Crouch: C

>crouch: C

there's nothing wrong with that.

That's how it should be.
Crouch: C
Save: X
Inventory: Q
Run: F
Menu: Mouse Wheel

>that autist who complains about crouch being somewhere else than ctrl when everyone else just uses ctrl to crawl instead because it's way better

Crouch: C
Crawl: X
Jump: Space
Sprint: Shift

>there are non-ctrl crouchers on Sup Forums

this place is going down the shitter


>Being so shit at vidya that you can't handle a simple and common switch of keybinds

>he doesn't use z to crawl

lmao'ing @ ur life

Jump: Space
Alt: Crouch
CapsLock: Sprint
Shift: Walk

I'm disgusted that you made me read this with my own eyes

>Accept: Enter
>Cancel: Esc

After playing enough Siege I've gotten used to it

>frogposters use ctrl for crouch
Welp, time to rebind all of my games' crouch button to C.

>mfw babby hands can't handle ctrl to crouch

Crouch - CTRL
Sprint - Shift
Prone - Alt
Melee Attack (If there's a Secondary Fire) - Q
Interact - E
Reload - R
Flashlight/Utility - F

If you use anything else you need to rethink your life decisions.

>Can't rebind crouch to MOUSE4

>crouch: M

>buttons prompts in my pc game

Patrician binds right here.
One difference is in games with lean I use Q and E for real and have T as my interact and the mid mouse button as my melee.

remember when all games used G for grenades? now you either have to scroll to grenade or do other stupid shit
>G for grenades
>F for flashlight
>C or ctrl for crouching
>alt prone
>shift for running
>space for jumping
>R for reload

if you're a dev and you do it differently, fuck you

too lazy to find an okay hand emoji, but you get the gist


>not rebinding your mouse4 button as whatever the crouch button is for that game in a new software profile

>that guy that binds jump to M2

pretty much this but
V to meelee
X to prone

Crouch: Spacebar
Jump: Mouse2
Zoom: Shift
Walk: Ctrl

quake bindings btw

>not using the arrow keys for movement
You modernfaggots disgust me

>remember when all games used G for grenades

That's relatively new.

>not binding every button in the game to one key and then mashing it rapidly to win

Sup Forums has pleb tastes.

Good shit. Only difference for me is binding prone to Z

>console pleb
Fuck off, you're the reason most games don't have any lean function these days

>game has pausable combat but also jumping

Which one do you bind to space?

>key bind: something other than mine

>not using an Atari 2600 controller
you posers disgust me


Use this one instead.

>Grenade: G
>Reload: R
>Flashlight: F
>Inventory: I
>Map: M
>"Yeah, those are fine"
>Toggle Crouch: C (right next to the fucking movement keys because it's related to movement)

I bound E to interact and F to lean right in Prey and it worked pretty ok. Not optimal, but ok

I used to always set E as 'use' but then someday I switched to F and now I can't go back. How did I let things become like this?

How tiny are your hands and dick?

Q and E are often used for leaning or using your most crucial abilities in MMOs, since they're right between W they make the perfect spot for toggling

>having babby hands
when will they learn?

>there are people who can't reach all over their keyboard with one hand

Well the thing is with ctrl you don't have to take your fingers off the movement keys at all.

Not that I'm defending the people that cry about C crouch, I'm just saying.

>he doesn't set sprint to one of the buttons on the side of his mouse

>tfw you got tried from remap every key and just go with the default now

>There are people on Sup Forums that are non-Shift sprinters

This has nothing to do with tiny hands, it has to do with keeping all movement options in the same area to make it more intuitive for the user. What finger do you use to hit CTRL for crouch? Your fifth finger. Your fifth finger goes two keys down, first to Shift and then to CTRL. Just using C on the other hand you only have to move your forefinger from d to c, a movement of one key. Using C for toggling crouch is OBJECTIVELY more intuitive than using CTRL for crouch.

>Uses movement keys to press crouch, regardless if it's ctrl or c
>Not using pinkie for ctrl
>Not using thumb for c

ctrl for crouch is a hate bind

>goes two keys down

Which is irrelevant since I could reach even lower without discomfort because I don't have baby hands.

And who the fuck moves from d to c, taking a finger off the movement keys? You use the thumb if you really want it on c.

crouch is C.
ctrl is for PTT

>implying I don't always have my pinkie on shift

I can't fit my thumb onto C because my hands are too big

it have been

>goes two keys down
>actually using CAPS LOCK as a binding in a videogame ever

Ask me how I know your a scrub.

>remember when all games used G for grenades?

No. In metal slug it was button 3, and in Half life you had to switch to one.

Enjoy your accidental jumping C fags.

>Having the motor control of a toddler

Danm you people are a bunch of annoying prima donna cunts holyshit

t. C fag

Don't worry user, nobody is going to steal the faggot medal away from you.

This is fucking disgusting.

Crouch - C
Sprint - Shift
Prone - Z
Walk - Alt
Melee - Mouse 4/5

what do you use to Lean Right then you peasant?

And don't say "E", because then you cant strafe right and lean right at the same time

Mfw I use a controller.

>And don't say "E", because then you cant strafe right and lean right at the same time
Sure, if you're fucking bad.

Or I just, like, rebind the keys in a way that suits actual common sense.

I use alt to crawl.

Or just not be a mouthbreathing mongoloid. Seriously, put your finger on the E key. Now look what other key is underneath your finger.

Does anyone here play cod on PC? What the fuck kind of binds am I supposed to use to be able to thrust, double jump, and drop shot?

>need to lift my fingertip off the D key in order to press E so that I can press D again
>or I can just keep holding D key and use my thumb to press C to right lean

>yet I am the mouthbreathing mongoloid

Sure thing faggot

C crouch
G grenade
R reload
S Sprint
W walk

Easy peasy

>People ACTUALLY use toggle aim

Ctrl is for crouch
C is for toggle crouch

Couch: C
Prone: Ctrl
Run: Shift
Inventory: Tab
Switch Weapons: Mouse Wheel
Fire Rate: X
Jump: Space

>Melee Attack - Q
>Not middle mouse

How the fuck are you supposed to lean, user?

>if you don't strain yourself that means you have baby hands
>not realizing sprint and sliding is much better when crouch is bound to c rather than ctrl

the only time c should be used as crouch is when a game has sliding

>attack 1: left mouse button

>left click: forward
>ctrl or space: fire
Meme config worth trying

>s: explode/suicide
Never retreat

>Voice chat: open Mic

>Voice Chat: K

>this thread