Check the pic.
As if we needed any more confirmation that Ubishit has a liberal bias and ought to be avoided.
Check the pic.
As if we needed any more confirmation that Ubishit has a liberal bias and ought to be avoided.
Ubisoft are now officially /ourguys/
Who gives a shit?
Or maybe they're just making fun of someone who should be declared legally retarded?
Was losing custody part of your plan?
You shouldn't bully Alex Jones, he has it hard enough losing his custody case
DELETE THIS!!!!!!!!!
>following corporations
>getting hooked by PR consultants
Good goyim
>still giving SJWs credence as liberals when they fly in the face of every liberal value
>Ubisoft baneposting outside of Sup Forums
I guess this proves that all those Far Cry 5 threads were being made by shills
This is exactly what I was thinking
Perhaps this thread too
Does that super male vitality actually work?
>not being a liberal
How the fuck could you not realize that Ubisoft had a liberal bias since the first fucking Assassin's Creed?
>not buying super male vitality and water filters
>falling for shitty Sup Forums memes
>Sup Forums gets butthurt and can't take a joke
>he posts it on Sup Forums
Why do we care again? Go make your politics thread on Sup Forums you illiterate tard.
>Have fun with Internet joke on Facebook page
>/r/thedonald squatters take it as a personal offense
Imagine being so fucking offended all the time that you comb through random companies' social media pages to find cringy Internet jokes to post completely not video game related threads. You pitiful fuck
you don't need to be liberal to think the man's a literal meme
Triggered? Need a safe space snowflake?
Stay mad Sup Forums you adorable laughing stock
Fucking goblins
>inb4 mspaint image or very sensible Sup Forumstard and very silly SJW and a silly man in between saying they're both the same
I'm 100% positive that there's at least a few Ubisoft interns who fucking spam the shit out of those threads like the dirty leaf shitposters they are.
>hating on Alex Jones
Guy's a hero to the people.
ITT: leafs get triggered by scary Sup Forums boogeyman
Who would have ever expected dirty Canadians who work at Ubisoft to be our niggas?
>faggot op goes to kikebook and follows ubisoft
>posts someshit on par with /r/atheism posts
>gets told and goes back to his safespace to cry
fuck off faggot