>Sup Forums says a game is shit
>play it
>it's fucking great
What's her name Sup Forums?
Sup Forums says a game is shit
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They are just mad that they didn't get to impregnate Haruka.
No seriously, I can see the downsides of 6. Will still get it though.
Is that the ghost of Takeshi Kitano? What the fuck?
RGG studios spent their budget to get Kitano in the game
Holy shit, name of game? That's pretty sick, didn't Kitano say he hates videogames?
Yakuza 6
>didn't Kitano say he hates videogames?
Didn't he make his own game? Doesn't really matter if you're getting paid a fuck ton to do some voice work and lend your likeness though.
Dee Em Cee.
Gameplay was actually beastly and sound design was well done.
Music was either good or bad depending on what you like, not objectively outright garbage
Sure it was edgy, but that was kinda the whole point.
Damn, it looks really fun. Is it not getting localized?
>Damn, it looks really fun. Is it not getting localized?
The game came out last year in Japan. It's getting a western release next year. You can pick up the remake of the first Yakuza this August. The steelbook edition is £25/$30.
Nice, I'll check it out, thanks!
But the gameplay is a downgrade in nearly every way from every RGG game when it comes to fighting specifically. The only improvement to hand-to-hand is that you can seamlessly go from punching forward to backward and continue a combo with it. It also takes the Yakuza 4 onward approach of having multi-tier substories or substories that are basically a single conversation long and that's it so there's far less of those as well.
Enemies block at complete random in the middle of combos which also causes your combo to completely drop, you get knocked down by a gust of air which gets ridiculous, and bikes make any need to actually punch people pointless since they are absolutely everywhere and can kill even the strongest mooks roaming around the streets in a single spin. You gain the ability to seamlessly walk into restaurants, sure, but you also take massive framerate dips, screen tearing, and losing Kamuro Hills, Champion District, and the Underground Mall for it. Hell, you have less choices for fighting in 6 than in the previous games, there's just outright less heat abilities and more focus on passive stuff.
Haven't played it but what did you think of Onomichi?
Osaka feels bigger but it's quite comfy.
>get Takeshi face in your game
>put it on the cover as big as the MC
Wait did Sup Forums say this was shit? Whats not to like aside from it being early access?
Is sleeping dogs the closet thing we have to the yakuza series for pc?
>But the gameplay is a downgrade in nearly every way
I don't understand this argument. It isn't like the Yakuza games are known just for their combat. It's more famous because of it's setting, stories and the sheer variety of things you can do in it. As long as those things are in it and done well, I could care less if the combat is dumbed down.
It's not that the content is bad persay, it's that it runs very poorly.
Yea. Nagoshi and him are drinking buddies. And even though each time he asked Kitano if he wanted to be in one, he was stunned when Kitano said yes to appearing in 6.
>It isn't like the Yakuza games are known just for their combat.
Not him but one of the best things about the series is that with every new game the combat was improved and refined. You could really see progression in terms of design through the games.
>Game is extremely short, platiniumed under 45 hours while it takes over 100 hours to do it since Y3 (meaning Y6 has fuck ton less content)
>Story is trash, Yokoyama is a hack and ruined the series along with few characters
>Maps smaller then in Yakuza 2
>No Champion street, hotel district, Kamarucho Hills and Purgatory
>Can't buy, upgrade or equip weapons
>No training, small amount of upgrades for combat
>No save rooms, no item boxes
>Less variety in shops, Hiroshima is empty and Kamarucho has poppo and hamburgers all over the place
>New combat is very wonky and unbalanced
>Boss fights are weak and boring, they barely attack and just dodge
>No UFO catcher
>Every mini-game is dumbed down or worse
>Silky smooth 28 fps with stutters, screen tearing and horrible draw distance and pop-in
>"FREEDOM" and "SEAMLESS"*only for those places shown in the trailer (4 of them)
>Only few interesting substories, rest is "oh you discovered a playspot, go talk to receptionist and sing-up for rizap!"
>Baseball simulator is time waster to grind and unlock substories
>Snack bar chatting is time waster to grind and unlock substories
>Clan Creator is time waster to grind and unlock trophies (win 100 fucking times, lvl 99 up a guy)
You are either joking or never played other games from the series before.
Keep in mind that back when he said that, games didn't have stories or anything, they were mostly just platformers.
your sexuality is a closet thing
How though?
I'm legitimately concerned how you managed to play that.
After, I dunno, the first hour of cutscenes I fell asleep playing it
Is the PS4 remake the best entry point for the series? I actually own the original on PS2 but its stuck in another country atm
Don't be afraid to use your nails, boys!
It's both better and worse than the original for entirely different reasons. It's a perfectly good game on its own though.
>You are either joking or never played other games from the series before.
>importing a game from a series you haven't played before
Play whatever you want and not be someone lap dog on what you should play.
It's fine. It does a lot right and in many ways is what a remake of a game should be (especially in terms of expanding on characterization as it gives more insight into why Nishiki becomes such a bastard), but it's plagued with very odd design decisions that this video mostly goes into
Seriously, they couldn't rig slightly better lip flaps?
The combat is a major part of every single game that only improves in mechanics, spectacles, and showiness as they go on with many more moves and ways to handle a situation. 6 not only regresses in nearly every matter but it also has far less options in fighting and far less choices when it comes to dodging and finishing an enemy.
Hell, take a look at the list for what you can even use:
You don't even have the option to use the Ultimate Essence (究極の極み) which has been available since either 1 or 2.
To add to this further, enemy encounters are constant even without the Charismatic Photo equipped, there's always three or four at any given time in a circle around where you are running around and they're not easily avoided.
>People only live in America
Either way he is most likely shitposting since most people have bad opinion on this game.
Even that faggot with patreon that shills those games at first defended Yakuza 6 but after a while admitted the game was just weak.