Has a video game ever gotten you with a proper jumpscare?

has a video game ever gotten you with a proper jumpscare?

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The one in bioshock where you turn around and there's a guy standing right in front of you

FEAR double jump scare.

Shooting into the lake in RE4

That shit made me laugh.

In crysis, if you swim far enough out, a great white comes. Shit made me afraid of going into the water at any point the rest of the game.

Yeah because why would you do that? I mean the lake dude was just minding his own business, being spooky n shit swimming in a moody water waiting for the scripted cutscene.

I saw fish in the water and wondered if I could kill them.
Which is exactly what was intended, I imagine.

The part where you go on a conveyor belt in RE5 and a corpse grabs your leg if you walk close to it. It's not a particularly scary environment or anything, but it just got me because I absolutely wasn't expecting for it. The worst jumpscare is the one you wouldn't expect at all.

Dead Space Elevator scream got me. Arguably the best, most effective way to do jumpscares. Only happens once in the game, and it's about midway through once you've lowered your guard in a perceived "safe" area.

The ladder in FEAR

Literally toppled my couch over backwards

the octopus from jak 2 ;(

Dead Space 2.

There's a part in the game where you're lurking through a bunch of bedrooms and an alarm clock just goes off.

The sound effect is almost exactly the same as my IRL alarm clock I panic-jumped out of my chair to try and turn it off before realising it was coming from my computer.

the sun

That actually didn't do anything for me, that alarm though, I was so confused, not only was it coming from the wrong place, the volume was wrong too.

>turn the game console off right now!

Not that much. By the time i got there i was already a bit tense and prepared for shit.

My pic didn't appear strangely

Dead space was jumpscares: the game. The bench scare and that one before the credits still got me though.

STALKER made me jump countless times, but that was more from random instant kills from a shotgun as I look round a corner.

The guy behind that mirror glass in Prey recently gave me a shock, it's the only part that's close to being scary.

Man Bat in Arkham Knight.

Playable Trailer tucked me up

>cyborg midwives in general

I just realized this game is bizarrely hard to get on the PS4 now. I've had it on mine for a while.

Scariest thing I've ever played

what is a "proper" jumpscare?

Jesus Christ, this got me bad. I was wearing headphones too. It's not even the only jumpscare in the game, there are two others that got me bad and one that was just lame.

proper= anything thats not a movie jump scare

>Anybody approaching Sim Unit 3... will feel sorrow... so much sorrow...
Fuck those things

>That moment where you think you see something in the corner of your vision so you turn around to look but it's murky nothingness then a fucking shark comes in from where you were originally looking and bites you in half


This one got me so fucking good, literally felt my heart skip and my breath caught in my throat. Had to pause the game and chill the fuck out for a second, that was some mean shit

Jumpscares are retarded, somebody could hqve a heartattack due to them.

Sim Unit 3 ambush was a bunch of spiders, actually.

yep first jumper that actually made me jump in a while.

not since the first Outlast game have i filled my adult diaper so fast.

Yeah, I know. The real scare for me was how my shotgun wasn't affecting them. Still haven't gotten past that, actually./spoiler]

The whole time while playing Fatal Frame. Entering a room and then hearing the moans was absolutely frightening when you couldn't immediately tell where she was going to come from.

>my shotgun wasn't affecting them
Wait, what? Those are just regular spiders IIRC.

I put 8 or 9 shells into them and they didn't die. Tried with slugs too, same thing.

>tfw I actually did it


Played through the rest of the game with a clenched butthole.

Really weird. What about pistol?

this son of a bitch scared the crap out of me.

That sucks, when I entered that room, the phantom just started attack me like normal. The tv was just off


>that moment in bulletstorm where you board a train full of NPC's but they're actually fucking ENEMIES
>mfw have to kill 70 enemies in a tiny box

While the Half Life series wasn't a horror-focused game. It had some excellent jumpscares

This is mainly because they aren't intentional jumpscares. There's no set time for a jumpscare to occur and it's not cinematic either.

This is because the game is through YOUR POV, not the character's. So something that isn't in your field of view might sneak up on you and scare you. Or you could enter an area where you didnt know a creature was hiding or around a certain corner.


literal autism

>The trap doesn't spring until you get to the terminal
I hate this feeling of dread so much, I just want to bait these fuckers out and shoot them.

Thief Gold when the haunt just silently creeps up on you as I'm turning around constantly to ensure nothing is following me.

This. the fucking honk guy.


What game is that?


Far Cry 3


Konami took it off PSN, it's impossible to get now unless it's already on your hard drive. don't delete it

There's a pretty good one in Singularity. You can interact with various objects in the environment over the course of the game, and eventually you find a Polaroid camera, and if you interact with it, it prints out a picture of an enemy, and you turn around and there's an enemy behind you.

you mean
doom 3?


Fucking this, i emptied a shotgun as soon as i touched ground

Yesterday when playing RE4.
>Hedge maze section.
>Constant growling noises.
>Bark-B.O.Ws jumps out from behind a corner.
>Scares me but I kill it.
>Keep going through the maze.
>Come to a closed gate with Bark-B.O.Ws running around behind it.
>Decide to be clever and shoot them through the bars of the gate.
>Kill one and feel very smug.
>Bark-B.O.W smashes through the gate and attacks me.
>Scared again.
>Walking through empty corridor.
>Hear growls getting closer.
>Smug because I know it's right around the corner and I'll shoot it once it appears.
>It jumps through the fucking hedge maze at me.
I was on edge for the rest of that section.

This was completely unexpected.

fucking kek

Bout to get #litty in here.

Some parts of Metro 2033 made me jump when I first played through.
>On the road to D6 when you're seperated from the team
>Headlight dies
>Go to recharge
>When it came back on, fucking mutant charging right at me
>New pants please

I forget if its last light or 2033 but that one where they introduce you to the rat/dog/tiny fucking things and seeing an entire "town" of people running then the next area you get to its just dead quiet

Uhhh, maybe back when it came out? Not now though.

Besides, after the 3rd room; you should be able to see it coming. That's why Dead Space 2 was such shit. You could spot everything a mile away. I'm not saying DS1 was above the bullshit. I'm just saying that one particular moment was a fantastic addition.

STALKER scared shit out of me once,when I encountered bloodsucker in some random house.That was the only time,when I literally jumped on my chair

Came here to post this one

Also S.T.A.L.K.E.R related;

>playing AMK run on SoC for the first time
>first overhaul mod experience
>get to X-18
>going downstairs
>suddenly a fucking Burer meets me at the end of the steps
>was so unexpected I fired my shotgun and alt-tabbed out of the game

Fucking random AI placement

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. had a few, namely the first bloodsucker and controller encounters. Eternal Darkness had the bath scene outta nowheres.

Pretty sure we could have an entire thread devoted to Stalkan' jumpscares

It's bad enough the game is unsettling and tense literally every minute you play already without peppering in heart attack inducing jumpscares

Yeah that's what I've found out, I won't be deleting it

The screamer in Dark Souls 3 got me, I didn't think they'd ever do anything like it

Time... Doctor Freeman...

Playing Minecraft like 6 years ago for the first time at 13, and a spider screeches as it drops down from the tree. Booked it to my house, didn't even turn around.

Other than that, if by jumpscare you mean 'startle' then countless times, if there's a loud noise when it's quiet, then of course I'm going to jump. If you want genuine fear though, play Subnautica. Shit will make you feel genuine fear like nothing else. Especially if you have a fear of deep water like me. I can barely play the game desu

The Arkham knight manbat grapple jumpscare was pretty brilliant. it's so random.

A classic

you mean in ep2?
I was terrified. My eyes watered up and I had goosebumps. I don't know what came over me.

I think I was so focused on the antlions it was just the last thing I expected

The only time a video game has ever truly "gotten me" with a jumpscare was the bathtub scene in Eternal Darkness.

Those of you who have played it know what I'm talking about.

Same here
fucking hell

Did anyone catch the game last night?

On a similar note,there was that bit in Arkham Knight where you control Gordon in a first person perspective, and after you look around the area for a bit you turn to see Batman not even a foot from you, staring. Found myself laughing thinking "So that's what that's like."

Goddamn AMK was good for fucking with new players.

>First AMK run
>took a few tries, but finally made it to the military base at Agroprom
>go charging in to save that one guy
>having a back and forth with the soldiers in the area
>suddenly 6 fully loaded soldiers come charging at me
>unload on them, run out of ammo, desperately reloading
>wait a minute, why aren't they shooting at me?
>4-5 of the bandits I was with come running around the corner, run right past me
>what the shit is going on? Did the AI bug?
>go around corner
>fucking invisible Chimera uncloaks right in front of me, manages to kill me in a single swipe

And that's how I learned to trust the judgement of the AI in STALKER AMK. When they run, I'm following. When enemies with greater firepower than me run right by me without even trying to shoot me, I get the fuck out of there.

maybe he used the scissors that he wanted to escape

post yfw

Is that....is that System Shock 2?

The best jumpscares are when the enemies themselves are terrifying, and so anything they do is terrifying in itself

pretty much


might just be me but
>spooky jumpscare horror game doesnt affect me at all
>playing some whatever fps like sniper elite or far cry
>turn a corner/turn around and run into an enemy I wasn't expecting
>jump out of my seat and whimper like a dog for 5 whole seconds

The amount of disappointment I got after I found out that the crocs were actually static objects and nothing I should really fear in this game is unreal.

Never fucking fails.


Swimming in scarface


this shit

jesus christ

Outlast 2 got me a few times.

And then they get you in REmake by changing the timing a little bit.

never fucking fails.

Several times in Resident Evil and Silent Hill. Jumpscares are necessary in horror games. No one gets actually scared just by "muh psychological horror".