Why haven't you hacked your 3DS user? You can pirate games straight from Nintendo's servers...

Why haven't you hacked your 3DS user? You can pirate games straight from Nintendo's servers, emulate every handheld up to the 6th generation and every console up to the 4th generation among many other things

>"hur hur you can get banned from playing online!"
It was literally a one time thing. In fact there was reports of them even unbanning people and even if you were banned its literally as simple as replacing a file on the system to remove the ban

Literally no fucking excuses

>its literally as simple as replacing a file on the system to remove the ban
Said file must be gotten from a clean 3DS

Said file is on /hbg/ and hasn't been banned

Who else is too scared/worried to check if they've been banned?
>"If I don't check and don't go online, it's like I've never been banned!"

We think we know how the ban wave works. Pic related.

If you don't run any homebrew with the Wi-Fi on, you won't get flagged. If you've already done so, you're already on the shitlist.

Nope, don't give a shit. Also, I'm not banned last time I checked.

>replacing a file on the system to remove the ban
is this for real
they cant be as incompetent as this, fucking hell if you ban someone you have hardware access you can ban them forever but no, nintendo handicap with online shit goes as far as being unable to do this

Wasn't there a step in the process of hacking your 3ds about making a copy of your finished SD card in case you do get banned? Couldn't you just replace the files on you current SD card with the copy or is that not enough?

>is this for real
Yes. Each 3DS has a unique code called a "friend code seed". They're generated in the factory, and Nintendo has a whitelist of all valid codes.

They're banning 3DS players by blacklisting those codes. If you can get a code from an unbanned 3DS, you can copy it and unban yourself.

Man who seriously gives a shit about being banned
What is there really worthwhile to play online? Ignoring that Nintendo's online services are incredibly abysmal anyway.
there are simulators for that
>Mario Kart 7
why when 8/D exist
>Smash 3DS
>Mon Hun
like seriously the only thing worth here and another one will be coming out on the switch anyway so if you haven't gotten your fill here you can get it elsewhere later

>Wasn't there a step in the process of hacking your 3ds about making a copy of your finished SD card in case you do get banned?
That's for if you brick yourself. It won't unban you.

HAHAHAHAH WHAT A FUCKING RETARDED SYSTEM but thanks for the explanation, my fucking sides

I did like a year ago,suggest games for me to download and then probably never play.

Yes user. It was He-lar-rious

nobody wants to buy the dumpster fire that is the Switch

>tfw im still on RXtools because my ds flashcart can only be played on sysnand 4.5

can the new cfw play ds flashcarts?

>mfw I didn't use freeshop so I never got banned

How much do they pay you to make these threads daily?

What do you mean by homebrew? Like games or programs?

I'm probably banned alrdy but i don't update in such a long time and didnt went online in that period of time, what happens when u get banned? u cant play the games anymore?

How much does 2 sticks of Toblerone and a bag of M&M's cost?

Any homebrew CIA. Doesn't matter what it is, if you run it with the Wi-Fi on, it reports it to Nintendo.

>what happens when u get banned?
You can't play online. If you're not using online anyway, this doesn't affect you at all.

Nintendo lawyers will come to your house and take all your game first. Then, some big burly black man will block you when you least expect it and sodomize you.

all we can hope is that nintendo won't do ban waves frequently so that we can keep using a public seed or at the very least have to update it every few months (there will probably be people who don't care and share one again if it happens)

i want this to be true, if only because it means they are collecting usage data in spite of offering the user an opt-out option for usage data collection
>b-but terms of service
which is not a legal contract and can't overturn a reasonable expectation of privacy

immoral and possibly illegal

You don't need flashcarts with the 3ds.

There's a flashcart whitelister bruh