Trophy/achievement thread. Show off your rarest trophies/achievements.
Trophy/achievement thread. Show off your rarest trophies/achievements
My rarest platinum is for Olli Olli 2, took a lot of effort and i'd never put myself through that again
10 days
It's mostly trophy from Muramasa. It can easily be cheesed but it's fucking long and I did most of them without cheesing so they were hard as ball
What website is this?
Not sure how rare it is, but I platinumed every soulsborne game.
The absolute worst part was grinding covenant items for rare spells in dark souls 2.
If you think being a bluefag in DS3 is bad, you havent seen anything
Not him, but it's
Jesus christ what a weeaboo you are
Well, I only have a vita, what other kind of games is there on it ?
I grinded most of those but then I just used cheat engine for the solar medals in DaS II because I found no one for coop at my level and the drop rate was non-existant.
Beat Cave Story with 3 HP on hard.
One of these days I'll have to do Hell as well.
The "All Clear" trophy in Transformers Devastation, at 0.2%
No idea why it is so rare since you can still use items and select the easiest difficulty for that.
Bloodborne platinumer pls go
Hardest trophies were probably the Dionaea fight without dying in Freedom Wars or beating Endless Setlist 2 in Rock Band 2.
A lot of these games had one pain in the fucking ass trophy to get.
Why do people go after trophies? I don't understand, there's no reward except bragging rights. That being said now's your time trophy fags that (you)s you harvest from this thread is the only thing you will get for your grinding.
Go easy on me. Also, tips for any games on my list that can be easily beaten would be appreciated.
i platinumed kingdom hearts 2 twice
>there's no reward except bragging rights.
There you go.
Personally I try for plat if I really like a game and want to get my money's worth, since getting plat usually involves doing everything the game has to offer
>getting plat usually involves doing everything the game has to offer
getting plat usually involves grinding some boring shit for 40 hours
>normies with friends don't care about trophies
>anons on Sup Forums do but have no friends, even if they do literally nobody cares
Who are we bragging to? It's sad to imagine people waste there time with this shit just waiting and hoping for a thread like this to pop up.
i can see the light of my platinum P5 approaching
sad that the journey's end is close
i'm at 170 hours
>not going to /vitagen/ and showing off your platinums to get all the sissy girly fuccbois all hot and flustered slobbering all over your e-peen
mgs2 which is the hardest game to plat
Or that, yeah, I have do some autistic grinding for some plats in the past
Rarest trophy I have is a 0,2 % one in Touhou Gensou Wanderer, which may have something to do witht he fact that almost no one played that game.
ive got 1st plats in 2 games(according to psnprofiles)
worse thing aboot that is people then messaging on psn asking for tips or someshit
obv i aint gonna say which games cause i dont want people bothering me
aside the the current game i just plat'd my rarest trophy is getting all diamonds in farcry 2(ps3) and rarest plat is from two worlds 2
>worse thing aboot that is people then messaging on psn asking for tips or someshit
I got that with my MeiQ plat.
There is not Platinum guide for that game
Not my rarest, but definately my proudest
Ah yes that looks like a hard one!
Oh shit forgot
i started playing that last month(only play it when doing laundry)
i dont go out of my way to plat games anymore
was that game a hard plat? what kinda things were they asking?
No fighting!
>still only 121 people with this achievement.
>was that game a hard plat?
fucking long
>what kinda things were they asking?
how hard was the plat and if there are any missables.
There are missable trophies in MeiQ because one dungeon vanishes after beating it but the Platinum also requires beating the game 4 times on successive difficulty levels.
>taking a photo of your tv
I suck at those trophy things
What are you deaf? I said beat it McFly!
dont know what shitty site your using but psnprofiles is the most commonly used one and almost 1000 people have that trophy on that site
These are my rarest apparently
psnprofiles probably wont help for xbawks.
But yeah, what I put is misleading anyway, that's only for the EU version for starters, and obviously doesn't count playstation players.
According to blizzard the average completion rate for Legendary Difficulty Uprising with the Vanilla heroes is 0.6%
Rain World platinum. Love that game so much.
Only 3 people have it according to psnprofiles.
My latest would be Red Faction. Good lord, did that game age like a giant pile of dog shit.
I don't know what was worse:
having to play it 4 times through
playing it on impossible
or the shit va
>2 MvC3 plats
This man talks the talk and walks the walk
Fuck chalice dungeons.
>SSFIV plat
How the fuck did you do the trials?
ya i wont be getting that plat
fuck missables and multiple play thru's
the game i recently plat'd i had someone message me at 4am (i was still awake) asking me how time consuming it can be, difficulty options like easy(there isnt) and missables or grindy ones
all these can be answered by looking at the fucking trophy list and seeing how long it took me to complete(5 days), like holy shit how young/stupid is this person. not gonna rely to the kid tho
Hmm I remember Babel beating unbeatable upon release. I guess they eventually fixed it. Good job, Catherine os the only game I ever had to set to easy to beat.
Wish I had something better to show off but here ya go.
ah of course, i dont play xbox so i wouldnt know the site they use thats equivalent to the psn one
Trophies are the gayest fucking thing ever.
They weren't that bad. Ibuki's was the one that took me forever.
C to Shining C was the hardest grind.
I was in a race today to platinum Person 5 before Tekken 7 unlocks, which is currently unpacking.
how do you get two plats for the same game?
When your rarest achievements are for mediocre games.
I hate that these type of notoriously hard indie games always have a bunch of retarded normies muddying the waters and make a trophy seem much rarer than it is
PS3 and Vita version.
Haven't really played the PS4 version since I'm obviously burned out on it
or a game goes free on PS+
makes all my X-Com stuff super rare
Probably either the Vita version or a different region
That is, like bragging that you are a moron.
This is my next rarest one if you ignore those games
I actually use their sister site for the PS games TrueTrophies. From my experience their rarity calculation algorithm is much more accurate than PSNProfiles. PSNProfiles just goes on by the number of owners divided by the number of those who have the platinum. While this seems fine in theory, it'll give you really weird data depending on the popularity of the game. Super popular AAA games like annual sports games are always ranked as rarer due to the sheer number of game installs/player base that they have. Meanwhile more obscure weeb games with very low install rates are ranked as more common because I suspect the types of people who play weeb games are more likely to be completionists than the people who play AAA games. So in the end you'll have easier AAA game platinums ranked much rarer than obscure weeb games even though the weeb games might be way more difficult to platinum. I'm not sure what TrueTrophies does differently but their rarity seems way more accurate, with long difficult platinums being ranked where they should be.
...mmm go on...
Had to grind for this view
there is no "algorithm"
they are 3rd party sites and the only way they have any statistics is if someone enters thier psn username
and now its in that sites database
sony should just make a site to trump these so you can actually see proper statistics
ps4 trophys have a % but that doesnt mean much when you dont know how many total people actually own the particular game(hell there are people who dont even connect to online to sync trophys)
Don't plan to plat the game but is Overwatch worth getting right now if I just want to casual play? Wanted to play McCree but heard he got massively nerfed.
>240 hours
Sounds like a decent amount of time to be mate
>all of my rarest trophies are for Yakuza 3 & 4
>never even tried to get plats for em
I'm a scrub
i dont really go too far out of my way for trophies usually
this is my rarest trophy and I also got it on my brothers account
My rarest achievement on both PC and PS4
For some reason an extreme lack of people have played the scenarios in Civ V, most of my rarest achievements are from either scenarios or just winning the game
They have an algorithm for calculating trophy rarities based on people who use the site. It's only really noticeable if you a shit ton of trophies and realize some random really easy trophy is rarer than a trophy than you spent months trying to get.
For example I have 90 platinum trophies, my fifth rarest trophy according to PSNP is Another Day, Another Win from NBA 2K14. All you have to do is win 5 matches and it takes maybe 20 minutes at most to finish the whole thing. Yet it's rarer than 88 of my platinums, some of which took 100+ hours to get get. My third rarest trophy is Fest Quartet Quest from Guitar Hero 5 which is basically finish 10 songs with four players. TrueTrophies doesn't have weird shit like that.
Some of my rarest steam achievements are from Civ V too. I remember not having one of the expansions locked you out of getting achievements from the main game or something and they never bothered trying to fix it.
Not posting my rarest trophy but my rarest plat is MGS4. First and only platinum I've actively spent time and effort trying to get.
my rare list (probably outdated)
I have the UFC 2 Platinum which has a 0.1%. So I guess that's my rarest.
Hotline Miami 1 was the hardest. Bloodborne was tough, fucking Defiled Amygdala.
I also have the Dragon Age Inquisition platinum. Game is kinda hard on Nightmare.
um of course those trophys would be rare
sports and music games are even more casual and less played/bought then any rpg or weeb game
dont know what your trying to say, both sites are 3rd party, they need a person to input thier username for there to be any kind of statistic
if you want to believe theres an "algorithm" both sites use the same, the site you use just throws a bunch more numbers and graphs in your face to make you think its better.
the game i just plat'd isnt calculated your site since i dont use it
raritys can always go up over time if people are trophy hunting
just because you spent 100+ hours in a game doesnt mean it should be rarer then some super casual game like a sports trophy
Playing Ni No Kuni, I don't think I'm going to platinum this. The steal chance of items of rare spawn enemies is too bullshit and time consuming to complete alchemy recipes.
Jesus christ Olli Olli is one of the games that I actually dropped because I never managed to git gud
do you even have to steal items? i plat'd that in 2 weeks dont recall anything hard aboot the game
Only one I've bothered with recently was SFV because it was simple enough. Getting close in Hotline Miami 2.
My rarest trophies are from GTA IV online, I was going to get the plat for it but I got a bug
Im going to plat Deadly Premonition, not because I want to, its more of a side effect for doing all sidequests in the game
1v1 me at They Bleed Pixel motherfuckers I'll fuck you up. The one on the left is "Doctor Strangelove" from Dungeons of Dredmore, I don't even know how I got that. 0.71%.
>Dark Souls platinum - 17.23%
>Dark Souls 2 platinum - 16.43%
>Dark Souls 3 platinum - 18.51%
>Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 platinum - 2.28%
>NBA 2K14 Another Day Another Win - 2.03%
Are you telling me you think it's accurate that an easy trophy that took 15-20 minutes at most to get should be rarer than the platinum for Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2, one of the most notoriously difficult platinums in existence?
He actually got buffed recently, his ultimate locks on a lot faster. Standard edition is on sale for $30, GOTY edition is on sale for $40 (dunno if Console has to buy GOTY or if they can pick up Standard).
lets see a game where people over years will pick up and play and has a strong user/fanbase
compared to a yearly sports game where the people who buy them are incredibly casual and either dont care for trophys or dont care aboot online play and would probably never know aboot these trophy sites to add to the statistics(since you have to visit them and add youself)
never said its truly accurate, since the statistics are extremely skewed based on site users
but from a simple and basic understanding it is a properly acceptable %
>No idea why it is so rare
Because the game was shit and 99% of people downloaded it for free off PS+ and never touched it again.
>getting plat usually involves doing everything the game has to offer
I wish this was always the case. I remember having the platinum for FFXV pop up and not only had I not maxxed a single characters level yet, but I hadn't even done half the sidequests and dungeons.
I got the plat or made 100% in a game that I didnt even beat too, cant remember the game though
Why did you do it if it aged so badly?
Back in my day we used unlock secret stuff after doing this kind of stuff, not get a useless trophy!...
Just got the Overwatch platinum
I imagine Persona 5 is going to take me forever
>Need 1 more trophy for Resident Evil Revelations 2
>shoot weapon arm off revenants 30 times
>neglected to do this in all my playthroughs so only have 3 done
>farm end of episode 1 by shooting 3 arms off and retrying
>takes longer than you think
>trophy pops as I run to end of level
>PS3 freezes 10 seconds after platinum trophy pops
PHEW. I would have been so fucking mad if it froze before that
>UFC 2 0.1% Plat
Holy shit. What horribly things do they make you do to get that?
>tfw own all of these but Sophie (which I plan to buy)
God, I'm a huge faggot.