisoft make the same shitty actionstealth game every time with a different coat of paint. At least EA's games feel different from each other.
You really have no idea how "shilling" works if you think that I'd be criticizing the company that's supposedly paying me for being too politically correct
>mfw Prince of Persia and The Settlers series ruined by Ubisoft after old management got replaced by dumb "Social Media Integration and Social Justice" faggots who started completely castrating games and removing gameplay to appease the "wider audience" aka "casuals"
>mfw Massive Entertainment, one of the most talented RTT/RTS developers at the time who made Ground Control and World in Conflict, were banned from producing what they are good at after being eaten by Ubisoft and relegated to being a support team for games and genres that have no relation to what Massive Entertainment is good at
Is there no justice in this world?
I do not doubt that the designer of that logo was going for a 3D poop joke on how shit modern Ubisoft is
Their developers get treated worse than dirt. Thats why they have to pay independent shills just to advertise their games, even the developers dont want to do it.
Oh I just assumed you weren't a retard. If you actually like the rancid diarrhea that Ubisoft shits out then I feel bad for you.
They killed prince of persia for the ass creed wank series.That cannot be forgotten.
Ubisoft have literally only made one decent game in the last 5 years
this post is reddit as fuck
How exactly is that a better logo, what the fuck does that moon even represent
I think Heroes got hit by far the worst. Only reason Heroes 5 was good was because Nival developed it. Both subsequent games did worse and worse, with Heroes 7 presumably killing the franchise for good and Ubisoft ending the contract with Limbic Entertainment.
Not the guy you're assaulting, but I found Watch Dogs 2 to be surprisingly fun. It was a pretty huge improvement on the first game. Not quite an AC2 tier sequel, but in that direction.
Samus Aran
Master Chief
Soap from CoD
Minecraft Protag
there's 5 super popular ones. What you assumed they were straight? Ignorant much?
Obviously some Muslim thing.
So it's 100% fitting.
underrated af, decent sequel too
aw shiet I had forgot about that game
They have their indie departments, but those games are not UBISOFT games if you know what I mean.
This was literally on the front page of Reddit all day yesterday and yes I know how horrible I went to reddit
What the fuck are they thinking? It looks like they made it in Adobe Illustrator and just accidentally made it so the ends of the stroke didn't align properly.
mega publishers always feel the need to posture to, in their mind, gather some good PR. as if some throwaway statement about inclusion and such affects one bit the ruination of franchises and killing studios.
The fuck is this?
>When will this meme end?
When they stop making shit games
>I suppose the only criticism that could be levelled at them would be their recent political correctness,
Oh boy I smell some delicious pasta cooking.
>XIII is dead
Nu-prince was pretty good, aside from having next to no combat.
>Fez Studio Polytron
They still exist?
Writer's self insert which he also voices. Only appears in episodes he writes and nowhere else.
pop 2008 is better than two thrones though
Self insert in a cartoon
>Nu-prince was pretty good, aside from having next to no combat.
The combat in the PoP trilogy games was pretty aggressively mediocre, anyway. It's hard to miss.
i thought the "moon" is there to add depth to the o you paranoid retard
Why the fuck would you ever advertise this kind of shit openly. I wish fetishes were still something to be ashamed of and each one didn't have stupid fucking 'acceptance movements' for them
>that fox
I actually rather liked the standalone Prince of Persia game, but it came at a bad time and was too different from the trilogy. We'll also conveniently ignore how Sands of Time trilogy was different from older games.
>$0.05 has been deposited to your account
just a reminder ubisoft never released the epilogue dlc on pc, effectively robbing pc players of the true ending
Me on the left
Fuck those clowns for killing OMGPOP
It is not advertised openly, it is a webcomic about fetishes and kinks. There is no acceptance movement (have you ever met someone trying to raise puppyplay awareness in the streets ?), just consenting adults doing what they want behind closed doors.
There is no reason to be ashamed of what you like as long as you don't push it on other. It's healthy to be comfortable with yourself. You're on a website dedicated to a wide range of sexual perversion (hentai/traps...)
If you can take the advise of a stranger, ask yourself why a tumblr-tier comic about fetishes provoke such a strong emotional reaction to you. This is not normal nor healthy.
It's shit, someone please make a better one of mine.
t. degenerate
Well we'll be able to emulate it soon enough.
This comic both presented the idea of a public fetish meetup to me and also made it instantly unappealing. Very impressive how this comic writer consistently picks awful guest artists.
I'm all for indie divisions that can make games like Valiant Hearts and Rayman games, but contrasting that with what is clearly very corporate structure of the rest of Ubisoft just emphasizes how they're doing the former to get some good boy points with games. They don't really care and just chase the latest big budget rehash like every other global publisher.
>push-X-to-win interactive movie is better than a proper video game with proper gameplay
2/10 because you made me reply.
>This is not normal nor healthy.
That's all that mattered in that post.
You're on Sup Forums man. We're all degenerate here, and if you unironically think that you're an exception, reevaluate your life.
>two thrones
>proper gameplay
Yeah, that's cute.
It added more action mechanics and movement mechanics upon Warrior Within, so yeah it was still proper gameplay. It was still a video GAME, rather than an interactive movie that PoP 2008 is.
This is by the same cuck that made that literal cuck fetish comic, isn't it?
>interactive movie
The only major problem was the lack of consequence in death and how combat was handled, stop using terms you don't understand you fucking retard.
Welp that's one more reason to gas furfags.
>more movement mechanics
Oh, good! More signposts I can press buttons at to move forward between boring combat/stealth sections and some of the world's most inane puzzles. It's like I'm playing Sands of Time but worse!
It's not like PoP 2008 is much more than that, either, but the parkour at least feels good. Shit, even the the knockoff Wii version of The Forgotten Sands has better parkour, lmao
I am using the exact proper terms that make you butthurt.
PoP 2008 was an Interactive Movie where the development philosophy was on creating a "cinematic experience" and "artistic presentation", with simplistic gameplay and press-x-to-win added just so it doesn't lose the video game denomination.
It's a visual novel with some simple gameplay mechanics.
PoP trilogy was a focus on gameplay development, where gameplay mechanics and action was primarily developed with each sequel, and graphics/cinematic experience had a secondary role.
One is an interactive movie made to look good.
The other is a series of actual video games,
with the emphasis on games as in gameplay.
You can go cry in a corner now Sup Forums.
That sounds okay
Id do it
PoP 2008 is at the very least a platformer because of how shit and meaningless the combat is, which in turn prevents it from being a "interactive movie" like you desperately want everyone to believe. You're wrong, get over it.
>all the PoP fans finally reveal themselves
Where were you all this time, friends?
Jesus, Dobson...
>PoP trilogy was a focus on gameplay development, where gameplay mechanics and action was primarily developed with each sequel, and graphics/cinematic experience had a secondary role.
And it had one game that was paced well and was pretty alright but had fights that were insanely repetitive, one game that was mostly garbage and had vaguely better combat, and one final, pretty bland game that mercifully let you avoid all combat but otherwise had no features that defined it from the other two. Unless you REALLY liked Sands of Time, there's no value you can extract from playing the other two games. The Forgotten Sands is a better game than either of those two sequels and The Forgotten Sands' Wii version is the best game in the series.
>avoid all combat
most combat, correcting myself before you try to, I'm aware there are forced encounters in Two Thrones
All Prince of Persia games are platformers.
Except the one game you are defending is closer to a movie because is stripped away gameplay in favor of cinematic experience and graphics,
while the original series is closer to being a proper game because it has more focus on gameplay.
This is why the latest generation of consoles is so shit. You consolefans have lost sight of what the definition of "game" in "video game" is, and now your games are increasingly more like movies and less like games.
Your standards have gone down rather than up,
and now graphics/cinematic experience are the only values you have to grasp upon because console controllers on your favorite platform have stopped evolving, while other platforms who dare do it or the PC keep upping the standards of video games and evolving them.
It's sad, and also the core reason publishers like EA and Ubisoft are shit.
Now that i remember, EA closed Bullfrog because their games were "too innovative" and "not enough like movies" for their time.
I guess you are an EA fan as well.
>*breathes in*
You're as bad as that shitty logo.
He actually did it the absolute madman
I know exactly how shilling works.
You adjust advertisement for target audience.
Japanese hate niggers and strong shemales, so star wars VII were focused on Robots instead or the nig and Rey.
Sup Forums is an "internet hate machine" but itr has a huge audience you can tap into.
Bigot's dollar isn't worth less than a progressive's.
On Sup Forums instead of shilling for, you shill against.
Like in Back to the future the bench a hobo was sleeping on has the brand of a raisin or nuts company paid for by competition
>This is why the latest generation of consoles is so shit.
That's funny, because the trilogy would feel right at home on a modern system, with several half-baked gameplay styles mashed into an incohesive whole.
The trilogy would feel right because you would just copy paste the trilogy and improve its graphics.
The gameplay wouldn't advance, either because graphics would be the focus or because you are just copy pasting it for the sake of nostalgia bucks.
In the end, nothing improves except graphics,
which is a sad state for what is supposed to be a video game, with emphasis on game.
And that's precisely the problem that has gradually arisen in the 2nd half of the PS3's gen.
Games have stopped evolving their "game" part,
and only focus on the "video" part.
The PCfags at least have a keyboard which has unlimited development potential for gameplay and gameplay mechanics, which is being squeezed by various developers constantly.
The console gaming library though is looking more and more like copy pasta with nothing improved except graphics with each passing second, with rare and few exceptions when devs actually care and dare to push limits.
>devs actually care and dare to push limits.
name 3.14 games that do this
Hahahaha, I cannot believe you seriously think that the PoP trilogy has anything more than insanely shallow action-adventure gameplay. You should try some modern console games, I bet you'd love them!
What a white knight faggot