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I keep hearing people talk shit about this game. Is it even coming to GOG? If it does, I might buy it provided it's cheap. Not really looking forward to it but it looks alright.

Also it has Secret of Mana's composer

can somebody explain this combat system? it looks like just a stylized jrpg

Who cares?

>switch getting another port of a game that isn't even close to finished yet

Nintendo always wins baybee

I'm unironically a million times more interested in the Seiken Densetsu collection theyre bringing out in Japan than this shite

It's similar to Valkyrie Profile but ATB instead of turn-based and has additional elements borrowed from fighting games such as building a "super" meter and active blocking.

When this game comes out I hope it gets ripped appart from both "critics" and fans.

People still defend Yooka-Laylee

okay that makes me about 10000x more interested. Skullgirls was overall jusht aight as a fighting game but the tutorial and art style and waifubait is god tier. I trust these guys more than most indies.

So what money did they use to make this port, considering they just barely scraped by their initial goal?
Did they use the money from that mysterious $10,000 donation made at the very last minute?

No clue, they're spending a lot of money shilling this announcement all over the internet though

not to be a nintendo fanboy but a lot of smaller devs are saying developing for switch is infinitely easier than it was for Wii U. Not sure if that means its easier due to increased nintendo support/cooperation or pure technical ease. Either way i'm sure it wouldn't take as much effort as you're probably assuming.

>they just barely scraped by their initial goal?

It was a much higher initial goal than most campaigns had. I think only Shenmue 3 had a higher goal. Also, they've met two stretch goals so far.

>Thank you for posting, 5c from Lab Zero has been deposited into your bank account

day 1 pirate

Nintendo is probably funding it

also it fully supports unity and unreal

Nintendo has been reaching out to a fuckton of indie devs even with the Wii U since AAA devs don't give a fuck about Nintendo's hardware.

>another indie game

lol no

Haven't been following this , but this is a good thing. Every successful Kickstarter edges the chances of whatever assbackwards videogame dream you have closer to a possibility. On top of that, more Switch games is a win/win.

>coming 2018


Yes, but in this case the game is built with an in-house engine, an example that more non-AAA devs should follow. Yooka-Laylee, as a platformer, should have been a 60 FPS game on consoles but the devs took the cheap and lazy way and used the resource-demanding Unity.

after 5 years of delays maybe


>Every character they redesign they absolutely trash but I'm supposed to be excited because it's coming to Nintendo's garbage console

Thanks, Lab Zero.


>Every character they design they absolutely trash

I know the brown slut and the tired pelt lady but does this game have any actually appealing girls?

I need lolis.

I'd say it does, but given how badly LZ has ruined the characters it's shown so far, I wouldn't hold my breath.

lab zero is a one hit wonder but man that one hit is fapworthy

This. Almost every Kickstarter game has been overhyped and underdelivered.

There's Ginseng and Honey

Why do people keep refering to them as indie? Only because Mike Zaimont acts like an unprofessional slouch? There is not a single thing anyhow indie about them. Look you can even "preorder the exclusive collector's edition now"! Yeah lay down 80 bucks for a game that will come out, anywhere between 6 and 18 months, probably.

Both Skullgirls and Indivisible were funded by a publisher, they really only tapped IGG for good measure. Also the devs all work full time with a normal salary and all. To be honest the fact that there's a switch port all of the sudden, because 505 games DID have money to pay for that now all of the sudden, that is real fucking shady, Lab 0 went on and on about how without the crowdfund the game is not gonna happen, 505 isn't gonna spend another cent on funding, yadda yadda, and now they can after all.

And people still call them the indie guys, I don't get it.

>overfunded Kickstarter keeps announcing more platforms while not delivering the original product
Like fucking clockwork, enjoy your shitshow.

as you may remember, the IGG money accounted for a third of the budget, with the rest being provided by 505

Who the fuck is that androgynous child? I don't remember them from the kickstarter cast.

They did the Skullgirls IGG because they had no more money to continue development, their previous publisher screwed them out of money.

>the Switch is shaping up to be the indie shovelware dumping ground
Nintendomination indeed

She was revealed in a January update.

>Buying games that are available on PC on other systems
>Pay more, get a version that most likely runs/looks worse and will get updates/patches much slower

For what purpose?

Daily reminder

I want to hold mariel

On our side, good to know.

>It's it's not AAA it's shit! Only Ubisoft, EA; Bioware and Bethesda know how to male games!
currentyear/v/, evryone.

I remember all the shitposting against this game, I always thought it looked decent

A shit game come to a shit console.

>game is fine but Waaaaaah devs disagree with me and that hurt my fee fees
How are you different from SJWs again?

>He paid morons to make a flash game
>He will pay for it again
Kikestarter indie trash is cancer

i really don't give a fuck about their personal opinions
i just need skullgirls 2

Kikestarter shit aside, what's wrong with the game?

Another indie game that will cost more on the Switch than in any other platform it's on, oh boy

Oh I thought it was just some shitty looking game engine they were trying to sell or something. It's a real game?

Fucking underage piece of shit

Is there gonna be good fanservice in this game or are they too """sjw""" for that now?

>getting excited for Kikestarter games

I really liked the initial designs but the redesigns are killing it for me. My boy Vasco is beyond redemption.

What the fuck that's a different character right

nigger tumblr game
fuck off

Pretty sure they just mashed him with Antoine.

>the last stealing, village ravaging, trigger happy cowboy conquistador turned into a happy grandpa

It hurts


They're still taking money. Don't you know how modern crowdfunding works?

Nintendo was probably like "Hey that game seems really cool, want ot port it to our brand new console which is powerful enough to run it?" and Lab Zero went "Cool" and that's how it went down.

It felt like the original Vasco looked too much like the bow and arrow guy but with a beard.

But I like Morgan Freeman gunman all the same.

Real question here: why does this game trigger so many people? I don't get it. It on the whole looks completely benign


I don't see how this a SJW game. It doesn't appear to be pushing any political agenda. Is it the ""diverse"" cast? I just attributed that to the globe-trotting motif they have going on.

It has black people so it's SJW