What's the consensus on SilvaGunner?
What's the consensus on SilvaGunner?
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Overstayed its welcome.
The lore shit is cringe central.
2deep4u meta humor thats actually not funny at all
Got really old really fast
Started out as a mildly amusing vidya version of Rick Roll but between the forced "lore" garbage and the hilarious drama between a bunch of similar channels it quickly turned into one of the cringiest things this side of ponyfags.
Amusing here and there. A bit over reliant on running gags, but occasionally does really good with even the really old shit.
Given how this is just a bunch of random assholes putting this together, its a mixed bag of quality.
I enjoy the shitpost videos that upset "lore" faggots
Some of the remixes are funny but everyone that works on the channel seems like the biggest passive-aggressive loser. Can't stand nerds who can only talk with people by spewing out unfunny memes.
I enjoy some rips
lore can fuck off
Funny for about two days
Might be better if every "remix" didn't just boil down to the same six or so in-jokes that are in fashion at the moment, the beginning where they just took all kinds of random vidya songs mixed with completely unexpected sources were good times but once everything was "DUDE FLINSTONES/NUTSHACK/SNOW HALATION LMAO" the dream was dead
>hilarious drama
When did this happen?
I don't fucking know man, I didn't follow shit that closely. I just remember some autists getting triggered by the harlequin video and a bunch of imitator channels popping up while Sup Forums pissed their panties like a bunch of Gawker commenters.
He's a one-note faggot?
What 'lore'? What bullshit is this?
At its best, its an outlet for rather creative mashups/remixes.
At its worst, it's a secret club of faggots making memes with no regard for actual music
Sadly the worst happens more than the best
And too many faggots use "channel meme #1 followed by channel meme #2 in a game's soundfont/instrumentation" as a crutch
Cringey but puts iut a gem every now n then
>make a huge dramatic 2 hour long video of explaining how much you loved the channel and say how much you'll miss it when you shut it down
>no long after the channel keeps getting uploads
So which is it, asshole? I remember some friends in my college talking about the channel shutting down like it was a big deal (it kinda was). What's the deal?
Everything's hidden beneath a layer of irony. I don't know what you expected.
I hate your generation and its obsession with e-celebs so much
Sure, but Silvagunner was absolutely serious when they announced it was shutting down.
Forced memes with snow halation and flinstones ruined the show
Silva Gunner made mashups tiresome
Some dude from SG did a video which linked to a picture of a harlequin baby. Everyone in the comments flipped out and had a panic attack.
Whoever did it was removed from the channel.
Aren't these niggas Sup Forums users
hahaha i reoginze this meme it's like that funny garfield video i saw on youtubes..subscribed and liked
Literally who
>not liking garfielf
He's a nerd, and I hate nerds more than mad agents.
I don't get why a harlequin baby is offensive. they're born like that
seems more like monkey see monkey do than using creative energy if you ask me
They seem like the type of "ironic" people who "ironically" shitpost and like to type in lowercase format to show how distant and cool they are.
this. it should have fucking stayed dead since October
Wew, didn't realise I'd already posted in this thread
It's not offensive per say. SG's fan base is full of babies who've never been exposed to actual gore and snuff outside video games so they could mentally handle it without breaking down.
Pretty sure the guy was removed because he uploaded the video without telling the other members.
Post best remix
I'll start : youtube.com
And then he was brought back a week later and proceeded to introduce the best meem to the channel
He started to pander to casual weeaboos and it turned me off, especially when reading the comments. It's when I realized it overstayed its welcome.
can someone explain the "lore" in the videos?
It was a combination of both reasons.
It didn't jive with SG's usual content.
How can anyone listen to this memetastic shit and not love Silvagunner?
The best humor is sheer dedication to a single joke, with actual talent behind it.
this is the only good video they ever made
When they are doing some things, like extending Unknown from M.E. or doing Mike Matei minus gadget, it's good
When it's just "haha we did another flintstones remix :)" it's boring
LOUD NOISES is literally the worst meme.
High quality kino.
The best arc will forever be Minion Rush
still the best 2016
Man, it's a hot one.
>not even posting the best Santana rip
>not posting the best Jojo rip
this is giving me Garfield minus Garfield vibes