Roadhog mains actually think this

>Roadhog mains actually think this.

He was already nerfed well enough

>""""Bad""" positioning
>Hook as a 20m range


In that case McCree should do 200 damage on headshots, stop having bad positioning.

ITT shitters

you can't say i have bad positioning when im just fighting on or around point and then all of the sudden 600 pound heatseeking hook faggot comes and anal rapes me.

you weren't behind your rein's shield why? was he not on point too? this is suspicious, its almost like you have.... bad positioning

But I'm saying the "bad positioning" thing is dumb. With Roadhog's hook having that kind of range "bad positioning" is the stupidest thing.

There is LITERALLY nothing wrong with his kit.

>playing Overshit

>actually having fun instead of wasting time shitposting

Overwatch would be balanced and more enjoyable if you doubled the health of every character and made no other changes.

Overwatch is the all gendered bathroom of video games. Why anyone would spend $40 on this Tublr fueled trans fest is beyond me.

Why would you just play Paladins? It is free ofcourse.

>not being behind this one hero means bad positioning

Nice shit rigid meta, Overfags. Why don't you just play Dota? I mean the FPS side of OW is so shit it might as well not exist, so might as well play something with much better meta, balance, and depth, no?


Did the interuniverse tournament of powah start yet?

Episode after the coming one, where they go and bust Frieza out of hell.

Imagine believing anything mentioned here


They didn't even get Frieze out yet? They're really dragging their feet with this.

you seriously expect the whole team to be behind reins shield 24/7?

Imagine playing Overhype

I was behind the shield, next to the wall where I could shoot safely and take as little damage as possible. But the rein drops his shield to firestrike and forgot to bait the hook first, resulting in the hook snagging me and yanking my delicious ass over to be devoured by ten tons of hungry pig.

nah i think goku is recruiting freeza or some shit because buu fell asleep.

I thought this was a Twisted Metal thread at first.

Got enough shitty Sup Forums buzzwords???

>planty of nerfs means he's balanced now

Let me guess, Roadhog Main placed in Silver?

If you can't deal with hog, stop playing the game because you're garbage.

This post is the best bait I've seen for a while

For one there are flanker characters with fucking tiny effective ranges that are designed to play in your opponents line, period. By having characters like Hog you effectively outmode them any time Pig is picked, then to compound it if you're playing against a barrier tank he doesn't ever have to position himself. Furthermore the assertion that it's the player hooked that is out of position is made doubly absurd simply accounting for the fact that Pig is a mobile unit and capable of flanking. What's even worse is that virtually the whole game is built on a series of narrow corridors and predictable corners and as such makes fishing extraordinarily easy. Finally the range on the hook mirrors or betters most DPS in effective range, and his M2 is equally absurd, netting either massive damage or OHKOs for free, and same with the M1. Hog is overkitted, but what's worse is he's the most frequently picked solo tank and stands to charge opponent ults like fucking wildfire, and is able to do so alone. It's wholly absurd.

pick only one

He was already balanced by being an incredibly loud gigantic target. This nerf is just gutting him and making him a joke pick.

reaper is supposedly a "counter" to roadhog, yes? then why is it that every time i approach him i get one shot in and then instantly get hooked? i mean it must be because im bad, right user?

The TTK is already absurd.

This assertion has no gravity, hog is built on an overpowered kit and adversely affects gameplay. It's not a question of good or bad it's the fact that while he is manageable independently he can affect either team significantly more than any other character.

>Highest base damage in the game
>Best single healing
>Highest ult damage in the game
>Tied highest health
>Smallest body:critical ratio on any hero
>Not OP

came to say literally honestly 100% dis desu senpai kun

>complaining about an enormous ult battery with no armour hero with no mobility reliant on landing hooks to stay relevant despite all the things in the game now that counter it on top of his other nerfs
>wowwwww I keep getting caught out, NERF ROADHOG.

An S76, McCree or Widow who can aim are infinitely more threatening than a Roadhog.

I play S76 a bunch so seeing a Hog is just great for me because he gets my ult up so fast and is literally no threat to me at range.

Roadhog is a classic case of 'I'm a bad player, but it's the hero's fault for my mistakes', just like people complaining about Slark in Dota 2.

>The TTK is already absurd.
Absurdly small.

>Play a class with mobility
>Too bad to dodge one of the most telegraphed abilities in the game

>Play a class with range
>Too bad to hit something farther than the hooks range


Hog's counter is supposedly Zarya
You have to bubble everyone the Hog hooks

This however doesn't work since you can't babysit your team in fear that they might get hooked every 8 seconds and all you're doing is stopping his hook
The fucker can still one-shot you with his normal fire.

>That one is pretty true
>Good fucking getting a kill with it
>One big hitbox doesnt make a small hitbox smaller
>And finally true

Strafe better faggot, reaper shits on the hog. D.Va, Mei, Zarya also all counter him. Also get better at ghost form, just like Zarya shield if you use it asap you can avoid the damage.

>he can affect either team significantly more than any other character.
As opposed to a hero like lucio or mercy or zarya? cmon now.

You should only be saving teammate bubbles for saves anyway, and bubbling a hog hooked target gives you at least 30% charge for free, the ally is alive, and hog is shit outta luck for 8 seconds, and at least 2 after the failed hook because of his firing speed. He can't one shot zarya by the way, you're pulling that shit outta your ass.


Stop. Leave us alone. We just got gutted. Stop rubbing salt in our wounds.

Stop. Just stop. I can't take it anymore.

Not him but I've oneshot Zaryas before but it took insane luck on the spread's part.

Map design has always been the problem, not Hog. Think about it
You could take away all the buffs he's getting with the patch and things wont change

That means each pellet would have to crit at the very least. That is insanely lucky. it's not surefire and I would never count on a zarya dying immediately if a hog walked up, I'd actually count on zarya winning the engagement.

>Why would you just play Paladins?
All credibility lost

If both the Zarya and Roadhog know what they're doing it tends to be a stalemate unless the Zarya started the fight with charge beforehand.

>you're pulling that shit outta your ass.
My bad, I was referring to Squishy targets.

But I spent 60 dollars on it.

>roadhog now unhooks to stop impossible hooks past walls and pillars
>have to aim a bit more to hook people
>silver shitters still get angry that they get hooked because they're too fucking retarded to avoid roadhog altogether if they can't counter him
It's all so tiresome

>strafe better

The hooks hitbox is the size of soldier 76. roadhog can actually 2 shot Dva out of her mech if you hit her crit box (which is right smack in the middle of her mech). Also while if you can bait his hook with wraith form you can kill him no problem, but what happens when he doesnt take the bait? he can just hook me when wraith runs out.

The only reason I'm playing overwatch instead of Paladins is I paid for ow.

It was my biggest mistake

>The only way to counter this character should be never being in his line of sight, avoiding him at all times, preferably not existing when he is picked


I'm not saying you're wrong when i reply with this, because yeah if you bait a hog and fail with reaper form you'll die. However, playing reaper effectively is learning when to go in and when to dip the fuck out. reaper is insanely effective against roadhog, especially if strafing correctly in the first place and getting the drop on him- which is NOT fucking hard in a 6v6 game. You can also ghost mode immediately after the hook and usually avoid the damage of the melee follow up which is the hit that will kill.

>I absolutely have to stay in the fatass' 20m hook range and I can't possibly shoot him at all because he actually just bends my bullets around him and can't just use teamwork to take him down
ugh like nerf him already bliizard baka

>I absolutely have to stay in the fatass' 20m hook range
You know Overwatch is an objective-based game right? Are you one of those shitters who instalocks a sniper, camps halfway across the map and then does nothing of value while blaming your teammates?

>tfw you play mercy and everyone forgives you even if you are shitty as long as you heal them

Le tricky hook wouldn't be nearly as much of a problem if you could perform actions while being lassoed.
eg. If I'm Mei I should be able to turn into an icicle, Tracer should be able to Blink out the way, D.Va to activate her defence matrix, Lucio to boop him backwards, etc. They give those characters those abilities to escape harm, and denying their usage is what's bullshit- not that Hog can OHKO at close range. If your escape ability is on cooldown or Hog catches you alone, then yes you deserved to die, but a laggy one-shot death out of nowhere isn't fair.

Did Gohan get jobbed out again?

>You know Overwatch is an objective-based game right?
You know roadhog isn't targeting you and only you, right?
>Are you one of those shitters who instalocks a sniper, camps halfway across the map and then does nothing of value while blaming your teammates?
I don't play snipers whatsoever. I play lucio, sweetie

>Roadhog can be out of position himself to hook and punish players in position
makes the mind churn

Should have mentioned Hilary or something

>Roadhog can be in position himself to hook and punish players in position and they'll still complain
makes the mind cum

Roadhog is (was) a pubstomper. Causing frustration amongst non-ranked and low-ranked games. Sadly this is the largest part of the userbase for not only OW, but just about every online game. The problem is that when scrublords get frustrated, they move on to different games. This means less loot crates being bought. This means they are the crowd Blizz needs to appease. Pubstompers must be eliminated whenever possible to ensure a healthy flow of cash.

Aren't you glad video games got popular?

>Roadhog can hook and punish players that are out of position by being out of position as well

>I absolutely have to stay in the fatass' 60m hook range and I can't possibly shoot him at all because he actually just fucks off and presses shift and can't just use teamwork to take him down
Did you ever tried staying outside his range in the first point on Numbani? There literally isnt an approach that is outside his hook range, if he isnt retarded of course.

One day the game will consist of players getting instantly healed by Mercy with AoE heal beam behind 4 barriers while players just emote at each other

seagull and other pros said the changes werent needed and hog actually stopped the dive meta cancer enjoy i guess

>All roadhog players are now assuming the position
>for receiving anal sex
>from dps

>Lock in Mercy and people wave at you and emote in front of you to try to get you to become their healslut

>turns towards the attackers
>shift+m1s one of the DPS
>"ready to go WHOLE HOG"
heh, nothin personal...Gold...
>pushes entire team into bottomless pit
"heh...e z"
>heals half of health bar and waddles away

>I can't dodge or avoid a straight line projectile every 8 seconds

Guess widow is OP too

>play me with roadhouse on enemy team
>run out into his view so he hooks you
>lol icebox
>team memes him whIle he's trying to m1+melee an iceblock

fuck forgot the "ftfy"

Holy shit, someone else still has this image?

>step in junkrat trap
>rather than lobbing bombs into the hallway, he walks directly into me
>murder him
>he bitches about hog for the remainder of the game
I like to imagine that guy was the personification of everyone here

>West Side Story style dance off arcade mode.


it's not uncommon at all, what the fuck are you getting so excited for?

I don't play this game but if a toon is overpowering the competitive/pro scene then it needs to be nerfed. Then again as I write this I'm remembering that this is a Blizz game, so I'm assuming that the character isn't picked at all in pros and only does well in pubs?

What FPS side? Half of the game could be considered FPC, since all you have to do is hold down left mouse. Auto-Aim, Lock-On, and Off-Aim abilities are so abundant it doesn't deserve the title of FPS.

I'll never not get bothered by the usage of the word toon to describe anything that isn't an actual cartoon character, bait or not

fat entitlement defined

Roadhog was literally only frustrating to new players and people who didn't play cooperatively. Realistically he can ez kill one person who was out of position and more than half of the cast could survive the punish shot. Then he either has to hope that no one on the enemy team is there, or that they're distracted by a bigger threat, which is basically any other tank hero. His dps outside of hookshots is actual garbage. Now he's in sym tier being entirely useless and people who pick him in ranked will be constantly berated until they switch.


Fuck all the way off.

Not gonna lie, former Roadhog main here. Fucking hilarious watching him crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this character get a new buff.

I never said toon before I saw some ruskie say it on /vg/ a few years back. He got around 12 or so replies saying the equivalent of ">toon - eat shit". I made it a point to start saying it more and more since then. It works p retty well, you should try it.

He isn't.
As a road-hog player I know how he works and how to effectively counter him.

Without his hook he is fucking worthless and it isn't necessarily the easiest thing to land.

Hanzo mains however...

Everyone is aware of the bait to the point that responding to it seems to be part of the joke.

You'd think that, but irony wavelinks sometimes sync up in weird ways.

>shitposting to a shitposter
having fun yet?

>tank that has 600 hp with no shields barrier or armor
>can only solo kill a a character every 8 seconds if he lands a hook
>or he stands retardingly close and gets all his bullets into your head
>maybe he might get lucky with his right clicks
>cant hook through shields or bubbles
He was literally made to counter retarded flankers. If you stay behind a shield there is literally nothing he can do unless he wants to risk his no mobility fat ass and walk into your team.Then he would be dead. All roadhog complainers need to git gud.

>can only solo kill
found your problem there m8
>maybe he might get lucky with his right clicks
and here
Jesus fuck you disgusting shitter learn to fucking aim
Standing in the M2 range is a fucking death sentence you retard

>tank that if he stands retardedly close and gets all his bullets into your head scores a kill in one shot
>tank that does DPS better than DPS because hes also a tank

>Having fun
Is that why every OW thread is endless bitching and dick measuring? I'm glad I dropped this trash, shallow game ages ago.

Objectively wrong gold shitter. If you fail to Rez properly you are useless.

The fuck are you on about?
Hog was an everythingstomper. In the top level games he was a must pick, because he was the most reliable hero at dealing burst damage and breaking stalemates with his hook. Couple that with the ana tank meta and you had a fat fuck dps that never died, yet pretty much guaranteed a pick if he landed his hook.

>t. Gold

Lets play together sometimes!

Ana tank meta hasn't been a thing for a while now.

It's still perfectly viable to stack tanks and have ana.
While it's less effective, Ana still does retardedly high burst healing, even with her grenade nerf. While you wont have 3 tanks every game, the vast majority of comps will have 2 tanks and an Ana pocketing them. Hog post-ana and hook nerf was still used a lot in the pro scene.