ITT: Overrated games
ITT: Overrated games
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Ape Escape
Everything Sup Forums likes
I'm a huge fan of platinum but I don't like third person shooters. Should I buy Vanquish or not?
No. It plays just like every other third person shooter with a bullet time.
Any game I don't like because I'm retarded and don't understand the difference between overrated and simply not appealing to me. Also people who do like the game are casuals and/or shills
>tfw am now one of the couple hundred people in the world to beat God Hard
Gross. I'll wait for Bayo 2 on PC then.
Bayonetta 2
Metal Gear Rising
Devil May Cry
Devil May Cry 3
Devil May Cry 4
Ninja Gaiden Black
Ninja Gaiden 2
Ninja Gaiden Sigma 1, 2
Are you a fan of them for their depth and complexity?
If so I'd recommend it. Things can get pretty insane in Vanquish with it's advance techniques and systems.
Half the people on Sup Forums bought it, played it on normal, and played it exactly like Gears of War and are complaining about it, which is like if you played Devil May Cry 3, played it on normal, only used stinger and called it an easy shit game.
(The evidence of this is almost all of them complain about the upgrade system.)
Name me a third person shooter with as many fun glitch and or tricks as Vanquish
Remove devil may cry 3 from that list and maybe we can be friends
Yes. Learning all the combos in bayonetta and seeing my stone awards gradually become platinums was a pretty great experience. Maybe I'll try it out then
>I take dicks up the ass
We know user, we know
Not him but believe me, it's an equally satisfying experience to start going through God Hard on Vanquish and start to really understand the enemies and engage them at a higher level and learning how to play with them and be stylish.
Vanquish will be right up your alley then. Mastering meterless movement while using your meter almost purely offensively and canceling into the aoe stuns is satisfying as shit.
>7 year old game
>6 hour game
>good mechanics and flexibility with gunplay
>arcade-y, campy, and fun
>being this late to the party
If you didn't know what you were getting into, you don't deserve it. Next thing I know, you'll say Gitaroo Man is a shit game because it's 2 hours long.
Here's the thing, I don't think Vanquish is overrated, but I do think Bayo is.
Bayo is okay, but not good or great.
What are all the games in the genre better than it then?
Can you even name 5 series?
It wouldn't even be ridiculous to ask you to name 10 or 20. You are implying it's just okay so there much be many better than it, but I can name you a ton of games that are nowhere near it's quality in the same genre like Musashi: Samurai Legend or Chaos Legion.
Honestly it just feels like people like you have barely played any video games.
You must be an incredibly dull person
>responding to a bait post in a bait thread
'ow daft are ye
I'm just waiting for the day when the ps4 is completely emulatable and bloodborne will run flawlessly and Sup Forums will say bloodborne is overrated
>consolefags hype any exclusive as a 10/10 - perfect masterpiece just because its an exclusive
>this is somehow Sup Forums's fault
only remotely challenging parts were the dlc and the chalice dungeons
Every game that I don't like.
This game is so overrated. You just go from point to point. "Oh we need to get a car" Heads towards car that you don't even drive and then you lose it.
And why the fuck does he have batman vision? Why am I putting spore zombies in choke-holds like batman? Why is this game fucking batman?
And don't get me started with the ending. The part with the doctor saying, "No please, don't kill me!" I was like, ok! Why would I kill you. That would be dumb. But then the game fucking forced me to kill him just to continue the story, and then the game was like, "ERR DON'T YOU FEEL BAD FOR KILLING ALL THIS HURR DURRRR PPPFFFFTTTPLPLLP"
Came here to do this i'm proud user.
Halo 3 as well
Coming from somebody who loves the halo series
pubg and overwatch
Console players always hype their exclusives as 10/10 games to have a reason for living but they immediately get exposed when the games are played by the only objective video game audience.
Games overrated on Sup Forums
Simpsons Hit & Run
Far Cry Blood Dragon
Assassin's Creed Black Flag
Star Wars Republic Commando
Every game you do like.
Not OP but I also feel Vanquish is quite overhyped compared to what people make of it.
The game has very little enemy variety. It feels like every boss is recycled 3 times at least. Yeah sliding in slow mo is fun but it can only carry the game so far. I don't have problem with the game's length. In fact the game felt long to me, because I'd play a bit and go do something else because it was tiresome to kill the same exact shit over and over.
I played this game at it's original release and I will never get what people see in it, it had one mildly interesting gimmick and that was it
>Good game that majority of Sup Forums doesn't play because they're retarded nintenfags
>Sup Forums finally plays it
it is entirely Sup Forums's fault actually, because it is an extremely vocal minority that tends to spout this garbage and go on for literal WEEKS in autistic fits of rage because there are people who actually play and enjoy video games.
Just Cause 2
The world is copypasta general, tons of buildings that look the EXACT SAME, even down to where the health kit is, everywhere. If you deleted the copypasta in JC2's world, you would end with like 1/50 of the total size of the map. A lot of the side content is "shoot at red things and make them explode".
MGS2 and 3
Honestly it just feels like that genre of games isn't that good.
>there are children who will never experience dmc multiplayer the game.
I love vanquish but gunz will always be king.
>he plays these games for "challange"
Nobody ever talks about Assassin's Creed here
you should lurk more then, and watch any pirate themed thread or AssCreed thread, Black Flag will get showered with praise here despite being a mediocre game
Fallout new Vegas
Is a complete ripoff. Of fallout 3
I only picked up those two games last year
New Vegas doesn't deserve any praise just a reskin.
People defend it by saying the story is better.
Look at MGS5 story was shit gameplay was 10/10.
Fallout 3 had gameplay 9/10and felt original and new
New vegas same shit over again. One improvemt I can. Quick scope like a fag
I picked up the game 2 years ago
Game felt pretty cheap
But I give it a pass because it was made ages ago. Back then the game would have been awesome
Dues Ex Human Revolution aka Reddit Ex
>he plays video games
user believes Fallout 3 was a 9/10 game because of its gameplay, and Fallout: NV was a 2/10 game because its gameplay was the same as Fallout 3's
Try to keep up
You mean by Sup Forums standards? Because otherwise Vanquish is not over rated.
>reload glitches
did they even playtest this shit or they did not care at all?
>Sup Forums standards
is not a thing, kiddo
I take you haven't seen people saying this is one of the greatest TPS ever, or that it's the only third person shooter worth playing, those kinds of things.
What you love Halo 4 & 5 then?
When Vanquish first released it was not as hyped as the rerelease.
Of course!
Cortana is mai waifu :3
what third person shooters do you find better than Vanquish?
Max Payne 1 & 2
Binary Domain
>binary domain
no. max payne's mechanics don't even come close to vanquish
MGS2's stealth engine is godtier
Binary Domain is much better than this, v just likes to jerk to platinum games. If Vanquish is a gem BD is a diamond
Diamonds are objectively worthless
There's better level design in Max Payne, the enemies don't feel as recycled, the game is longer, also no, the bullet time in it is top notch. i'd also say the game has a better artstyle, Vanquish looks quite dull, as if they really wanted in the Gears audience with how drab the game looks at times.