Guys should I buy Tekken 7?

Guys should I buy Tekken 7?

I only just recently got into fighting games and have been playing games like sfv and mortal kombat.

Will it be relatively easy to learn and will I have fun?

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Sure I don't see why not.

Theres a lot more to Tekken compared to sf5 and mk10 but a ton of new blood is going to be playing the game for the first time.

No but its been made a fuckton easier.
Immense fun.

>Will it be relatively easy to learn and will I have fun?
It won't be easy but you'll have fun if you like fighting games. Try Tekken out with PPSSPP and see if you like it.

Get it on PC.
We might have a Sup Forums group for Tekken
The hype of this board is high. It's going to be a lot of fun.

Join us shitters who haven't "gotten into" Tekken before. Seriously the best time to play fighting games are on release where there are plenty of new players and you aren't constantly getting destroyed by the hardcore players.

OP here, I have an overkill pc and a ps4 pro but as much as I want the pc version for godly performance and mod support I know it will die almost instantly

You SHOULD But King's game

As a lazy tailor would say
Suit yourself
I feel like Tekken is going to do great on PC

It hit 3rd place on global top sellers and there's like 45k people in the t7 steam group.
And this is on steam alone.
The main reason holding people back is the mentality that if a game doesn't have 100k+ players at the same time, it's dead.
In reality, if you're still playing when the pc playerbase eventualy dies which might be years from now, you'll have more than justified buying the game again for console.


it will definitely be funnier than SFV. Go ahead.

I also like to feel feels.

*Kuma's game

Josie is adverse to any lewding so stop it

I also plan to get back into Tekken again. I've been watching tournaments on YouTube to hype me up. I think I'm gonna try to main King

so will you namcucks fuck off next week when its released?

this paid shilling has gone on long enough

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. This is taking too long. I wanna play already.


go back to SFV and cover your eyes

shut the fuck up bitch. your game is a shityy cuck gaame that has NO FUCKING CONTENT

you are literally assravaged right now. get bent kiddo

>everyone thinks like this, it dies
>people smarten the fuck up and get it on pc, it lives
you people are so fucking stupid
i'm getting it on pc and so are a bunch of other people

your ears as well while you're at it.

we're gonna have FUN!


reddit you should really fuck off. go back to /r/kappa, probably more you speed kid

no (you) for you

If learning is fun for you then you'll be having 'fun' for years.

i play makoto in sf and vanessa in vf, which character would suit me?

I want to have years of fun with Tanukana!

Is there a decent tutorial mode? DoA5 is a shit game but at least it had a good tutorial

Unfortunately, no.

Some stuff in story but not really


nope. tekken 7 has almost no content, harada is a hack FRAUD

save your money t b h