Onii-chan, buy Umaru geimu, it's called "Himouto! Umaru-chan Himouto Ikusei Keikaku" available on the Playstation Vita™!

Onii-chan, buy Umaru geimu, it's called "Himouto! Umaru-chan Himouto Ikusei Keikaku" available on the Playstation Vita™!

Watch this trailer: youtube.com/watch?v=Ktg4LL8f-DA

It's super kawaii and sugoii!

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Reminder that the Warriors are about to get BTFO tonight by LeBron's Cavs

No one will buy your geimu after what you did that day, evil rat


Was getting geimu according to keikaku?

I hope whoever said, "Yeah man, that was good. Let's make a second season," gets shot in the fucking face.

Fuck you.

The first season was great!


Shove your head in a dick.

Unironically this.

>mfw the second video actually became true

What is this a pet hamster simulator?

wow what's your deal?

Umaru is Sup Forums incarnate

too bad this is a TSF thread!


dumb nugget poster


why is she so smug about her icecream melting?

Shove your whole head in a dick and suffocate.

hi lee :)

Cause she's so hot.

Umaru deserves a better geimu then the one she got

>He doesn't like umaru

I'm so tired of this stupid japanese garfield

yet you're in this very thread

I think her next geimu will be on 3DS since her theme is more popular than even Zelda and Pokemon

Will S2 OP top the current one?
I mean, 11,5 million views.

Lee? I don't know who Lee is, but I assure you, I am most certainly, positive-LEE over seeing this motherfucking hamsterbitch.


I literally got a Daki of Himoto just so I can cum on its face and piss off all the waifu fags

There's going to be 2nd season? This is sugoi news indeed onii-chan.

>Wanting Shaq's fuck toy

Second season starts in october

You better drop the gun.

Why the fuck is this so much more popular than Watamote? Holy shit yes I'm mad.

I'm going to cuck your mother and send you the videos.


Umaru is way cuter.

Still not as cute as me!

Because Umaru is actually good, unlike Watamote.


watamote hits too close to home for many

Meme anime is why

syphilis pls

Now where could my pipe be?

Watamote is for people with taste

I though using cuck as a verb referred to the act of someone cheating on his/her partner while said partner is aware of the act.

Anime will never be good again.

Nip losers couldn't handle water moat like western losers did. They just want escapism. Or so I've heard.



No, I'm pretty sure it just means cheating on someone.

Dailye remindee that THESE are the people who enjoy this shit and you share a biard with

I guess I should start putting my stupid ugly face in thumbnails

No way fag. Only real weebs here, no irony.



Why didn't you just buy her geimu and then you could post webm of you jacking off onto your vita and slapping your dick against the screen. That guys cum was like water, he needs to adjust his diet.

Don't know I liked both just wished Watamote had a little more character progression for Tomoko. She's pretty much in the exact same situation as she started in besides Megumi noticing her it really went nowhere.


Sums up that whole image.

Read the manga. She gets a lot of progress. The anime only adapted some of the early chapters.


Haven't done it yet I just got the Daki 3 days ago

imma give you 300k for a 50% share in your company

>one million subscribers
What the fuck, dude

Yeah I figured it just took awhile and the anime hadn't reached anywhere near far enough for it.

Watamote is too real for them. It took them to a dark place that they spend every day of their lives trying to forget. Why watch a show that's trying to make an insightful commentary on your lifestyle when you can just watch a cartoon hamster being cute and popular and a NEET.

>tfw no tomoko gf

Umaru is not a NEET since she goes to school.

Watamote is boring preaching starring a fundamentally unlikable protagonist. Welcome to the NHK did the same shtick a million times better.


What the fuck are you talking about?


Send me the vids too. Mother fucking is the best.

I said I was going to cuck his mother, not that I was going to fuck her, fool.

>Wtlcome to the NHK

There is NOBODY like tomoko in NHK.



Tomoko is an unlikeable cunt, that's why. Watamote was just depressing and not really enjoyable, it's kinda like Ronnie the anime.

>tfw studios are now starting to cater to the west because Japan has become a creative bottomless pit that only wants cute girl shit in increasingly sexual situations instead of action and adventure with fun and engrossing characters and no fanservice whatsoever.

Trigger and Netflix will save anime.

>mfw she doesn't exist
> ywn have a girlfriend like her and help her get better in social situation

why live

Does it have ntr elements?

Well fuck bro. Looks like I got hard for nothing.

But how can you help her overcome her social anxiety when you can't even do it yourself?


Fuck all of those schoolgirl anime with "lol kawai random sugoi" humors and artstyle copypaste.
Why did they stop making gems like Kenshiro, Lupin 3, or even Mister Ajikko??

>They just want escapism. Or so I've heard.

I mean, just look at all of the Isekai shit that comes out of Japan. No shit they love Escapism. Hell, it was so bad that they had to outright ban the genre during most writing competitions because it's just THAT popular.

The moral here is that Japan hates themselves and desperately want to be anything that's not Japan, knowing that they will forever be a wage slave for the rest of their lives and not allowed to think for themselves or be anything other than what they're forced into.

I know a girl like that. Shame she's mute

Tomoko was literally me, she did a lot of things with her social awkwardness that i recongise myself doing those things and thus i found it one of the funniest animes i've seen.

No thanks



What? I don't really have any social anxiety, i have a girlfriend. Everyone has a girlfriend, it's easy to seduce and be in love.

Anime is just as good as it's always been shut your face, faggot.

You're unfunny

tomoko is an autistic piece of shit just like me, thats why I like her

Fucking this. Tomoko was literally the girl version of me in school. even alot of embarrassing shit I read in the manga made me laugh because I could relate to that. (Faking having a girlfriend to impress cousin for example) , but I'm just so surprised that Japan wouldn't like someone like that.

wtf is that thing

thats a cute sexmaniac

No it really isn't.

A teenage girl.

No one wants an anime about you retards, which is why it failed, which was my point. You're all unlikeable just like Tomoko was and compare that to kawaii uguu Umaru onii-chaaaan and you see why it failed.