Which game is objectively better?
Which game is objectively better?
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3 open world
It had the most freedom in every aspect
The loading times are a fucking torture and it lags like shit.
Don't play this garbage.
Graphics/performance? The Sims 4.
I still can't believe how much The Sims 3: University sucked. The only good thing about it was moving into a new dorm, then selling every asset. Shame cheat codes for money had already long existed at that point.
If 3 didn't run like shit, it'd be the definitive sims experience
can you build this shit like this in sims 4
The Sims 4's building is literally the only good thing about the game
The Sims 4 has better social interactions. It's pretty fuken sweet to be able to do several things simultaneously like eating, watching TV, sitting, talking at the same time.
3 has the best rape/prostitution/exhibition/bestiality/whatever mod and 4's will never compare without the open world
4 has the best art style and runs significantly better but has a shittier modding scene and no open world, if you're into building stuff/designing rooms it's way better than 3 since it has much more freedom in placing objects
From a design perspective Sims 3 is better. It had open world, cas, seas, a good city life and more stuff to do. Sims 3 sims have unique personnalities and can get impredictible which is great for stories. Also better mods.
Sims 4 is better only from a technical perspective. Eveything else is a step back. All sims 4 sims play out like the same.
>talking with sim
>sim goes to sit on a chair
>other sim goes to sit on the couch on the other side of the room
>want to perform hug interaction so they have to stand up
>the other sim is already up and he's walking to the couch to go sit with my sim
>have to wait until he sits down and gets up again
>pathfinding shits itself so they stand in front of each other for ten seconds without doing anything
It's pretty bad sometimes but I agree, it's hard to go back to 2 and 3 after getting used to 4's multitasking system
oof that's really sexy
how about the lot sizes though
Last time I checked the lewd mod for The Sims 3 was completely fucked up because the developer kept implementing new stuff requested by his supporter on patreon instead of fixing bugs that had been there for months
Has it gotten better? I remember it completely fucked up a couple of neighborhoods for me
I have some sex mods for The Sims 4. Are the sex mods for The Sims 3 good enough to warrent a reinstall? I remember The Sims 3 running like ass and being ruined by all the DLC. Are the loli mods good? Are there loli mods for The Sims 4?
Women are not fucking allowed on this board.
Sims 3 is best one despite the lag
its most complete and fun one
all things considered, do you think we're going to get a sims 5?
Lot size is pretty disappointing compared to 3 and I think 2, also you can't place additional lots on the map so if you want to build in the biggest lot you have to evict one of the families and delete their house
>he plays sims for the simulation aspect
despicable simpleton
They're not smart enough for that.
Sims 3 has a long fucking loading time at the start, like 10 minutes with all expansions, but after that the world is completely open with no more loading
Is sims 3 worth a pirate
Only if it's a sims clone made by another dev, like Cities Skylines
user my toaster is six years old and can run sims 3 all expacs and shit fine
fucking maxis reeee
Some worlds have glaring routing issues (Bridgeport), though.
so 4 or 3 first ?
Depends what you want.
3 has way more and way better content
4 has a better sim creator and overall visuals
>no mention of sims 3 performance vs sims 4
that must lag like a bitch
yeah no way you'll be able to build that in 4
I found a picture of the largest lot just to give you an idea
I don't play this shit game at all anymore. I installed it, but hardly touched it.
I only play it for the nude mods, like any self-respecting man should.
oh no it's still a buggy laggy piece of shit, i don't use the patreon builds since i need muh loli patched versions but yeah he just keeps throwing in new features or re-implementing old ones without any performance improvements
at least it doesn't crash too much
TS3's main sex mod, OKW, blows the sims 4 one out of the water in terms of what it does, but is also way buggier and makes the game run even more like ass
personally i enjoy it way more than TS4 simply because the open world allows for some total fucking insanity in combination with the sex mod, i'm talking having your sim's daughter getting raped by wolves on the way home from school, or your sim deciding to go get impregnated by a paki vampire while you're in the bathroom, resulting in a surprise vampire daughter
oh and someone at atf has loli-patched the sims 4 mod
performance is ymmv though
Isn't ATF that forum where you have to post a fuck ton to get any of the download links?
3 will run on a toaster, right? I want to see if the sex mods are really any good.
nope, i've posted there maybe twice, its just a loli forum but seems to be the hq for people loli-modding games since places like ll are prudes
it'll run, sure, when it came out i ran it on a toaster from 2004 that wasn't even good when it was new
the thing is it'll run like shit on absolutely everything, you'll be getting the same buggy slow stutter-fest as people on high end computers, and the mod just adds to that
It runs fine as long as you don't install all the expansion packs, just stick to whatever you actually want to play
shit like island paradise and showtime just bloats the game and you're probably never going to use half of the features there
>you can't place additional lots on the map so if you want to build in the biggest lot you have to evict one of the families and delete their house
That's probably for the better. 3's custom lot placement absolutely fucked the routing.
Sims 4 isnt too bad if you can put it in SSD
the loading time is almost instant
Sims 4 made bank so there will be a sims 5
My only concern is if would only get better or worse for the series. Sims 4 is a giant miss for me
Urbz or Bustin Out?
You might talking about sims 3 because 4 has almost no loading time
3 is a better gameplay experience than 4 generally
asking the real questions here
I'd say Urbz but it might just be nostalgia, I didn't play Bustin Out until recently
My nigga
With SSD the load is 3 mins instead of 20
Gonna get the sims 3, what are some necessary expansions that Sup Forums recommends
3 is boring and 4 has no features and is a glorified mobile game
3 is a laggy, unoptimized piece of shit which no amount of "performance" mods can alleviate.
>3 is boring
Seasons, Generations.
how high is the chance that in the summersales sims 3 and its expansions is gonna be -75%?
don't pay for it
on top of the expansions and 'stuff packs' there's a fuckload of premium hairstyles, outfits, objects etc...
pulled this off google so it might be inaccurate but you're looking at a $74,486.50 bill for all the content on the sims 3 store
and even at 75% off $439.81 is still 110 dollars for the whole thing
plus ea are a shitty company and the garbage botch-job that they did making sims 3 and its increasingly buggy expansions doesn't deserve a reward
Just pirate it, EA probably doesnt even maintain the sims 3 store
>Sup Forums can't handle people who play a sports game
>A series that I've only ever known females and faggots to play is ok
welcome to Sup Forums.
now get out here chad unless you want me to suck your cock.
3, but the sims 4 is getting better and better and maybe with the time and when this complete the game is better than 2.
thanks to not having areal 3D neighborgood, open world and story preogression the game would never surpass 3.
3 for PC, Bustin out for console
Simulation is a male dominated genre
2 for handheld
don't be a basic bitch user
>sims thread
>it's just the opinions of people who play it for the sex mods
Just a lous minority
You can pick up the ones that actually cares for the game
>The loading times are a fucking torture and it lags like shit
Parroted opinion, only was so during early patches. It runs well even with multiple expacs, just not all of them.
fuck you bitch, you don't know me
sex mods are just one of the many mods that make sims 3 more entertaining to play, maybe you should get off your high horse and start sucking its dick buddy
Opens up a fuckton of life simulation.
Nothing like having you sim date his own rape child.
The Sims 3: University was awesome though. I loved hosting huge college orgies with mods
Problem is, I dont know how to pirate it. I am a normie and bad in computer
>tfw you installled every exp, stuff pack (even the katy perry one) and pirated the entire sims store
I was dumb but even EA knew they fucked up when they admit that you cant play their game with all of the exp
How can you even
Breathe or read/write
Im tech dumb too and i pirated sims and injected mods
Seasons and Generations are definitely the two mandatory ones, as said.
Both add things that should have been in the base game (weather and more personal interactions between sims).
After that, it's kind of up to you. Go with what you like. I use Ambitions, which is good for adding a few interactive careers, where you're following your sim around doing things instead of sending them to a rabbit hole. I also like Late Night, it's a lot of fun for all the bars and nightclubs (I've heard the town it adds, Bridgeport, is not the best for smooth gameplay but I just use other worlds with custom Late Night venues added). Also you can start a band.
World Adventures adds three vacation destinations and some light dungeon crawling, puzzle solving stuff with quest chains to follow, which is kind of weird (very different from the usual sandbox experience) but I find it fun. The rest are more or less self-explanatory. I don't use Supernatural, it's just not the kind of sims game I want, but it seems neat if that's your thing. I've heard that Island Paradise is a shitshow, performance-wise. I've seen others complain about a performance hit from installing Pets. I haven't tried either, so couldn't say for sure. Just be aware most all the packs come with additional gameplay items, lot types, social interactions and/or careers on top of the major features, so look into that when you're picking and choosing.
me on the left
I didn't care much for the controlled professions in ambitions, but didn't it add a bunch of new self employed options? I remember one of them lets you become a tattoo artist, barber, or renovate people's homes. That was super cool.
>sports games are the same shit every fucking year.
>Sims is one of the biggest (if not the greatest) franchises on PC.
>still wonders why Sup Forums likes so much
Mah nigga
>download and install Sims 4 and sex mods
>dick around for it some time with a family
>suddenly one of them gets pregnant
>mfw I suddenly get more invested in their lives surrounding them than making them have sex with each other
Yeah, that stuff was from Ambitions. Also added the consignment shop, where you can go and sell your sim's paintings or other things they make. Plus it added the inventor's table, which unlocks detonation, which is pretty sweet. You can toss a bomb on any object and blow that shit up.
Like I said i am a total normie...like playing fifa, gta etc.
THen buy the entire set of games on amazon
there are a gazillion torrents on TBP and other sites where they even made self installers so you don't have to keep installing the dozen of expansions one by one.
Why would you even play with everything installed? That would just have been confusing and tedious.
Why tho. It would literally take an in game day for a sim to walk from one corner of that manor to the other. Chjildren would miss the school bus constantly. A party would be done before every attendee actually got to some interactive item. Sims would fall asleep or pee themselves on the floor before they reached a bed or toilet.
Unless they finally fix the passage of time in this series, making this kind of thing is pointless. Might as well build it in Minecraft and enjoy viewing it in first person.
Sims 2 had meaningful gameplay. Things like the way genetics worked, interactions between sims and sandbox mechanics were all perfect. It was topped with a great heaping of easter eggs which tied directly into the sandbox gameplay like aliens and asteroids. It was also on the right side of the uncanny valley. The general aesthetic of the furniture and premade lots is great. 10/10 one of the best games of all time. (But not *the* best simply because it's more a sandbox tool with naturally arising story than something like Portal or ME1 or such where the story is woven in with as it would be by an auteur.)
I really like the way personalities were handled in 2 as opposed to 3. The point system to distribute to traits worked well in making sims feel like different people. Every trait is paired, so there's shy/outgoing, grouchy/nice, serious/playful, sloppy/neat, and lazy/active. You have to pick and choose what your sim is going to be, and it affects things in a lot of different ways. Sloppy sims will look very messy when they eat, and they eat faster than neat sims. Nice sims will cry when they're insulted by another sim, but grouchy sims will insult back and escalate things. There's a whole host of little things like this.
The sims in 3 feel much more samey to me. The trait system just feels like buffs to certain skills or actions, without the more subtle effects from 2.
>The trait system just feels like buffs to certain skills or actions
They pretty much are. You'll rarely find yourself not min maxing and carefully choosing traits for sims since the moment they are born.
Why would i choose a trait that pointlessly makes him hate outdoors when i could choose one that will make him max his logic skill before he becomes a teenager?
3, even if you need a NASA supercomputer to run the game with all of its expansions installed
I don't understand sex mods for something like the sims? Alright, so in other games maybe you want to see some titties when you're playing I guess. But in a game about simulating human interaction? That seems like a really sad place to be in mentally. Is this the hobby of a true sociopath?
Sims 3 runs like absolute garbage.
All sims games are boring as fuck anyway.
Deep, realistic interactions, like fucking your own rape-baby who just finished sucking off a horse.