Peter Molyneux

Hack or genius?

dude black turtleneck presentation man lmao

the fluffier, puffier and bigger the turtleneck, the more gangster it is

He can be everything.

He is the steve jobs of videogames

Genius level Hack

Complete hack. The ultimate bullshit-spouting "ideas guy".

Total hack and pathological liar

He was a pretty cool dude in his early days but turned into a complete hack and conman later.

He is one of the rare cases where both apply.

Genius hack

>b-b-but fable!

He got the most amazing ideas for a man of his age. You can still hear how much he loves gaming and how much he wants to do. Though I think is always money getting in the way of everything he ever wants to do. Compromise is the main fault of this man.

A real shame. And as someone mentioned, very much Steve Jobs of gaming.

>raise 730k for Godus
>still shit

Money is clearly not his problem.

t. someone who played Godus and thought it was shit

Not to mention the whole Godus contest debacle.
The winner is still waiting for his prize.

Molineux makes Todd Howard look like an honest man.

Oh man, that fucking contest

>Peter Molyneux promised would feature a "life-changing" prize. Henderson was told he would be named "God of Gods" within 22 Cans' strategy game Godus' multiplayer world. This grand title would come with a royalty check from the game's revenues, starting from the beginning of his reign.

Didn't Molymeux just abandon the game after a while?

ment for

Good. Fuck that kid who won, all he did was click on a box.

I hope that was his CWC winning the Sega Sweepstakes moment and his life is an autistic downfall from there.

I remember when he overhyped the fuck out of fable 2. That's really what he did best.

proto sean murry

Some indie game bundle raised $10k for him. Too bad for you, bitterfag. :^)