Game makes fun of you

>game makes fun of you

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Before I get replies saying "hurr durr you're fat" I'm 120 pounds and it upsets me how overweight people are considered acceptable targets in vidya like this. It wouldn't fly, and rightfully so, if she said "don't you think it's disgusting looking at shitskins" or "fuck I hate virgins", but it's okay and oh so funny when it's about fat people. Just stop devs.

No one can choose the color of their skin. And yes it totally does fly for characters to make fun of virgins.

Prove it fatty

Name five Japanese games that do this


Also, not everyone can choose not to be fat. If you're skinny and have never struggled with your weight before, and you're not mentally ill, it's hard to realize how difficult it is for some people to lose weight. It's a psychological addiction for some just as weed, masturbation, or vidya are for others. It's not as simple as "bro just put the donut down", because of it being cathartic for some or because of the environment they're in, it can be almost impossible.

>Have a goblin body (Skinny arms, skinny legs, big fat belly with moobs)
>Live in Florida
>Still wear a jacket wherever I go to cover it up

Fat people frighten me.

Fat people at least have their defenders and can potentially change. Short men are the real victims.

>200 lbs
>fat af
>Have really broad shoulders so people just think I'm ripped

Im a fat guy, around 130kg and 187cm tall, i dont give a shit if they make fun of fat people, i actually enjoy it because more often than not i can relate better to those jokes

Hurr durr you're fat

I kind of understand her.
Do you imagine being a fat shit, always eating fast food and soda, and always having that fat on your body? Fat people also have a hard time breathing.

>Fat people also have a hard time breathing.
So do smokers and vidya doesn't give them a fraction of the hate

How tall are you?

Is this game good?

I'm thinking of getting it at some point.

Is Caligula good?


>Sup Forums filename
No, it's not you or your photo.

do fatties look like this?


>tfw you're the jolly fat guy

>choice between two incredibly terrible moral choices of enslaving yourself to one force or another
>either one you choose gets you praised by your in game helper for being a strong willed individual
>neutral choice of mastering your own fate and fighting against the shackles of both factions
>in game helper calls you pathetic and goes on a tirade every time another choie comes up about how you aren't a real man
Never dropped a game so fast, great writing you hacks.

>not working out
what sort of faggot are you?

Since cigarettes are heavily taxed, smokers actually contribute a lot to society, thanks to them we can run hospitals, public schools,etc.
When a fat shit buys McDonald's, money mainly goes to the (((corporations))). Plus smokers can look good, as opposed to the fatties who almost always ugly.

Okay, now how tall are you as an adult?

That's pretty realistic, you are breaking free, they don't want that.

I know, right


>there haven't been taxes on junk food before

I'm fat myself, and I think no subject should be above ridicule. Fat people just happen to be an easy target due to our overall demeanor, and I don't blame anyone who cracks jokes about fat people or even me specifically. I often do it myself, actually.

Oh, shut the fuck up.

Borderlands 2 did this, some guy said "You helped an old man look more badass than he deserves, I'm referring to myself of course"

>implying I'm fat

I agree, fat people are fucking disgusting. How can you even allow yourself to reach such point to begin? Zero self respect. Whenever I see a fat person in public, I can't help it but to stare at them with a disgusted look.

Being a fatfuck is a choice, Being a shitskin isn't.

I have never met a fat person I've wanted to be friends with

The care/lack of care a person has for their body often translates to their personality

>bobby pin

what did >she mean by this?

Dude. No one here is gonna stay awake at night worrying about skinny people with high metabolisms.

No, but we can look like this...

Now, apologize to us big boned men, we are here, and we are HUNGRY

Being a fatfuck is in some cases no more a choice than being depressed is, because such a heavy dependency on food is a mental issue, and having mental issues isn't a choice.

All fat people have terrible personalities. Disgusting, smelly fat pigs

I'm fat and just recently started eatingright and going on the treadmill because I was ridiculed and shamed into doing it. I'd rather have people shit on me and make me a better person than people be nice to me an enable a horrible habit. "Fat shaming" actually works. It's literally why I'm trying to become normal.

I don't know about you, but where I live, taxes for cigarettes are 80% of the price. Never been to a fast food, but I don't think it even comes close.

Are you a europoor. Here in Amerifat you can just go to native land and but that shit tax free

Yeah it wasn't even close to that. The reason I bring it up at all is because I ordered donuts in a city in Alabama before and the tax rate was like 20%.

Ironically you're going to end up getting passive aggressively thin-shamed by all the overweight women you know who are super fucking threatened by your weight loss

Enjoy being told how sickly and unhealthy you look all the time

Then you haven't met a lot of them. Almost every single fat guy I've met has been super nice, probably because they feel like they have no right to be cross to anyone due to self-esteem problems.

They should be though. It's literally their fault that they are fact. This isn''t the middle ages where being overweight was a sign of wealth, seeing as you can get 24 nuggets at McDonalds for $4-5 dollars.
Fat people should be ridiculed because they'll either take care of the problem or kill themselves, which is a win-win.

>He doesn't use timestamps for his images



Joke's on you, fag. I don't KNOW any women. My family on the other hand are all fat. I don't know if they'll like me doing this. They've been offering me a lot of food lately. Stuff I usually ate before.

>In some cases
Keyword being 'some'
The majority of fat people aren't people with mental issues that are dealing with their crippling depression by eating food. The majority of fat people are fat because they don't want to take care of their body like normal people. Saying "Stop making fun of fat people because there is a tiny minority that are fat because of mental issues" is a stupid argument to make.

The majority of fat people are either really quiet shut-in types, or then they compensate for their lack of confidence with humor, often self-deprecating humor.

Then there's the "body positivity" vocal minority.

People chose to be fat...regardless of any excuse they come up with. No one forces you to eat.

What about anorexia?

It should make fun of you for buying that trash.

What's the max amount of weight an adult male can have before you declare them to be a gross pig? 200lbs/90kg? 250/113kg? 300/136kg? This isn't counting those that are more muscle than fat of course.


You dress like a faggot though.

Dont forget your scarf.

>watch the official trailer for this game
>framerate drops out the ass
whew lad

what the fuck is that next gen smoke shit

>Also, not everyone can choose not to be fat

>caring about fat people being fat when they dont care themselves

Falling For The Meme: The Thread

>fat is a choice
t. ignorant retards.
There are a lot of people that are fat due to hereditary bullshit, and even other things cause it. A lot of people, no matter how hard they try cannot lose weight, and would have to resort to fat removal surgery if they want it gone due to issues with the body.

Then there are people who are fat because they cannot work out, or move around due to something wrong with their limb/s.

There are many factors. You're right there are quite a few fat people that if they just move and eat less they'd start dropping off pounds like crazy all they need is to want to, but that's not every case.

If you have some autistic hate for fat people, that's cool. You're entitled to your choices. At the very least don't be retarded about it.

>>I'm 120 pounds

Not fat but definitely a manlet.

What''s your stance on characters making fun of short people?

Thanks for proving that you're not fat on an anonymous image board.

fat people deserve to be made fun of

t. person who used to be fat

My little user cant be this tumblr.

Its not making fun. Its just reminding you that fat people are disgusting and should be gassed.

The vast majority of fat people are fat because they choose to be. That includes people who are fat because of genetic reasons. The only people who have a reason to be fat are people who have a disability where they cannot exercise, even in those cases a healthy diet can work wonders. The vast majority of people who are fat are fat through their own choice.

I don't have an "autistic hate for fat people" I just saw a bullshit post claiming that fat people are oppressed in video games.

gb2reddit (^:

t. lazy fat fuck

Hey buddy I think you got the wrong door, the Reddit club's two blocks down.

Those are still a definite minority and nothing good comes from trying to convince people that being fat is good and acceptable, because it fucking isn't. If there is not some legitimate reason why you can't drop weight, then you do deserve ridicule, because you are intentionally ruining your own fucking body and deserve to be kicked in the ass and at least try to get in shape.

>posting dog

Maho is best girl.

i agree to some extent but you're still a fag and fat people still disgust me


to sum up this thread.
im fat because:
>muh genetics
>muh disability
>muh metabolism
please add more you as you see fit as thread progress im off to bed



As an ex anorexic it actually boosted my confidence but that only lasted for so long then I became apathetic as fuck

how the fuck do arms get that fucking fat?

Doesn't all that eating require them to use their arms?

Do they have someone else stuff the food in their mouth for them?

>mfw some people here think you need to exercise to lose weight

Just don't eat like a pig and have to meals a day and you'll lose weight fast. Also quit the fucking sugar.

>not having a mini food bot to feed you daily in your bed

Ishygddt, we even have robots that mow our lawns, get with the times dude

>If you have some autistic hate for fat people, that's cool.
>fuck electronic video game hates me
You sure keep your options wide open

Once you've been fat like I was at 250 and got yourself down to a healthy 140 like I did, it is impossible to listen to fat people claim it isn't a choice. Literally all you have to do is burn more calories than you eat. That's it. You can eat whatever you want so long as you're keeping an eye on your calories. People are just fucking pathetic and want the world handed to them on a plate.

Side note: If you're fine with being fat that's totally a-okay. It's the people who whine without actually trying to do anything about it that bother me. Especially when they go for the "acceptance" angle.

>OP owns a PSVita

>didn't read the filename

>M-muh genes
You can't get fat off of air, every pound comes in through the mouth.

If you have a genetic predisposition, the onus is still on YOU to deal with that shit, you CHOOSE to be a lazy fuck about it regardless, and you grow fat.

Fuck you
t. Someone that has to work his ass off to maintain even poor health, looking at you fucks squandering all you have on lazy indulgence. FUCK. YOU.

>That little bulge

Could you BE more gay?

Fat people make me uncomfortable

arenĀ“t you a cute little snowflake :^)

I'm fat because i like to indulge myself in my vices.

nothing wrong with that

You live in a free country. Get raped by goats, i don't care.