Is there ANYTHING worth playing on the switch besides mario kart and zelda? Got it for my birthday and like it a lot...

Is there ANYTHING worth playing on the switch besides mario kart and zelda? Got it for my birthday and like it a lot, but the no games is real.

guess not...

Like any console on their launch. Wait until christmas.

Arms and Splatoon 2 are coming over June/July but if you don't like that shit then yeah no gaems

If you have not played any of the following then I'd recommend it

>Disgaea 5
>Binding of Isaac
>Lego City Undercover
>I am Setsuna

What kinda games do you play?

Puyo Puyo Tetris
Disgaea 5
ARMS Testpunch this weekend

There is stuff just not many exclusives yet. Either way if you just got it I'd think that Zelda and Mario Kart would be able to hold you over until ARMS comes out. Unless you just don't like ARMS I guess

Puyo Puyo Tetris is surprisingly good.

Getting lots of indies

Arms soon

>in a bait thread

OP has internet access, he could easily find more games if that were his actual intention.

It's been out for three (3) months.

You can get Shovel Knight if you haven't played that already. There's Fast Rmx, which is really fucking good.

>shovel knight
This, I only played the first one and it´s neat to play on the switch. Also Snake Pass, if you are into this kind of stuff.

Play Bomberman nigga

>people suggesting lego city as adults

Op seems too retarded to Google "Switch games"

I consider helping the mentally ill part of community service

Shits fun. If you want Mature Games for Mature Gamers, get an Xbone with Cawwadoody 69

You could have been not a retard and wait for 1 year ? I mean it should be obvious that it will take a while for a new console to have some games.

Yeah like there's no middle ground between call of teenagers and kiddie shit.

Grow up.

>Gets assblasted about video games
>Tells people to grow up
Really makes you think

Don't worry user soon games will come and GameCube VC will be out after the E3 Direct. I have faith in Nintendo.

>I am Setsuna
Avoid this one, its mediocre at best.

The story is awful and its short. Its the one switch game I regret buying.

>"story is awful"
>wants it to be longer

Are any of these announced? More importantly, can they run on the Switch?

I hope so, as I'd buy them


It was basically what I wanted and expected - a "retro"/retro inspired Square Enix JRPG. It isn't for everyone though

Thumper and FAST RMX

>thinks he actually pointed out some sort of inconsistency
Not him, by the way.

They will be announced in a few days at E3 user. Remember what Nintendo stated last year.