Been a while since we had a cringe thread

Been a while since we had a cringe thread.

Other urls found in this thread:

omg I epically cringed at your pic op haha see you on reddit!

I thought we outlawed rage threads in 2013.


Whatever happened to this fat spic?

He doesn't win any tournaments anymore

Every thread has been a rage thread since 2013

sounds like bad balancing.

I remember this dude. He was undefeated at one point. Did he ever get beat? Don't care about Smash tournaments, but it was fun to read Sup Forums losing their shit when he kept winning.

If you preface your message with "real talk"
I'm gonna call you a nigger and disregard that rest of your post!


>Lucky hit
That is just a john for getting outplayed. What a pathetic fuck.

Been a long time

And yet the game is made by people who don't play in tournament. Really makes you think...



>implying this shit doesn't happen with literally every anime
The only difference is that typically anime has ONE writer

that statement is so fucking retarded, holy shit

its almost like you're a bunch of autists trying to make a party game competitive

That's not cringey.

Literally nothing wrong with that. Stop ODing on memes, child

I dunno I think this guy won

He made his waifu his canon wife

I wonder what is he going to do in E3

>making senseless claims about a character having a built-in mechanic in a game about gimmicks and fan service additions as if sakurai himself is going to address the concern

it's pretty worrying desu

that's just sad

>mentality of a child
>plays Smash

Makes sense

Hopefully blow his brains out live.


This picture is one of our times greatest mysteries. What's going on? Is it really the toilet fetish? Was it an accident? Why does randy boy look so broken? It that really what a wealthy man's bathroom looks like? Or is it someone elses?

We may never know




wtf is this trying to say? The author cannot read signs?

>This picture is one of our times greatest mysteries
Not really, Randy has shed some light on that picture not too long ago

Laugh all you want but that fucker is living the dream and as a fellow waifufag i am quite jelly tbqh wit u famicom


Why did no one at the office sit back and wonder for a little bit what the fuck was going on?
Or did mr. GOLDMAN just screech at them when they tried to intervene?

Hover machines in the cold war era? That's unrealistic but I can take it
Sniper uses a bikini instead of a sports bra? That's unrealistic and should be changed

But Blossom's in kindergarten.



Every time I see this thumbnail it looks like he's getting pissed on.

>wants to be a dragon
>He could actually make a decent mario


>Imagine creating a show, not any show but probably the one you wanted to make for so long since you were a student
>Show gets made and you craft it with love and as much care as possible, treating the main characters like your daughters
>Even do a prequel movie
>You leave the company but finish the show
>Years later some idiots want to revive it and you're not involved with it anymore
>Some dumbfuck self-inserts and claims one of your daughters as his canon waifu

Wow, if I was craig I would be mad, I think he is, though, new show is shit.

I don't know why everyone played the realism angle like it matters. That's obviously not MGS' prerogative. If you don't like the design just say "hey I don't think its very aesthetically pleasing or interesting".


white people were a mistake




Moviebob is not cringe its depressing and slightly enraging.

>Degenerate peice of shit lives in a fucking mansion

>Hover machines in the cold war era?

Um, user...

>"no but's or if's"
>not saying, "no if's, and's, or but's"

Autism thrives in sheltered environments.
It's easy to feel jealous that these tards often get free meal tickets in the way of rich and doting parents, but were they born in a less fortunate situation, it's likely for them to turn out better due to having to learn to care for themselves.

That looks like something a comic book villain would ride on while commanding an army.

come at me, i lift once a week and my pony friends can kill you with ease

He photoshopped the pony in there, couldn't he have found another expression where she didn't look like she wants to get the fuck out of there fast?

Implying that's the truth

You jelly cuz you don't have a cute gf for the prom night like me?

How would shaved skin improve the skin breathing issue? Fucking dumbass doesn't know how hair works, apparently.

This might look better if it wasn't for the disgusting frog face.


Given all the shit she's wearing now she'd probably have a lot more trouble breathing as well. considering most of her body's covered up now. She's even fucking got double layered clothing now because ???


Every post that has ever contained "BTFO", including this one.

Imagine this guy getting ripped as fuck while still doing this.

damn, you just blew yourself the fuck out

I just noticed how he mentions flaring nostrils as a talent. Does that mean there are people who CAN'T flare their nostrils? I mean, I have to since my nose is slim and if I inhale strongly the underpressure will just suck my nostrils on the septum and block everything. And I think everyone else can do it also.

Also, everytime I see this picture I wonder if he ever realized the irony between "Sports" and "Comprehend Mathematics".

Damn ,you got us


Western female """artists"""" are incapable of drawing any females without frogfaces because it makes them feel insecure.



thank you for this

He can build a strawman like no other


>Buttons all three buttons
Fucking disgusting.

t. r/the_Donald refugee



>parents are super career-focused
>they get money while eschewing childbirth
>finally at 40 the mom decides that she does actually want to have a kid while she still can
>kid ends up autistic
Happens all the time like it did with me


his house always looks pretty dope

What's r/the_Donald ?


Holy shit my sides, I forgot about this


Controlled opposition.



I love how the boobs are marked as ??? to show how concerned about them was the person who made that pic

He can also simultaneously act smug by claiming to be smarter than others and dumber than others in the same comic.

Why the fuck are you posting this in a cringe thread? Fuck outta here

It's uncanny how people actually self-insert as the MC in those games

Meant for


No way! This can't be legit surely. That's just sad.


This shit is like thinking Red is Ash.


Why would someone ever have lewd wallpapers? It's fucking stupid.

No. It's a lot worse than that.