Sup Forums praised Old Hunters

>Sup Forums praised Old Hunters
>Watched let's play and it looks like shit compared to the Ringed City
Explain yourself!

PC fags, this is your mindset.

pity (You)

Well, it's not.
>watching a lets play vs playing it
From this point alone, you're wrong. The aesthetic to the research hall and Fishing Hamlet is literally perfect and anyone who says otherwise is a retard.

So how about you stop gobbling cocks in your mouth and actually play it before you say you have an "opinion", you stupid bitch.

>Watched let's play
You need to be 18 to post here.

reported for being underage

>watched let's play
see, that's where you idiots go wrong.
put the controller in your hands and play the game.
you know, like an actual gamer would.

Basically this. The only thing wrong with the dlc is that it ended.

The best part is when they turn shitty parts of the game (micolash) into memes to distract you from how shitty it is.

Old Hunters has much better bosses and, in my opinion, a much better setting.

>Boss with explorable arena
Already makes him better than 90% of DaS3 bosses

>shitty parts
I'm very critical of the base game. I'd go as far to say that the base game was "satisfactory". Chalice dungeons are repetitive, got sick and tired of all the gothic wilderness. But micolash boss fight was well-designed. It was unconventional because you're fighting a sensory experience, a dream. It's as much a battle against the setting as it is, the character.

It fit the lore perfectly as in the school of mensis and the trial and error ascensions into a great one. Micolash was not meant to be an all-powerful aggressive being akin to the Moon presence. He was meant to be a devious and curious HUMAN scholar who gained insight.

These threads make me wish there was some way you could havesome kind of verifiable flair if you've played a game.

No, the only thing Sup Forums needs is a block for mobileposters so they can't shitpost 24/7.

>Liking micolash
Second half of BB is just as shit as das1 second half, the only good part is unseen village part 2 and gherman

why the fuck are you retards replying to this

This. But Ringed City is great too

>Unseen village part 2
>Summoners everywhere

What is the Wyvern?

>unseen village part 2
>Nightmare bad
>WetNurse bad

Yeah it was good going through it the second time and seeing the changes after the bloodmoon
Night mare areas were pretty boring, amygdala was good but optional, micolash was shit, mergo was shit but had a great ost
Moon presence was also shit, gherman should be the true last boss

Ludwig > Demons
Orphan < Gael
Living Failures = shit = Spears
Maria > Midir (not be the comparison tbhfam)

And in terms of level design I think all toh are better even though I love the ones in trc.

Maria was too parry bait for me and Gael>orphan but I do like toh better than trc

>watched a lets play
like pottery

I never understood people complaining about parry stuff, just don't parry the boss and the fight is much more enjoyable.

I hear this a lot but I don't really understand it. The first half of BB is a cycle of cleaning up after someone else's mess, a human mistake or a mistake in the form of a human. You're in this cycle of killing beast after beast.

The second half of BB is when shit starts to ramp up. You find the primordial answer. You're literally fighting "gods".
Denying the eldritch truth that you, a human, can indeed make a difference; the same truth that destroyed your progenitors.

>Watched let's play

Because you literally playing as Dante IN DARK SOULS WORLD.






pic related BB player in a nutsack.

If this thread was made in old Sup Forums it would've reached page 10 without a single post

Can't even argue how right OP is, huh?

Not to agree with the other guy but micolash is shit.
>lol chase me!
>hey kid, wanna see a one shot spell?
And it's KOS not kosm you fucking awooing fagot.

>Watched let's play
I don't even care it's bait, kill yourself.

>someone somewhere fell for this

Old Hunter will never EVER be available on pc

>can't argue since the poster is actually right
BB best game of all time they said.

You said the same about neptunia and others gust games

More like The Ringed Swamp

I was talking about the image.