Name a platformer game with a better story

Name a platformer game with a better story.
You straight up can't.

>Stories in games don't matter besides in these specific genres

jak2 is not a platformer

Never actually played them. Any good?

Best in the genre, too bad fags are trying to copy garbage like Banjo instead of this.

This. It was a fun game, but it strayed far away from a platformer into a sort've quasi beat'em up/shooter in a sandbox setting. Lot of normies I knew back in highschool liked to say it looked like kinda like GTA, which I believe is kind of a consensus.

Uggghhhggg Banjo is not garbage. It has some of the most creative level design ever. Why the fuck did you have to say that, I LIKE Jak 2. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck.

Jak 1 didn't really have a good story though. Just adventuring because why not, oh also here's some bad guys who are bad because reasons.

>it looked like kinda like GTA
that's pretty much what it is
GTA for kids

Ratchet series is better in every way, prove me wrong.
pro tip: you can't.

Out of my thread Banjo cuck.
Yiff in hell.

That's what I meant by

>which I believe is kind of a consensus.

how can a person even dispute an objective fact?

Banjo level design is shit compared to Sly 2

Also Jak3>Jak2

That's like reaching a consensus on water being wet.

Naughty Dog deliberately made Jak II more like GTA to get more people to buy their game. You don't need normalfags in highschool to tell you that.

people actually pay attention to the stories in these games?

Pleb sensibilities. Just pleb.

Ratchet series doesn't have any challenge besides maybe the meme racing sections. The game's just too, idk, simple. Run around, sideflip and shoot guys. Jak games have a particular challenge to how you even double jump and how the level is designed around your capabilities and things of the sort. this coming fromg someone whose very first PS2 game was Ratchet 2 and i fucking love that game forever

Psychonauts still takes the top story in a platformer for me.

Albeit the actual platforming didn't win any awards.

>The game's just too, idk, simple. Run around, sideflip and shoot guys
Jak 2 and 3's combat is just Ratchet with fewer guns and no strafing. The "no strafing" thing is where the majority of the difficulty comes from anyway.

>>Stories in games don't matter besides in these specific genres
These people are fools. However, many plebs think the only way to tell a story in video games is through cutscenes or dialogue.

>dude time travel lmao
Protip: Just because you have a lot of cutscenes doesn't mean you have a good story.


The story really shat itself in 3. The main villain can't hold a light to Baron Praxis and Metal-Kor or the Dark Eco Sages.


I actually liked the Precursors = ottsels reveal, but damn if that whole dark maker thing wasn't anticlimactic.

>Precursors are little rat creatures
>Main villain is a jealous faget who drove into some barrels
>Jak blatantly makes shit up about the Dark Makers
Naughty Dog really didn't give a fuck in Jak 3, did they?

1 is one of the best platformers ever created, one of the few games that I'd actually rate a 10/10.

2 is great but it lost some of the original's charm.

3 is 2 but worse and with more dumb minigames instead of normal platforming.

Couldn't agree more with your statements

II was already dragging the series down with stupid minigames and superfluous, half-baked mechanics.

3 just followed the trend.

ikr literally the least important aspect of the platforming genre

only 1 is a platformer

The story was fucking terrible, though. It made an attempt at a stable time loop, but it doesn't explain how Jak went on to become his own ancestor.

>finished jax and dexter (1)
>had a blast
>finale left me hanging
>bought jak 2
>dude time machine and guns and open world LMAO
never played the sequels but i heard they are shittier that 2

I agree, you just can't beat Naruto & Pikachu's Quest for the Car Keys: Owen Wilson's Revenge.

>That Oracle mission in the slums

So I recently picked up the Jak collection and Breezed through one. I'm currently playing 2 and some of the missions are frustrating as hell.

Jump, spin, shoot with the yellow gun. Done.

No. Anyone who tells you otherwise has never played Sly Cooper or R&C.

Jak 1's the only tolerable one in the trilogy. The other two are GTA clones with forgettable missions, boring weapons, and dull levels.

Prince of Persia: Sands of Time has a better story than all 3 Jak games.

>Name a platformer game with a better story.

Ratchet & Clank, and it's not even trying that hard.

>ratchet and clank
it had the best gameplay in the trio of trilogies but the characters were forgettable and the stories were awful.

Sands of time?

The Lombax plot alone had more depth than whatever the fuck the Precursor plot was supposed to be. Without Uncharted, Amy Hennig would go down as the biggest hack in history.

the ps3 plots were all fucking garbage

at least the PS2 games didn't embarrass themsleves trying to be Pixar.

Jak 2's plot was a fucking mess.

You're the only fucking mess here you faggot

It has a far more engaging story than say, the Uncharted series, that's for sure.

it had the same level designs as the first one, its still a platformer

>Jak 2 and 3's combat is just Ratchet with fewer guns and no strafing

because its not designed to be a shooter platformer. the Morph Gun is not designed to be the primary focus for combat. its a power up. its needed for some enemies, but you can go through most of the game with just melee

Maybe if you have amnesia

You "can" go through most of Ratchet with just the Wrench, but that's not how the game was designed.
Jak II was designed to emphasise the guns too (perhaps not to as great an extent as Ratchet, but still to a significant degree), but the gunplay was shit.

As a hardcore R&C fan, this is correct.

Jak and Daxter is great, really great. It's like Mario 64 for the ps2, but with a dark fantasy-esque setting and unique mechanics. The sequels are not interesting at all and opted for a grimdark TPS thing to ensure cashflow.


Ratchet and Clank Future: A Crack in Time

Jak 3 is the best game of all time you goddamn faggots
suck my dick


Jak's characters are less memorable than Ratchet and Clank's.

Super Mario Galaxy has better story than this cartoon shit

>characters were forgettable
You're dead wrong
>stories were awful
I mean the ps2 games had simple plots and the PS3 games tried a bit hard (particularly Tools of destruction) but nothing really offensive, actually into the Nexus story wasn't even going for the "epic narrative" like the future games.