What RPG videogames are the most similar to dungeons and dragons?
What RPG videogames are the most similar to dungeons and dragons?
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Dungeons & Dragons
Especially ones with a bad DM just following the campaign modules.
>No, fuck you, I only have this planned for tonight. Now either go through the dungeon you will just be wandering around the town fighting ogres all evening.
Divinity Original Sin and the sequel are the best examples
if its a new dm cut him some slack shits intimidating your first or second time if hes not a new dm fuck em
RPing in MMOs while playing Final Fantasy Tactics on the side. There's your ideal D&D vidya.
New DM here, I agree that following modules can be boring if you've already run it but for someone new to the whole thing it is a godsend.
Temple of Elemental Evil
Neverwinter Nights comes close. Since you can have a DM and easily create custom adventures and stuff.
Divinity: Original Sin and Dragon Age come to mind. Neverwinter and Baldur's Gate also.
Infinity Engine games
>first time dming
>using a system called retail magic where the pcs run a shop for adventurers
>system includes a 1d300 random event table the players can spend points to roll on
>entire plans go out the window in the first session as an undead skeleton army attacks the city, the king is hiding in the broom closet, a small white dog disables the power to the store and a very irritable and powerful fire mage is browsing the bargain bin
Eh. None. Nothing managed to relay the D&D mechanics at a decent level. Everything is shit, basically.
Except for these games:
End yourself m8
>tfw made a really cool campaign for my players but none of them want to play
I swear guys, Age of Rebellion is really fun
I was just thinking that, if you were to see the events in a computer RPG at an actual table, someone would inevitably be calling bullshit.
>townsfolk say that the trolls in the eastern cave need to be slain!
>okay let's buy a shit ton of firewood and burn them out
>sorry, nobody sells firewood in town
>fine, let's go into the forest to cut down some trees
>sorry, nobody sells axes in town
>also, the ogres attack anyone trying to chop down a tree
>so let's kill all the ogres
>there are always more ogres
>fuck this, let's go north
>there are IMPASSABLE MOUNTAINS to the north
>let's just go along the foothills
>the mountains stop at a steep cliff, with you at the bottom. You can't get into the mountains
>okay fuck you, let's go south
>fuck that, let's just use a rope to cross or something
>also, IMPASSABLE MOUNTAINS on the other side of the river
>fuck this game, let's go west
>you come across a fence
>I kick down the fence
>it is a very strong fence, and your weapons have no effect
>fuck it, I'm climbing over
>suddenly, goblins on pigs charge over the fence and knock you back!
>also, this happens any time you try to climb the fence
>okay, we kill the goblins, what loot do the have?
>no loot. Also, they were too low a level, so you get no experience
Also, while modules can be helpful, I find that a large number of them tend to be fairly... poor, with their assumptions on how a game should be run. Okay, the party reaches the ice tower in the middle of the forest. Why, exactly, would be the problem with the party trying to sneak through? Why do stairs to the next floor just end, forcing you to walk through every room on that floor in order to reach the next set of stairs? Why is there a magical wind barrier preventing anyone from climbing or flying to the top, and yet conveniently unmanned so nobody inside notices if somebody makes the attempt?
>Why, exactly, would be the problem with the party trying to sneak through? Why do stairs to the next floor just end, forcing you to walk through every room on that floor in order to reach the next set of stairs? Why is there a magical wind barrier preventing anyone from climbing or flying to the top, and yet conveniently unmanned so nobody inside notices if somebody makes the attempt?
wizard with paranoia and a poor sense of room layouts using charms to set alarms on every floor
that sounds fun as fuck tho
it was fun
I just made the foolish error of assuming my players wouldnt be dumping all their points into the rng table
ironically JRPGS
far more aligned to D&D than modern WRPGs.
Dice rolls
Job roles
Strange Worlds
Well you sometimes gotta meet your DM halfway, otherwise you end up with:
>Rocks fall, everyone dies
I mean, imagine if you built this grand dungeon, this nice plot (or purchased a module to tell a good story) and your party just straight up ignores it. Sure, you can run the misadventures of Sir Bearington and company but if the game is Rise of Tiamat, you're inevitably gonna get buttfucked by a 5-headed dragon. That's kinda why you gotta know your DM and your DM has to know your party and what kind of story they want to do.
This is exactly why I only play D&D with friends, btw.
Why the fuck didn't the wizard bother to set an alarm on the front door, in that case?
If you want my GMing tips, they would be something like:
One, you can start a game session at the beginning of the dungeon. So many GMs, and so many players, seem under the assumption that the party needs to be strangers and they need to meet up in a bar and they need to be fed the plot hook and they need to take the time to travel to the dungeon's location. No, fuck that. If you are doing a one-shot, then you don't want to spend two hours watching the socially inept players try talking to one another. What's more, the players need to realize that for a starting GM, it's a better game to keep things simple. Introduce your characters, work out some reason why you are all sticking together and here. You're in it to explore the dungeon. Get exploring.
Also, dungeon layouts really should have some idea of what to do in mind, not just a series of events they assume the players will like. As in, "find the hidden vault in the castle" rather than "kill the orcs in this room, then the wolves in this room, then the archers in this room." Far too many of these modules just assume you want to kill everything along the way for EXP, as opposed to assuming the castle/fort/cavern is some sort of structure and placing stuff where a person could reasonably assume they are.
Also, I'd recommend adventure EXP (that is, give the whole EXP at the end of the adventure) as opposed to kill EXP. It prevents the game from pausing after every fight, and stops the players from actively hunting down enemy groups and turning every session into a combat slogfest, instead focusing on what they are doing there.
I've never had fun while playing D&D, a bad GM might be the reason or something but somehow the games just always end up being slow as hell and the combat just feeling like a grind. I even like the idea of this classic dungeon crawling basic fantasy stuff but the mechanics of D&D (I've played 3e and 4e) just manage to make it very dull.
5e is basically streamlined 3/3.5e where martial classes get to be good instead of just casters
if you want something simple there's good systems out there like dungeon world which i think uses 1 or 2 d6 for everything in the game and character creation is a selection of multiple choice selections on a list for each class
D&D has a large focus on the dungeons and the combat, so yes, games can end up feeling like a grind. This is especially true in D&D3e (where HP can take awhile to get through) and D&D4e (where the whole point of movement and attacks is to make combat "interesting"). There are many other RPGs where this doesn't happen, either because combat is much faster or because it is incredibly dangerous, so targets drop very quickly. Most of those games, though, don't necessarily have good mechanics to simulate a party plowing through a large group of goblins, so they are a bit different in focus.
>I even like the idea of this classic dungeon crawling basic fantasy stuff
I'm afraid that most dungeon crawl games do have the focus on combat, primarily because dungeon crawling tends to go hand-in-hand with killing goblins and dragons. Some systems are more lethal, and so fights end quicker as a result, but many will still involve fights quite frequently. (Stealth and tracking might be more relevant, though.)
That dungeon world thing sounds nice, maybe I'll try it one day.
I want to rant more about D&D so here goes: I think my biggest gripe with the system is that the combat system is so detailed and "gamey" that it very easily just becomes watching HPs drop with the predetermined attacks/spells/whatever instead of giving opportunities to do creative and original things with the skills they have. I feel like the mechanics of dnd encourage the players to just roll to hit and calculate damage. I'd like it more if it encouraged all the cool things the players can do to be used more creatively, but it's not the way the game was designed, I think. Not necessarily too much crunch, just wrong kind of crunch.