What's the vidya equivalent of this?

What's the vidya equivalent of this?

Any Remasterâ„¢

why the bloody vampire teeth?

Breath of the Wild

That one ice skating DS game

Crash Remaster

That Batman remaster

I don't see any blood


silent hill hd collection


Silent Hill HD

The easy answer would be NSane trilogy, but the most apt comparison is that Conker redesign they tried to use for a Kinect game, versus his old look.

Complete with the dumbass teeth


I miss the brighter, semi-neon, green of the original.

3 is a close second, but that engine was way too bloomy, washing the color out too much.

Phone versions of old FFs.

What even is this?

H2A look a best


What was the name? The "fun little team-based shooter" that got turn into 5edgy13me grimdark shite because a bunch of kids said the original look felt "too kiddy-like"?

when the devs for Heroes of the Storm redid all of the old WC3 icons with shitty ripoffs that look like garbage



the new bunny head looks like an albino squirrel

That is kind of a nice, foresty green without being too grim dark gray.

Now I'm torn between Neon CE and H2A's Forest.

the buckteeth is really hard to point out over its white fur, the gaps that is it's open smiling mouth make it seem like velvet colored vampire fangs.

First thing that came to mind.

Overstrike getting turned into Fuse by EA.

They fucking hired Insomniac to make an Insomniac game then made them scrap all of the personality and replace it with the most generic shit imaginable.


Poor, poor, Conker.

>colour gets duller with every new game
a fitting metaphor for the genre

it is a perfect metaphor. Master Chief was shiny and new in the first game but old and faded in the post bungie era.



looks much better, so does the entire game.
other than tidus face

Silent Hill Remastered
This sign have me cancer

Those blurred flash games tier sprites, this stretched aspect ratio. What the fuck did they do with FFIV PSP crew.

That's because it's comparing the PS3 to PS4, not to the PS2.

right looks better


generally speaking, most vn remakes

But she was so THICC, they ruined it :(

80/90 anime style is disgusting grandpa


PS2 version is the best one. Better model, but worse textures and resolution.

compared to the ps2 no

emulated PS2 will always be the best way to play FFX as of now

Please tell me this isn't real. That turtle emoji is the only emoji I EVER use because it's so cute

why does it look worse?
I literally can't see it, i'm not saying you're wrong I just don't see how it looks better in any way..

DoW 2 in the top line.
DoW III on the bottom.


All characters models are worse

The remake of Trails in the Sky

the crash bandicoot remaster

mostly the faces, yuna and tidus look like dolls for some reason, and since iconic cutscenes and closeups are kind of important for ffx fans, it's a shame

every jrpg remake

the rabbit is shit, but the turtle literally offends me
how can someone fuck up so badly

are those new ones westernized emojis?

Ah yes. I keep forgetting.

>Eastern design
>Western design


Look how fucking smug that tortoise is. What a dick.

>comic sans

Ultra Street Fighter 2.

what the fuck is this

I almost bought FFX HD what the fuck I'm glad I saw this

kill yourself

eat a dick