What do you expect from Sony e3?
What do you expect from Sony e3?
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Sales reports which lump all versions of the PS4 together, to distract from the massive failure of VR and PS4 Pro. If only they had added backwards compatibility.
smoke and lies as always
Telladega Nights 2, and 4K remaster of the first.
Death stranding gameplay trailer
Western casual shit and games no one wants. (David Cage "games" Knack 2, etc).
Mgs5 and silent hills
I'd actually like to see a Talladega Nights 2. The first one was pretty funny.
VR, VR, VR, remasters, indies, and games that won't be released until 2021
A shit ton of remasters, generic shooters, and pretending the Vita doesn't exist.
More Kickstarter nonsense.
Nothing anyone actually wants to see (ResiRemake 2, FFVII)
>muh sales
>muh timed exclusives
>muh timed dlc
>also on PC
> hey here is a trailer for a game that wont come out for 10 years
thats about it
A lot of trailers for some cool looking games that won't come out for another 4~6 years.
>generic shooters,
This is Sony, not Microsoft.
Angry nintendo fans
CGI trailers.
Ellie shaving her head in the new tlou trailer
and surely some new trailers for games that were announced at E3 2-3 years ago and aren't out yet
>b-buh nintendoh..
Are you conveniently forgetting that the biggest sellers on the PS4 are dudebro/nigger shit like Cawadooty/battlefield/GTA etc?
Microsoft is just the same so don't give me any fanboyism garbage, it's obvious that Sony & MS know casual/cinematic games are big sellers.
PS5 games*
*interactive experiences
Games aimed at niggers/spics and SJW's.
Knack 2
>boo hoo much white safe space
new games with constant future delays
artsy or simple games
a new useless gimmick
standing ovation for tlou2 gameplay and people being taken to the hospital
non stop screaming and cheering over trailers
a new TV show or tv deal
ps4pro slim
ps5 tease
A shit performance of literally no game play (or typical on stage rehearsed game play) that sonygros will lap up.
I'd honestly just like to see a drop in the PSVR's price and them announcing more games for it.
I mean no other VR headset has game support. I might actually be compelled to buy one if they had fucking games instead of a slew of fucking tech demos for full fucking price.
A better console.
I can't stop laughing
trailers but not the ones people want
remasters but they're all of shitty multiplats
death stranding still doesn't get either a release date or gameplay
spiderman will turn out to be shit
dad of war is a cinematic experience rather than a fun hack and slash
on the plus side we might get another cool performance at the start like last year
you mean that lady having an orgasm while suffocating?
I dunno about you but I thought that was pretty hot
Hopefully some news about Spider-Man PS4. that's the only thing i'm really hyped for from them this year
Why did Kaz stop hosting Sony presentations in E3 anymore?
>modern spiderman games
Heh. Getting scared, kiddos?
Funny hie Sup Forums will always downplay everything or hate everything they show but it's not like it really matters, specially for the average normie consumer, Sony only exists and if they show games like Spiderman, God of War and dudebro games, Sony easily wins e3. Sony is literally destroying the competition, more than 60 million consoles sold and they are projecting to sell 80 million consoles by March 2018.At the end of the day, your opinion doesn't matter Sup Forums
Winning, like every e3
The Playstation SWAP, a portable device with 2 detachable wireless controllers.
scared of what?
the fact that you have to rely entirely on rumors to generate any sort of hype for your conference?
Because he's the CEO of Sony now. Most likely too busy.
He was the face of the company, until the year where Sony refused to pay investors dividends. He agreed to a self-imposed paycut, but refused to step down. Which is blasphemy in the world of business.
Normalfag casual games.
My Wifes Son Of War, TLOU, etc.
He's actually doing pretty fine
Sony is doing lots of profit
This was several years ago you mongoloid, learn to read.
Best answer
They'll start by telling us how many PS4s they've sold
I never denied that, I'm just saying that he's actually doing pretty well.
Official PS4 price drop to $250 with the new baseline HDD space being 1TB. Don't think the Pro will get a price drop though since I don't think it's selling too well.
I hope they announce a Freedom Wars 2 or Freedom Wars PS4 port but that's probably wishful thinking.
Hopefully, something worth talking about or at least something that will be fun.
Already looking forward Darksiders 3 and Shadow of War.
Maybe we'll get some news on Vampyr and Call of Cthulhu.
Introducing another Remaster to the Remaster library of the Remasterstation 4 Pro.
Didn't think we would stop there? We're remastering the Pro, introducing PS4 Pro Slim model. Now it's slimmer but still a pro!
So who wants to spend one hour watching VR demos please remember to buy PS VR!
Here's some God of War 4 live gameplay running on a PS4 Pro (sorry PS4 vanilla owners). Time for some GCI trailers with no release dates from SquareEnix. And here's a timed exclusive DLC deal with EA/Ubisoft no one cares about. But before we leave, let's end the show with Last of Us 2 trailer and a 2018 release date just giving us enough breathing room to have Last of Us 2 Remaster at 60FPS on the PS5 in 2019.
Nothing being released in the next year. But they'll "win" the whole thing.
Spider Man WHEN?
I thought it was cancelled. Or have they moved it to try and make bank off the Homecoming film?
Failure. I've been expecting it for the last 5 E3s and they haven't disappointed me once.
Ape Escape 4.
not for the Vita though
>Dudebro the convention
Nothing much
They only announced a kickstarter once
Or you can just get a PS4 for $200 and get a 1TB SSHD for $60-$80 and sell the original 500GB HDD.
Excuse us for being back to back E3 champions.
You can already watch Talledega Nights in 4K on Netflix. Still holds up even though NASCAR has dropped from the popular culture
He's not really. Playstation is a highlight but it's not making as much money as it could. They still haven't found a new CEO for Sony Pictures yet after it made a significant loss last quarter and they are struggling to gain back into the TV markets against Samsung and LG so bad that he's said they are looking at investing in India where the brand has some strength.
Shareholders aren't really happy that it's one tech/media divison being a pillar as the others struggle. Hirai's he's incredibly conservative compared to Nobuyuki Idei and Norio Ohga who were incredibly expansive and willing to push ideas even when the company wasn't hugely profitable as their long term vision paid off. Hirai is more of the same of Howard Stringer. Very short term planning and short term sight. Only long term project he's mapped out is VR and VR has a long way to go.
shit that isnt coming out for 3 years
acting like multiplats are exclusive because they get to buy DLC 3 days before the other consoles
focusing on games that are already out for some reason
Are new ones that low now or do you mean buy a used one?
a bunch of announcements for games that aren't going to come out by next year
also a bunch of ways to say the games are ps4 exclusive when they aren't
From Sony? Nothing.
From third parties? A lot.
4K shilling
ignoring existence of PSVR
more 4K shilling
They can show quite a few games
>Crash Bandicoot Remake
>Days Gone
>Death Stranding
>God of War
>Gran Turismo Sport
>The Last of Us 2
>Uncharted Lost Legacy
And then some multiplatform games, maybe with some exclusivity deals.
>Ass Creed Egypt
>CoD WW2
>Destiny 2
>Middle Earth Shadow of War
>Red Dead Redemption 2
And then some section on VR
>great success
>millions sold
>support has been great, just great
>more support is coming
>please be excited
And then some new surprises, maybe by themselves, maybe by others. Deep Down? New Ape Escape? New PSASBR? New From Software game?
But we all know a majority of the conference will be some CEO autofellatiating on how wonderful Sony is and how everyone should support Sony for how wonderful they are. Look at the millions we've sold. We are great. We are the best, yada yada, our online service, here are some more numbers.
They'll finally tell us what Dreams actually is in concrete language without flowery vague embellishment. This shit has been at the past 3 E3's and they've somehow managed to tell us fucking nothing about it.
Look for sales. Got mine on black friday for $200.
Everything under the sun, except Monster Hunter 5
: )
I like it how every Sony ad removes the competitors branding from their multiplat
How observant of you, Captain Obvious.
>10 months ago
>4 months ago
Nice try drone.
>ignoring existence of PSVR
eh idk user. I've heard PSVR sold better than any other vr headset, they've made nice money with that. it's all gimmicky bullshit though
VR garbage nobody gives a shit about and a lot of cinematic trailers of cinematic experiences that won't even be out until 2020 or so.
Sonic Mania was confirmed on Xbone and Switch (then NX) when it was first announced ya dingus.
get a load of this cock sucking faggot.
Apple hasn't paid investors dividends for decades.
>in association with
>Christian Whitehead
I swear my brain proccessed Christian Weston
Games and some filler shit no one cares about.
Honestly I just want some new stuff.
Maybe a kh3 trailer
Nothing worthwhile as every E3 with PS.
They shill they cancer and trailer no one really gives a flying fuck about after.
Like God of War, HZD all cancerous games. Singleplayer SJW cancer.
I can't remember anything that lasted from E3 2016.
Kojima is the only one who might bring hope to this E3. Other than that zero fucks given.