>even Japan has accepted the fact that females can be warriors.
>still no strong female warriors/protagonists in video games
Why, Sup Forums?
>even Japan has accepted the fact that females can be warriors.
>still no strong female warriors/protagonists in video games
Why, Sup Forums?
Do you live under a rock?
Yeah so what?
>just feel a tingle in your back, that's super saiyan
>bitch gets super saiyan AND super saiyan 2 in mere minutes when it took Goku, Vegeta, and Trunks grueling training and they still didn't get it on screen
>she's not even as strong as they were back then
Super 17 aside, I fail to see how anyone thinks Super is better than GT.
>still no strong female warriors/protagonists in video games
I'm sorry, what?
um, hello??
Its bait.
Thanks that made me smile.
Did you just assume xir's gender?
>even japan
youre so fucking dumb and thats not the only reason
Sure is summer around here
Because not everyone has autism and some people like to have fun.
This scene gave me a super saiyan boner if you know what I mean.
It's a silly explanation, but on the other hand it's also a better explanation for why Goten and Trunks got the hang of it so easily.
It's not like it even changes anything about Super Saiyan anyways. Rage is still the thing that unlocks it, you can just skirt around that if you know what about the rage is triggering the transformation. It fits the character of what we've seen of Caulifla so far that she wouldn't care about the why of a technique, and just seek the shortest way to get stronger.
I rewatched GT about six months ago, and I'll tell you with a straight face, even the movie recaps of Super don't reach the perfect storm of shit that GT was.
>super saiyan 2
>no blue sparks or noticeably different spiky hair upon her second ascent
nigga come on
>Dragin Ball
This is probably news to some people but it's mainly catering to Amerikikes, same as Final Fantasy and Sony in genral.
you stupid
I don't even like Spongebob, but that forehead gag is the funniest shit I've ever seen.
Dragon ball super is terrible
>Cabba goes toe to toe with base Vegeta in Super
>SSJ Cabba goes toe to toe with SSJ Vegeta
>Caulifla is stronger than Cabba
Both Cabba and Caulifla are way stronger than Cell Saga saiyans. SSJ3 Gotenks can't even keep up with Base Vegeta in Super. U6 Saiyans being that strong is kinda dumb admittedly, but fact remains that they are strong.
Defining Super Saiyan as a technique that can be taught instead of just blindly tripped into isn't the worse thing that's happened to Super Saiyan.
The consensus seems to be that Super is bad, but there are few worthwhile moments sprinkled throughout.
Plus, if you're a devoted fan of the DB franchise, you're gonna keep coming back
>I want games to be realistic
>I want games to have female warriors
Pick one and only one.
are you trying to be stupid
Are you?
>No strong female warriors / protagonists
That's cos Feminism is fighting against it. Otherwise they'll be fired from their trivial HR jobs
Have you just started playing games, or did you want to start a Dragon Ball thread? Tell you what, you go play some games from the 80's and 90's and go back to Sup Forums where you belong.
>I want games to have female warriors
That was easy.
A lot of Japanese games that allow you to pick male or female usually prioritize in making the females look good and work as a protagonist. Pretty sure Pokemon in particular focuses more on female designs, since most of the girls (like the one in BW) were designed before the male, and the boys tend to look rather generic, with the usual red cap/blue top combo, as if they're afterthoughts.
Bitch don't make me use Shock Break on you all.
>still no strong female warriors/protagonists in video games
Japan accepted that ALIEN females can be strong warriors. The strongest non-alien and non-robot woman in that universe is probably Bra, but only because she's a fucking freak.
what is horizon zero dawn
what is any game with the option to pick the mcs gender
what is so many games i dont feel like listing them all
what is sage this shitty thread
Fun is just a buzzword when you can't actually think of any real reasons as to why the show is good, don't use it.
isn't bra half saiyans? and they were supposed to have more potential then full saiyans normally anyways.
Underage retards always start Dragonball threads on Sup Forums because they are scared to discuss it on Sup Forums, happens with other shonuen as well for some reason.
Can we actually get long super saiyan like hairs for our female saiyans in XV now then? Instead of just making them glow yellow?
Can we gets default coloured Raditz hair too while we're at it? And maybe actually add some content for our characters.
post saiyan girls . user needs to fap
>I don't even like Spongebob
>still no strong female warriors/protagonists in video games
Ask your Sjew friends
That isn't a fact, it's fantasy.
But you just want people to post good female protagonists.