The fact that this shit needs a tag

The fact that this shit needs a tag.

why the fuck not you autistic sack of lard

Its rare, so its pointed out. Most character driven games have a male protagonist.

Since when did Sup Forums become full of cucks?

>i get mad at reasonable things because i have a hate boner for feminists


since gamergate

full of white teenage cucks bitching about imaginary problems now

whiny SJWs need to go

no u

>complaining about whiny when you yourself are whiny over a petty reason like a game user made tag

petty whining is what Sup Forums was made for
anyone who's spent more than 6 months here would have realized this you faggot

SJW alert!

It's become somewhat of a joke now. It's a red flag for some people, and a meme for others.

Sounds about right.

>Not hating feminists

I agree op, once again they objectify women. In a progressive society there should be no such labels.

Do you play graphical adventures?
Females protagonists in that genre is not rare at all.

No, I don't. But also I don't think this tag was created for that genre.

It's good, I know what games to avoid.

Because the majority of games have a male human protagonist. It' so common, that there doesn't need to be a label for it, it's just expected.

only trannies and faggots care about stories and characters in games
and the above groups never give a fuck about gameplay

Is there a Male Protagonist tag?

Thats the default, so there's no need.

who goes out of their way to be all like "ah yes, I need to sort through all these games with male protagonists, I specifically want to play as a woman right now"
does that really make or break a game for someone?

No gender equality here.

if there is i havent seen it

what's funny is that over the recent years female protags are actually just as common as male ones. yet we still need to point it out.

I would have agreed with tags like this if it were still the early 2000s

More like it's rare to find someone who knows what the fuck he's talking about when he says shit like that when it comes to female protagonists.

There should be

This is fucking hilariously retarded. The cucks aren't from gamergate, the cucks game to infiltrate Sup Forums after gamergate

>Wanting gender equality
That's not how gender equality works.

We don't need one because we're not fucking bothered unlike women.

>The fact that this shit needs a tag.
So what.
Seriously, you just typed a sentence, what about it?
What about the fact that that shit needs a tag?
Do you even know English?

Ok, faggot.
Here are my corrections.
"Wow, the fact that this needs a tag is pretty pathetic"

Really nice, now you know what to do in your next posts.

Not that user, but i am curious.

What is it that he needs to do?

Type sentences properly.

Am I the only one who actually likes to play as a female? man you guys are insecure af, you are going to see their ass for dozens of hours you may as well choose a girl and dress her the way you want with mods

I hate it cause it comes from a place of "Women don't get much representation in games" but these days it's basically a even split and it's been like that for a looong time.

Also kinda irks me to think people buy games based on just the simple fact that the protag is a woman, and that there's no male protag tag cause apparently we don't need one of them though.
All in all though I'm not going to autistically shit fit over it, usually it's just cause girls wanna play as girls or dudes want their waifu protags and people can do what they want.

I like staring at a mans ass

It just seems unnecessary and even kind of pervy to point out to the Steam nerds "Yo dawg, there is a gril here!".

Especially because it's a first person game to boot.

>female protagonist
>entire threads of asspain
>calling it pathetic

These threads are worse than that tag.

yeah you sure showed him, gold star for you

The joke is that it's not a problem to anyone. People didn't have a problem with Samus when she ended up being a girl. No one fucking refunded Tomb Raider because you play as Lara.

It's just tag like that in itself tries to turn it into a problem when there is none.

the fact that this shit needs a thread

> gets called out for being fucking retarded
> hurr why is everyone such a cuck

feel free to leave and never come back

Is there a tag for robots, or otherwise non-human protagonists?

None of the biggest games out there right now have a definitive protagonist though, it's all player made characters now.

You do know that tags are put there by users?

>Vietnam game
>'Attack Helicopter Protagonist' tag

>story rich
Now that's the real red flag.

I hate video games culture.

I feel like I know what answer I'm gonna get but is Perception any good? The concept isn't shit but then again Remember Me's concept wasn't shit either.

4cuck has been a heavily traffic site for 7 years.

Only misogynist (actual ones, not the meme ones) hate women in that way, where they even hate associating with a female avatar.
I certainly don't.

Bullshit name 20 games where that happens.

Here's the list:
>(You) x 20

These tags are literally player created aren't they? Why complain about something, obviously enough people search for this tag that it's useful for them.

This one is player created, I think.
Valve started the system with a few already created, but they were the generic "strategy", "violence", etc. I doubt this was one of them.

personally I find the "story rich" tag even more pointless