Just when you thought the online store couldn't become more gamer unfriendly.
Amazon is removing the 20% discount on pre-ordered CEs
Reminder: These corporations dont give two shits about you and its proven by their constant anti-consumer practices. But go ahead and shitpost how your overpriced underpowered toy is better than another persons overpriced underpowered toy.
They probably got harassed by game devs to do that.
Retards will still buy CE's without the discount, so Amazon has literally no reason not to remove it.
as if the discount was the only reason you were buying collector's editions
I enjoyed my Prime subscription for a while now, I knew when I signed up for it that this shit wouldn't last and there would be a time when it's not viable to subscribe anymore. Next thing after this will be like "haha no 20% discount on video games below 60 dollars" then next thing you know discount lasts only a week, then it goes from 20% to 15%.
It's all only a matter of time.
The price on Persona 5's: Take Your Heart Edition equaled out, since it was just samples of individual releases. Now, it would be a joke to buy it for an inflated price.
I enjoyed buying recently released CEs on Black Friday and getting the 20% tacked on in the final purchase window. They are probably doing it to prevent doubling down during Prime Day.
back to G2A and CDkeys
>cutting discounts on digital pre-orders
>not the free shipping which must be a colossal expense if a Prime subscribed frequently purchases physical goods
not surprising though, Amazon clearly threw in the towel after trying to compete with Steam briefly by being a Steam Key seller site.
I got a few damn good vidya deals a few years back, but they don't do SHIT for vidya anymore.
never preorder off amazon. They will fuck you over.
I don't buy CEs anyway
What dumbass buys collector's editions? There's nothing worth it in there, just about always.
Now, they take it away from regular edition and I'll be pissed.
Especially since a lot of things in America are gonna get a lot more expensive soon...
Daily reminder: No-one gives a single fuck how poor you are and need special discounts to buy the things you want.
Upgrade that broken ass, cardboard box you live under before you buy video games.
I used to have the most difficult time with those key shops when I was younger.
Like crying difficult.
If you messaged them too many times they'd require you to send in a picture ID for 'security purposes', definitely not identity theft.
What do you mean?
lmfao you have fun with that, nigger.
Maximum profit is where supply and demand meet. In many cases, that is below the launching MSRP of a product.
You think pissing off the rest of the world by trying to renegotiate trade deals and altering decades of foreign policy isn't going to have consequences? The Paris accord announcement ALONE is gonna have a big influence on goods sooner than you think.
>current year + 2
>still buying collectors editions
>only CEs
Holy shit, stop the fucking world, can't buy bf1 collectors edition with the nigger statue at a discount!!!
You forgot
>and continue to support and meme about politicians that want to let corporations buttfuck you and your rights
Huh, so that's why. Sucks but I'll live I guess
Prime gets shittier and shittier every day.
I am a tool, and I cordially invite you to fuck my ass.
only morons buy CE's
so its OK
also i stopped caring about the 20% off when i realized digital versions are infinitely superior, and needing to change out discs is annoying and tedious process
Just think of it as an additional retard tax for when you buy that five dollar statue, 20 cent map of the game world, and an art book that would be much better served online and in much better quality.
People who buy special editions of video games are a special kind of cancer and are the reason why Season Passes and preorder DLC is so rampant.
>CURRENT YEAR was two years ago
Bestbuy wins again.
>2011 was 30 years ago
libtards got a rude awakening , current year became an eternity
Only retards with more money than sense pre-order so they deserve to get fleeced.
only justified CE purchase i would ever make again is if ni no kuni 2 has another awesome CE
This. This guy gets it.
If you live in NA and you don't have Best Buy GCU you're a retard. $10 bonus coupon to preorders on specific games and 20% off any game without preorders including collectors
>Giving (((them))) extra money with fucking amazon prime
I don't think they have it in Canada.
If normal editions of games still have the 20% off, this doesn't affect me whatsoever. I can see the discount as a whole eventually being removed, but it was fun while it lasted. Enjoyed the cheap vidya
Really curious as to how test of the antions react to Paris Accord. Do they pull out, do they strengthen their resolve to do what USA felt too weak to do, do they slowly give up and pull out in the future?
Except collector editions most likely cost 20% more to produce. Developers should make some money
>pre order
>wat r u doin
It certainly was the only reason I was buying it off of Amazon. So many CE I got from them came damaged but I let it slide because it was on discount. Now I guess I'll just buy it at the store on my way home.
Back to Best Buy lmao
But CEs are a huge waste of money in the first place
>only morons buy CE's
>thinks digital is superior
Best Buy still gives 20% off with their gamers club, and I don't have to wait around for games to ship.
I never buy collectors editions so I don't give a shit
Sometimes they're the only physical version available like in the case of niche vita stuff or for titty ninjas as seen here
Much more reliable than Amazon's "release day delivery" too, even if they deliver a bit later in my experience.
>not the free shipping which must be a colossal expense if a Prime subscribed frequently purchases physical goods
Obviously they're not cutting that. That is literally the entire reason Prime exists. Everything else is just a "benefit" to keep people paying even if they don't think the free shipping is worth it.
That's like if Steam stopped selling anime and you complained that they weren't putting a bandwidth cap on game downloads to make up the cost.
I don't buy on amazon often but when I do I just make a new account and do the free trial for the 20%.
>Collector's Editions
And not a single thing of value was lost.
Oh no not my soundtrack CDs, duffel bags and styrofoam statues!
What does that picture have to do with anything?
Unless you want your fancy collector's edition box to be dented and look like it has been put into a washing machine you shouldn't be buying CE's from amazon anyways. Literally 90% of the CE's I ordered from them were rough handled to shit. For all their faults, even fucking gamestop knows how to ship your shit in one piece.
Not to defend Amazon, but are you sure it's not the carrier company damaging them?
My other packages come in just fine. Maybe if amazon didn't just stick the CE in a corner of an oversized shipping box and put a single strip of bubble wrap to fill the empty space or just fucking shove it in a yellow envelope one size too small then my stuff wouldn't be dented to hell.
>using Amazon Prime for games when Best Buys Gamers Club is superior in every way
This is truly summer
Who are you quoting?
I hate this argument with a passion.
Developers have already been paid. They were paid to do the work to create the game, not based on how many units sell. The publisher pays the developers, and the publisher makes the money from the sales of units.
"The developers should make some money," is a retarded thing to say in the context it is usually said.
Europe is going to double down and seperate itself from the US more, Germany has already said it doesn't see the US as a reliable partner in the future.
This is basically what 60 years of foreign policy was trying to stop from happening. As it stands there's a real chance of federalisation in Europe as a reaction to the US being unreliable.
>Only ever use Amazon to buy stuff from third party seller
>Dont have prime since free shipping wouldnt apply to those purchases anyways
>Most third party sellers have had very reasonable shipping costs
>Recently tried to buy two paperback books that were being sold by Amazon itself since they were half the price of my local bookstore
>Total was like $21
>Cheapest shipping option was fucking $14
What the fuck is with Amazon's shipping cost?
$10 bonus coupon isn't GCU exclusive (yet)
But yeah, GCU is worth it if you spend at least $75 a year on physical games.
It was always better than Prime's discount because it's 20% off FOREVER, even sale prices whereas Amazon was first two weeks only, and didn't stack with sales.
I don't care about limited editions but the last few games I ordered a few days before they came out and they wouldn't even give me an arrival date.
You do actually realise that France and Germany area already doubling down on centralising further? the idea that anyone is leaving is done.
Eurobond will come in as soon as either the SPD manage to lead the coalition or the CDU do and part of the coalition contract involves it, markel can then placate the right wing of her party by saying "we just had to do it"
America has wanted to keep europe friendly and mostly not integrated at the expense of the US, one of the key reasons NATO exists is to stop a european alliance.
If anything the UK leaving is what's letting this happen, the UK would have vetoed this from minute 1.
>collector's editions
That's alright with me, I don't buy that shit anyway
Most (good) developer companies get bonuses based on sales and ratings, and many are also self-published projects where there is no initial investor. Maybe you should try actually learning about the industry a little more than just mindlessly parroting what you heard some shitbag pirate say on Sup Forums to justify why he doesn't pay for his games.
Good thing I got persona 5 when I did
CE's are largely gay anyway
Best Buy for games, Walmart for everything else
Amazon is irrelevant at this point
I'm reminded of the early days of PS+ juxtaposed to current PS+. Shit was cash in the early days, but nowadays the free games are trash and a good discount comes few.