What does Sup Forums think about video game tattoos?
What does Sup Forums think about video game tattoos?
Please no
Not again
Literally graffiti on your own body. You'd have to be an idiot to get any tattoo
where did you got this ?
remember the guy who had a tattoo of the reddit alien thing on
There's a certain irony here, getting a tattoo of a game character who is literally a slave to his hypnotic programming. Not even mentioning that getting a tattoo of a game period makes you in a sense enslaved to said game
Nice BDSM tattoo bro
This would be cool if it was just the chains.
I think the people who get them spend the rest of their lives trying to convince themselves that they don't regret it.
How much of a fucking retard do you have to be to get a lebbdit tattoo, of all websites?
Tattoos are pretty dumb regardless of what they are if you ask me, so as long as the tattoo is actually meaningful to you nothing else really matters.
If you're am impulsive teenager getting a tattoo to be cool though, wew.
>Gamers: Eh, its an okay tattoo, but not really accurate
>Normies: Sorry sir, but I can't hire you with those prison tattoos on your arm
Gaming related tattoos are ok if it is not obvious to a non-gamer that they are gaming related e.g. you have to have played the game to know the tattoo
How much of a fucking autist do you have to be to get a 4chin's tattoo, of all websites?
How much of a fucking weeaboo do you have to be to get a Yotsuba& tattoo, of all comics?
>no exclamation point
ironic, considering that's basically guaranteed replies
how much of a fucking Irish do you have to be to get a four leaf clover tattoo, of all weeds?
Do you even know what fpbp means?
>branding yourself as a coporation's cuck
What goes on through such a person's mind?
My new tattoo
Someone post the extremely well done Stocking tattoo.
Do people like this just really not realize they're slaves to the things they consume, especially when they mark themselves with those things?
This made me laugh more than anything else in this thread.
The only acceptable tattoos are tribals if you Samoan, or you belong to a military branch like the navy tattoo or some other branch as a code of honor.
What if I got a tattoo because my brother designed it and my uncle put it on me?
I hope you know that image is 5000% ironic
June is a gift from god
your samoan brother and your navy uncle?
Not going to speak for others, but I think of vidya tattoos in the same way I think of any other tattoo. I really just don't get them, and honestly, they just strike me as a bit trashy.
That's also fucking retarded
Stay mad redditards
It's almost like I posted it specifically for that reason.
of all fucking things, facebook
I see tattoos as lack of character from a person. It's vanity.
I'm not as rabidly anti-tattoo as a lot of people here seem to be. I just don't see very many instances where one would be an appropriate long-term thing. Pop culture tattoos are a definite no, since you don't know if you'll still be a fan of whatever it is five/ten/twenty-plus years down the line.
I can't think of a single thing that I would personally consider meaningful enough to brand onto my body for the rest of my life. Peoples' interests and viewpoints change constantly. Something you liked or thought meant something to you ten years ago could mean nothing to you today.
Brother is just a white guy. Uncle is a biker who did 18 years for aggravated assault, armed robbery etc. He did tattoos in prison, and is covered in weird white supremacist/nazi symbolism from his time in prison.
Good times.
I think we should have a thread about this every hour.
I've thought about getting Monokuma's despair eye on my chest. Right side of course.
Wanna get /fit/ first though.
people of trash and no character in them.
>Forgot pic
>get a tattoo on a visible part of the body
>never get hired by anyone that pays more than minimum wage
>get a tattoo that can be covered
>no one ever sees it so there's no point
>haha user your batman tattoo is so goofy
>See a girl with tattoo
>Buy her one (1) drink
It's like playing on easy mode.
>Having tattoos when you don't leave the house
It's like buying a smartphone even though nobody calls you.
This HAS to be bait
not that I disagree with the first point
not really vidya tattoos but these are the tattoos that josh sawyer (from obsidian) has
Good luck trying to read this in 40 years when its faded
My brother is a tattoo artist with a lot of friends with this kind of shit on them, and no, I'm pretty sure they don't.
>my body is a canvas
>all of my tattoos have meaning
>I got this Pikachu on my arm as a form of self expression
You black out the name though. Either you go it from reddit or you're too stupid to realize it was ironic that you did it yourself because muh harassment.
Either way, you're a fucking fag.
>Ass slave tattoo
His Navy Samoan, actually.
She's fucked
What about the chest?
I've always wanted a thin tattoo that loops around my arm at the shoulder, that looks like a small robotic gap, like a robot arm connects there. I have to get /fit/ before I get it, though, because tattoos look retarded on chubby people.
Typing it out makes it sound pathetic though, so maybe not.
oh, thats why she looked familiar
>tfw taken
>everyone shitting on tattoos
what it's your parent's names or your children?
or maybe if you're a game/movie director and you get tattoos for each project?
>you go it from reddit
how did you come to this conclusion
Link to artist?
>blah blh the only form of acceptable tattoos is nigeria XD that one flower on your ankle
shut the fuck up lol. you greasy faggots don't even go out.