Finally got a proper gaming PC

>finally got a proper gaming PC
>suddenly feel no will to play games

>finally got a gaming pc
>play Monkey Island and Sam & Max for the first time

I just got an Alienware Aurora R6 and I've barely played a thing. Feels bad man.

>get a high end gaming PC
>can't find any modern games to play
>end up just using emulators

>Get a PC that runs all shit maxed
>Install a fuckton of vidya
>Play HotS and waste time on 4chins instead
I finally got what i wanted, but i still feel empty

>spend nearly 3k canada bucks to build my first rig
>play overwatch and console ports all day every day

It's because you're overwhelmed by your options. Try single out a game you want to play and just get stuck on that one. It's harder to tackle a backlog than a single game.

Pick up Rising Storm 2 while it's hot, it's some really top-tier PCfps stuff

>finally got a proper gaming PC
>suddenly feel no will to play games
>go back to playing on console and having fun

>STALKER still stutters like hotshit

That's because there isn't anything good out right now.

I find myself using my high end pc to browse, look at porn and play some games now and then, very rarely actual demanding games. Meanwhile I use my console to play videogames every single day. I regret a bit spending so much on hardware I'm not putting to use and will probably become obsolete before I get my money's worth honestly. But on the other hand it's nice to know that if I want to play anything, I can.

Well you could barely play a game on that hot garbage holy shit.

Nah, when it happens, it happens with all Vidya. Building an ultimate gaming rig is an attempt to change that. It's like a mid gamer crisis, in twenties usually.

You'll likely see after you spend some time out of highschool.

>having fun

Rocket League

are you me

>It's like a mid gamer crisis, in twenties usually.
Because you actually have the money to buy that rig your parents wouldn't

Okay, friend.

The only reason to get a gaming PC is to shitpost in 4k while you watch anime on your second monitor and idle in irc/discord/whatever on the third.

>drop $1500 on a gaming computer
>play gta sa multiplayer in silky smooth 45fps capped

here's the deal that pc masterrace people don't tell you

the games that exploit graphics the best are AAA western shit

I guess you could run DS3 at 4k, but that's about it, japanese devs are hilariously bad at graphics

Persona 5, which people could argue contends for goty has ps3 graphics.

I think a lot of people are probably like that. Pc gaming, while obviously the superior choice, really is a bit of a meme.

>Build new PC just so that you have an excuse to build a pc.
This is suffering, help.

Only idiots care about graphics that much, it's the least important part of a videogame. Well maybe plot is even less important.

Framerate is quite important though.

How the fuck? I bought an rx470 for $160 almost a year ago and it runs GTA 1080p flawlessly with almost everything maxed and extended draw knocked up a bit.

>get a high end job out of uni
>have enough money to buy a gaming laptop (since I have to take it to work) and all the games I want
>weekend hits
>play Mario Kart 8 on wiiu with bros instead
Can't say its too bad, but not what I was expecting my life to be. At least I took the time to play Vanquish, that was fun

>He fell for the gaming PC meme
enjoy your Sup Forums machine

This. Less than 40 fps makes my experience much less comfortable and immersive. Also, I fucking hate pop in and shitty LOD.

>tfw you've finally run out of games to play and are contemplating just making your own


>finally got a proper gaming PC
>not too interested in playing games anymore
>start making game assets instead

it's a good feeling

Draw distance > graphical quality
prove me wrong

Do it user

>spend $300 on a low/mid-range prebuilt console/gaming PC hybrid
>assume I'm only going to run emulators and low-resource games
>mfw I do just that

it's probably just the client or the server I'm playing on. but it really was an improvement over playing on my laptop even though it's a 10 year old game

He said by gta sa multiplayer not gta5.

Well, consoles are undeniably better for when people are over. That's like it's biggest if not only pro.

I've forced myself to play some games from my insane backlog, and it actually gets good once you're a couple of hours in. I've played through Ultima Underworld, NOLF 1 & 2, the Turok remaster and are now 22 hours into Divinity Original Sin 1.
Just get some snacks and drinks ready, get comfy and force yourself to play something.

>ITT: Fell for the PC meme.

>all sorts of stuff coming out to look forward to
>hard drive shit itself dead

Ah, my bad.

I haven't played that in years. Used to hack and use warp speed to ram people across the entire map into the ocean. Firemanbob in a firetruck on roleplay servers ramming the shit out of people when mods werent around, if anyone ever saw me.

Gaming PC in 2017
>you'd better like PC exclusives
>play old stuff, but you don't need a new PC for that
>better graphics but less players than either console in multiplats, unless it's a meme esport like Overwatch
>mouse + keyboard for FPS, for everything else you'll probably use an xbox controller


Im no chad but when i got a job i felt too tired to play on PC

you just explained why pc is superior

Their online communities aren't shitted up by manbabbies, bronies/furries and hackers.

I ducked out of PC gaming after having done it for about 8 years after High School and never fucking looked back for the multiplayer experience.

At least it wasn't your gpu

>rma card 1 year ago, new card craps
>try to rma again since lifetime warranty
>hurr did you update your bios

I swear these guys are fucking morons. This is the same rig I have been using for almost 5 years now.

>understand most of things in Japanese
>learned close to 2000 kanji
>after all that I think that anime and jap games sucks

Get a Nintendo system and you're pretty much set, aside for the rare really good Sony exclusive stuff like bloodborne.

Nothing wrong with a controller imo. I usually use a keyboard mouse on foot and a controller in vehicles in GTA v, unless I'm drunk or being lazy.

>le tired le gamer le meme
give it a rest already

I see all three of those in console games at pretty much the same rate.

Except for tf2, that was really bad with bronies and furries sometimes. But the wierdos usually self contained to wierd modded servers.

>do the same
>come off of work back into NEETdom for a little while
>just play blizz shit because i barely have friends on steam who play the shit i do


could apply as an english teacher in japan, I hear they prefer non weeaboos

Try space fisherman emulated and see if you like it. Then translate it if you do. Pretty please. I'll suck your dick.

It's like a Pokemon fishing game with Ren and Stimpy art (that is actually done by John K and spumco). I love it but I'm stuck about halfway through and can't read moon runes.

Only thing I still watch is Boruto.

>I'll suck your dick.

Im in the same situation but its really more of a case of too much choices. I hesitated for 2 weeks, just playing a little war thunder and cities skylines (which were on my storage HDD and ran fien without reinstall).

You have to Ĺ‘pick a game and enjoy it, don't overthink it.

>implying its not the same shit everywhere

>finally get wacom graphic tablet
>suddenly feel no will to draw
>finally get midi keyboard with controllers
>suddenly feel no will to learn about music

I don't know. I find myself never playing console games.
Honestly, I think the real issue is that most popular games right now are shit and people seem to feel the need to play popular games, for whatever reason.

>Ask friend to send me a list of parts for both moderate and max so I can start saving
>Going to catch up on shit I missed when I was younger
At least this is the plan

This sounds disturbingly common.

All my friends are on console, and only a handful are on PC, and they are twitch tier retards that are gold on OW and LoL. Damn.

>Dark Souls 3 runs like hot garbage
>every other game in my library runs perfectly fine at Ultra settings

So you payed $800 for an entry level medium settings at 1080p PC that could be bought for $400?

>tfw to entilegynt for dis shit

>buy a proper gaming pc
>makes terrible noise and find out i got something called CoilWhine.
Truly the master race.

>bought a 1070 around Christmas
>got a new job at the same time
>stop playing vidya almost entirely

>call it master race when you have to buy 100-300$ worth of upgrades every month just to keep up, plus the monthly subs to play their MMOs
>meanwhile consoles pay 500-600$ every few years, plus the monthly-yearly sub to play online

Okay guys I wanna get into PC gaming again and I can't build shit. What's a great $800~ desktop that I can upgrade in the future.

I've had coil whine with several different video cards and CPUs. Is it even possible to avoid coil whine on PC?

I think I figured it out. I built a 1000 dollar PC, but I don't want to play games because my subconscious knows I should be doing something else.

Go do something productive and get your responsibilities finished up. THEN you will enjoy videogames.

I have no idea, so I'm to scared to buy new parts, since the same could happen again.

I envy you. I wish i had money to set me up a rig to play Arkham Knight with mods. But no, i'm stuck with the vanilla game on PS4 and Bloodborne.

>feel no will to play games
>play games

>Upgrade your pc
>Buy cool games on steam sale
>Drop them and start emulating old games instead.
I'm still not sure why I'm doing this, it's not like one better than the other, but I do end up emulating lots of games.

>Get a job
>Now have oodles of spending money
>Spend money on all the shit I wanted to have before
>Suddenly no time/energy to enjoy myself because job
Being a grown up sucks, at least I didn't drop out of college and have a job that isn't demeaning

>buy a new NASA-level PC capable of launching rockets
>the only game that brings me joy is Dwarf Fortress

>can run games on ultra with no problem
>playing minecraft tekkit
>start using mystcraft
>5 fps and stutters even in a stable age

>Implying you don't need a supercomputer for maximum simulation of your dwarves every bodily function

I mean at least you wont feel the FPS Death until a long time, which is the wet dream of any proper dorf player

>Have shitty pc
>Emulate old games that i missed due to age
There's so many great things, i don't even need anything else. Not to mention how new games are poorly optimised

Rocket league actually remembered me why games are fun.

Bonus tip: disable chat

Some games just weren't meant to run properly

About 4 years ago I was broke and jobless, so I emulated a lot a of old games since I couldn't buy new games. Honest to god that shit helped me through a lot, there are a lot of great games you can play on a potato PC.

>Make a decent amount of money.
>All geared up to drop a grand in parts.
>Every game runs at 60 fps on 5 year old hardware.

Oh well guess I'll just play some more Stardew valley.

that reminds me of all sorts of fun
>install 20 year old game that nobody's played in 15 years
>try to play it
>doesn't work
>my videocard driver is 1.5 months old, I don't need to update it
>update it
>game runs fine

>Upgrade GPU
>Game stops working
What the fuck, mang. I want to play Endless Space before getting into the sequel

Play factorio. You won't need other games then.

Same here. Trying to work steadily through my backlog but its slow going when I can just shitpost on Sup Forums instead.

I just did this and feel the same way.

>trying to automate blue science packs

>Finally got a proper gaming PC
>played Nier:Automata
>now playing CS:GO and LoL

Why did I buy it?

>finally got a proper gaming PC
>play the same games I played on my shitty prebuilt toaster laptop

I feel ya, got like 4 games installed that never played in my life (Vanquish, Nier, Just cause 3, Bayoneta) and when i think in exe them i just dont want and end up playing some old ass games or emulated games.

This. 1000%. Sucks.

it does feel good tho, dosen't it.

>Finally get blue science sorted
>What the fuck is "high tech science"?
>takes three days to automate production, resulting in about 1 high teck science pack per minute
end my suffering