*beep boop*
*beep boop*
Other urls found in this thread:
Do not tease her.
Just nuts and bolts.
You're going to romance her much hotter older sister in Crimson, right?
I almost went with that option, but I felt she wouldn't like it.
The fact that she hated that option is what made me dislike her.
If you're going to have a shitty robotic personality and average looks, the least you could do is have a sense of humor.
Of course. No cake will be safe from Joker.
>directly making fun of someone
>i-it's just humor
Let's be fair. Consider all the crap she deals with from Sae, the principal, the Phantom Thieves before she joins them, and from people in general. She wasn't going to be the most emotional and mentally sound person in general because of that.
>The fact that she hated that option is what made me dislike her
I thought it was cute.
I hunger!
Silence, useless urchin. I must level up other important confidants
If a small joke like that offends you, you need to go back to your safe space
Dammit why does this criminal get better waifus than me?
given the scene it was an inappropriate time to make the joke
friends make fun of friends all the time though
>Having friends in 2017
Shut up Makoto
>ironic shitposting irl
>muh bantz
Call me when you get out of middle school.
Bitches love bad boys.
Nah, it was a really anti climatic moment where Makoto made a friend for the first time in her life. It wasn't anything special that would make it inappropriate.
Makoto is just a hardass with a robotic personality. That didn't change just because she dresses like a biker in the metaverse.
Shut up Makotofag
>make a character
>It's an exact clone of an existing character
How does Atlus keep getting away with it?
thanks fo proving you actually don't have friends. not surprising on this website but makes this arguement a lot easier.
>he's never had a friend
I'm sorry user.
Literally no argument. If all you do is spout memes, I doubt you have any friends at all. Just acquaintances who you shitpost to. Sounds like reddit really
Bitch, that's the best part of teasing her. If she laughed everything off it wouldn't be fun at all.
Goddammit its not fair! I was supposed to be the best protagonist, yet I can't even romance older woman but this kid can?!
>spout memes
I have a few friend and we make fun of each other sometimes. That's what friends do faggot.
This guy gets it.
So can we all agree that Futaba is the worst girl?
Try rising your stats my dude
That's enough.
How the fuck did you do that?!
>Door-kun gets to romance Liz
>Joker gets Tae/Kawakami
>Yu gets friendzoned by a washed up mom
It's true though. There's nothing wrong with banter, but the beep boop was when she was just accused of seeming completely emotionless and no fun at all at a time when she was trying to break out of that. It was very personal to her. It would be like making fun of Haru because she was going to get plowed by her fiancee later or making fun of Yusuke because he's lost all passion for his art. You need to know the right time to joke.
Is the PS3 version as good as the PS4 version?
>Look! I made the thread, AGAIN!
More like, he gets THIS
Why does Atlus prevent Screenshots or clips to be saved
Beep boop
I'd rather be a door than suffer through her every day
Pretty much the same game but lower resolution and longer load times
I love my cute little robot.
This is what happens when you don't listen to Adachi. He's always right.
wrong image
We don't know what Brotag's love life is like in Tokyo though.
My personal headcanon is that he's that guy that Mishima was trying to change the heart of because he was fucking an idol.
Resolution aside, it really depends on how many hours you want to put into it. If your going to put 300+ hours into it expect at least an hour of accumulated load time. PS3 also has occasional screen tearing issues. I considered getting it for the PS3 as well but I decided to snag a cheap PS4 slim instead. I'm glad I did.
How did nobody see the gang go inside the TV in Junes?
Why didn't Yu put his hand in the TV in the interrogation room?
I unfortunately think Brotag/Yu wouldn't romance any of the Investigation team members, or anyone except for Marie. The romances are mostly shoved to the side and are optional, compared to P3 where you have no choice but to fug them all. P5 is similar but there was more focus put into the after Confidant stuff so I guess it felt like more? Could change in the definitive version.
Anyway, Yu might unfortunately be living a life with Marie in the future.
Yosuke might've abused his privileges of being the son of the boss there and taped off the electronics section in Junes, who knows.
Holy shit that was reference! I never realized
They should have made the Adachi ending in P4G work out so that Yu wasn't just blackmailed by Adachi or at least Yu shouldn't have been upset over the fact that he was working with Adachi. I didn't make the choice to side with him so Yu could be pissed about it. I also think that it Adachi should have ordered Yu to dispose of the rest of the IT because he doesn't want people who know about the TV World around and then you could fight all of them, but maybe that's asking for too much.
Why did they put her feet that close to the foreground. Why are her socks laid out on the table for the viewer to see? I don't understand.
We don't know if it's a reference, but I seriously doubt Rise isn't still trying to ride Yu like a horse.
Regardless of Yu's desires, Rise will always want him. No matter how much she needs to manipulate him.
Hey, Elly is cuter and less of an autist than Makoto.
Blame it on how they protrayed his S.Link. They didn't try to show you and Yu Adachi's point of view as something to be agreed with, then again a high schooler saying the world is shit alongside a murderer does break suspension of disbelief so maybe that's asking for too much.
I honestly wished that they showed that Adachi wasn't completely a dickbag when not pretending and had a more human side of him too, instead of being followed around by a senile old woman who gives him too much food and him complaining. I know what they were trying to say, Adachi is a loser, but still it would've made more sense for Yu to discard the evidence if he had a good enough reason to help Adachi besides "he's muh friend", maybe convincing him that there's more to the shadow world and going to the final dungeon together could've been better, I dunno.
Still Adachi telling Yu to kill his friends would be really ridiculous though, especially at how popular Rise and Naoto are, but it would be pretty fucking crazy to see the party member's corpses hanging from the TV poles.
Sup Forums just shrunk my image what the fuck
Same game, same framerate. Only difference is resolution and better load times on PS4. That's about it. PS3 version is sold cheaper, so you can use the money saved to buy the DLC. If you're a hackerfag you can try out the mod that lets you play as Igor because the PS3 has custom firmware.
>Still Adachi telling Yu to kill his friends would be really ridiculous though
It would, but it would be a fun little evil route and would fighting other Persona Users is fun, even if it's always too easy. I would also love to kill Yosuke, Yukiko and Teddie.
No I'll be romancing Akechi with fem Joker.
I can almost imagine what they would say if you killed them, bonus points if its the dungeon where their shadows were.
>I thought we were partners... Leader, why would you do this? Didn't we promise to bring the Killer to justice?
>Why did it end like this... Yukiko, I'm sorry..
>I can't believe you would do this.. Please tell us what we did for you to do this..
>Senpai, I thought you were the man, no someone I could respect and look up to. But you turned your back on us instead? For what? C'mon, say something..
>Please tell me this is a dream... It has to be a dream right? Yet all of my scans keep telling me the same thing.. Senpai, how could you? I thought we would get married to each other..
>Maybe I should've just remained a shadow... If I did, the pain that I feel right now wouldn't exist. Sensei, why would you do this? Can you at least tell me why?
>I knew that you were acting weird since a little while ago, but I didn't think it would be something like this. Senpai, do you at least know what you're doing? Why are you helping him of all people, I thought you of all people would want to find out the truth more than anything..
>Makoto ends up being canon girl in the anime
>Ann and Ryuji get implied to end up together in the Crimson epilogue like Naoto / Kanji
Going to laugh my ass off again at Ann fags just like I did at Naoto fags.
>The student council will never ask the PT to steal the hearts of Ryuji Sakamoto, Ann Takamaki and the new delinquent transfer student to save their beloved president
Ann and Ryuji's entire relationship is shitting on each other and they're best friends
Doesn't Mishima give the dudes' name though?
>Fucks cakes
>Fucks teens
>Fucks lolis
is Joker DA MEN?
>Implying Annfags exist
She's a dude with boobs
>Not wanting to fuck a gorgeous girl who's also the world's biggest bro
The fuck is wrong with you?
You don't shit where you eat
But Futaba has some of the most useful skills in the game
Why the fuck would you not date someone who's also your best friend?
That way when love slowly fades away during a relationship you still have a best friend.
I'd much rather have Hifumi's or Shinya's confidant skills over crossing my fingers every turn hoping Futaba stops schlicking herself long enough to buff me. She's the weakest navigator in the series by far.
>she can give a charge and mind charge at the same time
>can buff all three stats at once
>can turn an ambush into a hold up
>will save your party from death at least once in a fight
buddy she's the strongest by far, the fact that you even think she's not means you might be mentally disabled
lmao what? In no way were Naoto and Kanji implied to be together in the Golden epilogue. Are you fucking retarded or something?
Strongest is 100% Sadayo and then Tae. Velvet lolis come in close and Hifumi comes in for fourth.
Then it's probably Futaba.
>You want me to babysit again? I don't mind at all, in fact it'll be my pleasure. You two should enjoy yourselves once in a while.
we were discussing her in terms of navigators
in the series, she's easily the strongest of the navigators
Her name will be Makoto Kurusu soon. Has a nice ring to it, don't you think?
Sojiro's is better than Tae, especially if you use Kawakami to make curry for you
>Having trouble downing people
>Saving party members from death isn't something past navigators didn't already do
Not that I disagree, but I was talking purely from a combat benefit perspective.
Probably, at least gameplay wise. Story wise it's 100% Fuuka, though.
All navigator skills work on chance you retard. And when I said an ambush, I meant when an enemy manages to attack you first. She can turn that surrounded situation into an instant hold up.
In terms of gameplay, she is the strongest without a doubt.
>implying I'd leave my kid alone with that toxic, abusive person
That's even fucking worse, how are you getting ambushed?
Rushing through mementos to get to requests. It doesn't matter though, because the fact that she has something to cover up a mistake means it's a positive for her, as much as you want to move the goalposts
>thank Teddie
>You little shit, I can't believe your parents dumped the burden on me to look after such a waste of space. That's right. You're a burden, a parasite that does nothing but suck the life out of those around them. Go to your room and never come out to bother any of us again.
How does a fat weeb slob go about bullying a chick that can drop kick a several ton demon with relative ease?
So when's Crimson coming out?
I wanna play as a grill and romance Ryuji
>implying that's only what they can do in the Metaverse
Hell, you have to help Haru move several bags of dirt when you meet her, remember?
Tell me, Son of Man! A great choice lies before you. Will you choose to wed pure and clean cinnamon bun waifu or deign thyself to maintaining a nuclear robot?
>gets healed due to your acts
>blows up only like once in the game