*teleports behind you*
*teleports behind you*
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That belly makes my benis tingle.
Shameful faps thread?
>Shameful fap
Never be ashamed of your faps. OWN YOUR FAPS LIKE A MAN
Same. Pregnancy fetish is the only natural fetish.
>3D girls
I just came...
>being attracted to females unfit for current fecundation and more than likely got pregnant by another male
Pregnancy fetish is literally the beta male nature detector, you're so unfit to reproduce that your brains has to get off to leftovers.
I have a boner for preggo sex but I can tell that bitch was fat even before getting pregnant
would still fuck tho
How much of a homo do you have to be to not want to get a woman pregnant then fuck them as they're pregnant, over and over again?
>tfw you know he's right
Wanting to make a woman pregnant is waaaay different from being attracted to already pregnant ones, at least from the animal point of view.
In the second case you're like that weak and pathetic animal unable to claim a female for itself and has to try and fuck an already fecundated female while a proper male is away, otherwise it would get fucking rekt as the useless piece of shit that it is.
they have the nu-male mentality of being unable to comprehend their own fertility as males and subsequently their ability to impregnate women, and since being lazy, self-centered and irresponsible like a true modern nihilist shitbird is diametrically opposite to the role of fatherhood, they actively fight the idea.
their masculinity ends at ejaculation, they might as well kill themselves after getting laid once.
>Arguing about evolutionary psychology on fucking Sup Forums.
Here you go
>pregnant women gross me out
>hate babies
>still want kids of my own
Niggers have it all figured out
You knock up the woman, leave to get cigarettes and come back 5 years later
The baby phase is over and you can experience the actual good parts of parenting, turning the kid into everything you weren't able to become
Hmmm, maybe you're on to something...
I'm 5'6.
nothing personnel kid
>more than likely got pregnant by another male
Wow, you don't fuck the girls you masturbate to yourself?
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Now user, that isn't video games
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lmao look at that gut, hit the gym nerd.
It's even hotter knowing that there's a black baby in there. Another white bloodline destroyed forever. Unf.
>trying to turn sex for the purpose of reproduction into cuck shit
your brain is fucked boy.
Wow me too, we should start a manlet club
*teleports into you*
*shotguns you in the face*
The first time I fought that boss it killed all my fucking pikmin.
I'm 6'4.
Sup Forums stinks on ice.
Every one of you in this thread; take a running start when you go fuck yourselves.
I fucking hate you, Sup Forums. See you tomorrow.
>all those zips offline
I'm 6'0"
I would gladly and willingly copulate with this creature
I think she's beautiful
Body horror is the purest form of beauty
God, they were the fucking worst.
Especially when they killed off your dumb buddies. Then when you go to revive, there she is, impaling you.
nvm lol
*doesn't play shit game*
I laughed when one of these showed up in Mass Effect 3, just casually titled Morinth. Your choices sure do matter.
Reminder that preg is best.
Not as bad as a phantom casual titled Jack.
It can literally turn a 10/10 into a 3/10.
you have that backwards
>Banshee models have an uncensored, fully rendered vagina.
>Thanix missiles
Even more triggering.
Ah, I see there are gentlemen of class and culture in this thread.
Kill yourself immediately.
Do you think licking her nips would be like licking a 9 volt battery?
>Playing a guggernaut geth
>Bitch teleport to fuck your shit up
>Your immune to sync kill
>Melt her face with the PPR
Let me see those geth balls.
Fuck off, Morinth.
>Wraith 2x
I can see finding a woman you knocked up attractive, but a bloated belly on its own is not a turn on.
it's like a giant boob shape
Pregnant fetish is one of the weirdest fetishes in existence
How come all the other species get made into elite Reaper ground units but humanity gets stuck being the grunts.
that's ludicrous
males have been around, and fetishized pregnant females since before we were an actual species
pre fetish best fetish
typing with one hand is hard
You would know that wouldn't you?
dam she thic
Those are thought to have been made by pregnant women, not the men.
From an evolutionary point of view, a pregnancy fetish is retarded as hell. A pregnant woman is the very definition of worthless for any male who isn't the father (from a natural selection / evolution perspective).
>From an evolutionary point of view, a pregnancy fetish is retarded as hell.
>A pregnant woman is the very definition of worthless for any male who isn't the father
i can't believe you can't put 2 and 2 on this
men's hormones and brain patterns change when they're around pregnant women and babies, the protective instinct kicks in, if the man didn't find his pregnant wife attractive he would lose interest in spending time with her and thus protecting and providing her.
Good thing nobody cares about what evolution has suggested we do. Believe it or not, people have other goals in life than to just reproduce. We aren't animals anymore, user. We're a pleasure driven species.
or maybe those evolutionary traits aren't relevant any more? there are people who jack off to furries and xenos
>From an evolutionary point of view, a pregnancy fetish is retarded as hell. A pregnant woman is the very definition of worthless for any male who isn't the father (from a natural selection / evolution perspective).
Not for community-based lifeforms like humans. Every extra, healthy human in the tribe is a productive member.
But community-based lifeforms go completely against most of evolutionary theory, so there's that.
Lol you're seriously deluded if you think men care about a preggers chick that isn't carrying their seed.
>a preggers chick that isn't carrying their seed.
about as much as they care about a girl getting a dick in porn that isn't theirs, you fucking retard, IT'S PART OF THE FANTASY
How is this attractive
There's someone's ugly baby living in that, like some kind of parasite.
Why do porn show the guys assholes and faces? I instantly turn off any that does this and block it so I can't ever click on it again. That's literally the definition of gay.
I said care, not make a fetish out of it.
It's almost as if attraction is subjective.
I'll be honest: I'm fapping to this is because I perceive that belly as pure fat, not preg.
Granted, the only reason this illusion works is because the rest of her body is thicc as fuck.
That's great if you're fourteen and still wanking to FHM in-between reviews of sound systems and watches you simply must have this upcoming season.
did you forget your pills brother
Fuck off Hogan, I'm in no mood for your shit brother
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A soft tummy on a woman is objective proof of her mate's ability to provide more than enough food for her to consume.
ITT: fucking degenerates worse than jews
reminds of Azissmiss at peak thicc
>tfw you derail a Mass Effect 3 thread with a single post
>he doesn't play preg sims
Vitamin Quest is the only good pregnancy game I can think of.
I don't care, it's really unattractive.
>it's really unattractive.
Maybe if you're a fag and a pedophile. Like the romans who popularized emaciated skinny females to resemble the little boys they were no longer allowed to have.
goddamn man I have never seen someone defend a fetish like someone defends an EA game
Posting more since this thread is still up somehow.
we're auto saging! quick, post your best preg pics!
she's a fucking goddess
oh fuck, we're not actually auto saging! never mind!