Post your death animation
Post your death animation
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>cue Night Eld death scream
Rip fitz. I hope Mecha gets him on for some videos occasionally. I hope mecha makes some videos occasionally.
is that a giant baby or a really small man
what game?
tfw no monster hunter on ps4 or vita
It's a nintendo fan
reverse the image
Is this a scene from time crimes?
just tell me asshole
original requester of sauce here, put some effort in faggot
So, The Last Door is over then?
Did they release the final chapters for free somewhere?
computer, load up celery man please
What's he saying?
>tfw just a ragdoll :(
Really small man
the best part is that you can see his jeans are already wet, so you can tell he's already done a few takes before that one
did he do anything after the death video?
really small baby and REALLY small man
it's funny cause he's a negro
i cant gif
>you will never be the pet of a qt girl 500x your size
Rest in peace you beautiful soul, we were never worth it.
Geese are fucking brutal, they will fuck you up. They can leave nasty bite marks and their wings are strong enough to break your nose with a single slap.
I don't want to step out of the bounds of a LOL thread but it would've fucking hilarious if it ended after he fell.
And I used to think that scene was bad enough in the manga
Stubbing your pinky toe is a fate much worse.
>they will fuck you up
If you're a faggot maybe, but their necks break very easily
Fucking disgusting animals
Just don't be a numale bitch and just punch the dumbfuck goose, not hard.
Holy fuck, I need to see the full thing
Who replaced his organs with strawberry sauce?
That is not a birb. That's a monster
I swear the grunts in Gundam Unicorn had better fights than 90% of the main cast
>did he do anything after the death video?
How could he if he was dead user?
>Tfw the nail on your right pinky is forever fucked because of stubbing it one too many times
>tfw tore thumbnail off
Is the supermutant corroding or something?
Christ, was that dog's penis okay afterwards?
Hitler was right.
Something like that, it's just the animation when you critical hit a super mutant with a plasma weapon.
That's because the main cast were a bunch of unlikable autist edgelords
Was rooting for every grunt fighting them to kill them
All that stupid shit he did in the missions, and all the annoying comments was redeemed by that sacrifice.
>mfw i've fapped to the source