user-san, open a-disa fucking dooru. Show me your Switch-u right da fawk nowu.
User-san, open a-disa fucking dooru. Show me your Switch-u right da fawk nowu
I-I think I preferred Todd...
Why am I laughing so hard right now
I'm here.
>Nintenbros need to dickride other memes because their console is dead
Oh god thank you Todd, i didnt buy your games yet but im glad you are here, please make shiggy diggy go away.
N-nani? notices hacked 3DS OwO what's this?
been a while since i laughed this hard thanks op
They released a Switch U already? What year is it?
It's better than having the same group of furfags circle jerk over the characters in breath of the wild instead of actually discussing the game
>haven't purchased a single Nintendo product since the GameCube
>I'm better off for it
Feels good man
I don't have one, shiiggy San
You won't manufacture more
Get a 3ds and hack it.
You can turn it into an emulation machine, and the 3ds library is actually decent.
Not as good as the DS library, but still.
Stand back user I got this
No. Why the fuck would I need an emulation machine? I still have an NES and 300 titles for it and that's not counting the snes/Genesis collections. Emulation is for plebs.
And get banned? lolno I'm glad I didn't fall for the
>Literally no excuse to hack your 3DS
No, instead you feel for the "3DS actually has good online games and the ban isn't an easy fix" meme.
Todd, Miyamoto told me he wont buy Skyrim on the switch.
Get away from door, Cuck-kun
I don't have one yet. Show me more reasons to get one this E3, then we'll talk.
I will show you my Switch when you show me interesting games besides Zelda BOTW.