Prey is now unplayable on PlayStation

>Prey is now unplayable on PlayStation

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So this... is the power... of the Play Station 4...



fuck off pkek

at least we have games

>you lived to see consoles become knock off PC's

>at least we have games

>avatarfagging with Pepe
How unoriginal.
Go back 2 reddit, dumb frogposter.

>PS4 actively making games worse

How do they keep doing it?


>more souls shit

Who gives a shit? If you're playing a first person shooter on console you deserve to suffer.

Yearly CoD rehash? check
What else do you have?

*Pulls out my Switch*

>on the Playstation 4 PRO


The salt is real.

Honey Select

Be a #player. Be a #pro.

If bloodborne is the only game on the ps4 why nobody bought it?

>not having both a PS4 AND a PC

Legally you can only have one or the other.

>nobody bought it
I bought it. What now?

So... This is truly... #4thePlayers...


well now just look at all those games

Cause number too will be announced

>fucking Xbone of all things is now running it better than the PS4 Pro

You paid twice for this. Twice.

And you're being beaten by the fucking Xbox.

How will Sony ggers ever recover?

PS4 Pro is....... truly........................ 4 the players.........................

Enjoy your game.


>mfw pc keks will never, EVER, get to play BB


That's not avatarfagging, are you retarded?

Most games run better on Xbone tho at a lower res. Like 80% of games this gen have better framerate on the xbox.

It means you're nobody, you worthless trash.

>Xbox runs it better
I wonder how Beth would fuck up a Scorpio patch?

Yeah but this runs at 1080p on the bone, and it still does better than the Pro. How is this allowed?

thank fucking god



>Phil Spencer sneaks into the Bethesda server room holding the patch
>fucks up the PS4 patch and laughs as the patch gets sent out

Why do people partake in console wars, anyway? The only right option is to own everything. To take a side is to be poor AND proud of it, what's to say of the stupidity of identifying yourself with some faceless multi-million dollar company.

You know OP probably does. His image SCREEAAMS "I came here from Reddit for le dank meemees XD"

t. assblasted sonybro

>"Buying shit is what smart people do! I'm the best goy!"
>*slices foreskin*

its just that i have never heard that
quite amusing

People talk shit about it but it's literally $5 at five below. People laugh and shit on it for being a "movie game" while simultaneously paying full MSRP for the latest TellTale bullshit """game""" completely unaware of the hypocrisy.

i can play it on youtube.

A lot of Sony ggers (a term for HARDCORE fanboys of Playstation) are somewhere in the 18-20 year range. The console feeds a want and need in the 18-20 year old, from participation Trophies, "deep" games that are shallow and believes that Playstation is a "premium" brand like the Apple devices they use 24/7 or Starbucks.

>and the belief that PlayStation is a "Premium" brand.

If you dont care for souls games is there a reason to own a PS4?

I legit can't think of a game I want on the PS4, Maybe Kof 14? but thats coming on the PC aswell.

Whats the issue with that webm?

Nier Automata

sony-ggers literaly believe that.

Nier is on PC. What are you on about?
You can see it in the way they act and speak, God fucking forbid you talk about an Xbox game around them, you'll see them freak out because they cannot handle it.

I think the issue is that the controller is not even being held and the game plays itself?

*swipes your multiplats*
*scratches your screen by breathing on it*

Hmph... know your place!

It seems like games run worse on PS4 Pro

>The only right option is to own everything.
the only right options are to pirate on pc, use keys from key resellers, use ps4 share, borrow console games, buy second hand, see what gamestop have in 5-10$ bin, use gift cards, steal hard copies of games, use stolen credit cards, install bitcoin miners into repacks, use bitcoins to buy steam games, play online poker, seed torrents, use private trackers, syphon gas from other cars, steal newspapers and use it as toilet paper, use adblock, have a gf, use her for twitch whoring, learn 3d modelling, make 3d porn, create a patreon, earn 50k$/month.

What about me? The successful 24 year old weeb with a salaried career who just wants to play as many panty adventure quest games as possible?
I think that's the largest demographic on PS4 desu.

Okay Spoony.

Oh I never watched the controller, that's retarded

How is that the fault of the ps4? This game is shit and not even great looking even on PC.
No dynamic lighting.
Doom looks 10x times better and works at 60fps on ps4.

... well now I have to replace my screen protector you big meanie.

I’m a mustard and I’m playing BB now.

Friend let me borrow his PS4

Hillary is now flying all over the states to make excuses why she lost the election.

If she was as energized for the 2016 champagne like she is at deflecting blame now, she might actually have won.
Why wasn't there even half this much activity seen last year?

>This game is shit and not even great looking
>PS4 can't even run an ugly game properly

There is a difference between liking the console and games on it, and being a full on Sony-gger.

I could work on a quick litmus test if you'd like.

playstation has mostly been worse for multi plats. how do people not get this after four fucking consoles?

>Doom looks better
>Game runs worse than it on ps4 than any other system
Yeah totally not the ps4s fault

>Nier is on PC


Because she has AIDS or HEP C or some other disgusting disease from Bill that literally made her faint in pleasantly windy 70 degree weather. Meanwhile Trump had been flying cross country all over America for 3 weeks non-stop fueled by nothing other than mcdonalds and shitposting on twitter.


I don't get the point of this, but hey, what's new from Sony-ggers.

Yea, so its the dev's fault.

Doom runs at ridiculous fast framerates on any toaster

It's not really a good benchmark to use


>PCfats went as far as to make a fake Steam store page to make it look like they have games


I see what you're saying but if we're honest with ourselves if somebody enjoys Japanese games they have no other option than buying a PS4. The Xboner gets no nip-games and the PC gets substantially less. Nintendo has Nip-games but 95% of them are Nintendo developed in-house. If you want obscure Japanese RPGs/SRPGs/Action games then you are pretty much required to purchase a Sony console. I don't "love" Sony but I will make the claim that some of the best games of this generation are exclusively on the PS4.

funny how every dodgy port on pc or xbox is considered a fault of the platform, yet when the ps4 gets bad port after bad port it's all the developers fault. the guy in the video even says this problem has been encountered by nixxes who made the tomb raider port for the ps4, and that clearly shows that it's a playstation software/hardware issue rather than shitty devs.

Funny enough, I did pay for it, since I bought the game as a birthday gift for the PS4 owner like a year ago.
Also bought TOH since he hadn't yet...

>Nintendo has Nip-games but 95% of them are Nintendo developed in-house

Switch is doing well though. I think Nintendo will finally start getting a serviceable amount of Japanese support if it keeps going like this.

Well, I can agree with that, although D4 by SWERY and Crimson Dragon are both really good if you get an Xbox.

However, Sony-ggers in my book are rabid fans who try to block out conversation of Xbox and Nintendo in other threads. It's ruining the board.

So the devs are incompetent.

What's your point?

>if you squint really hard you can see that this one pixel pops

You'll be using this excuse a lot once Scorpio drops huh

Kill yourself degenerate

all FPS games are unplayable on consoles

I don't know what this is, but I know I ain't clickin' it.

>All multiplayer fps games are unplayable on console
Something stupid like prey or fallout doesn't matter

Call me when I can actually multitasking on a ps4 and can use more than 1 screen

Why the fuck would you need to multitask on 2 screens?

Are you gonna' play Bloodborn twice?

>no other platforms have the same problem
>other titles have the same problem on PS4

I already forgot that the game existed. Feels bad for the devs, better luck next time.

>Xbox One ends up being the more reliable version all because they kept it running a resolution it could handle

Fucking hell.




>>other titles have the same problem on PS4