What's better for the industry?

What's better for the industry?
American copyright law or japanese copyright law?

>"""American""" copyright law

Japan's copyright law is actually pretty much if not more fucked and built for companies to abuse then the US's, it's just japan also has a bigger prexisiting status quo for fan creations that companies are more hesitant to piss off.

How else do you name it?
Western Copyright Law?
Jewish Copyright Law?
Pro-Corp/Anti-Consumer Law?

There is nothing worse than the cartoon mouse jew. Someone post the Disney copyright extension shit.

Does this mean no more Love Live porn?

And nothing of value was lost


does this mean no more fat old man banging the love lives doujins?


Japan being okay with doujin games and manga is a pretty cool thing.

Imagine being okay with fans doing their own comics of popular heroes. Or little developers being able to make their own Spiderman games. Unthinkable in the west.

2hus, boats and imas

no it doesn't. They're targeting items like pic related since it'll effect "official" merch sales. This announcement doesn't have much meaning. Even the /vg/ thread for love live denounced it and finds it irrelevant.

Their laws say they aren't okay but companies usually don't care because it's free advertising.

You mean the shipping shit general filled with assburgers?
Of course they don't care about hetero LL porn being effected.

Seriously what the fuck is all this "idol" shit the nips keep obsessing about? It's not even like a handful of people who are "idols" but literally like 33% of the fucking female population apparently.

You can still fap to this here

Idols are basicly the gateway to legal pedophilia

Nice source on your claim. Have a (you)

no bulge no fap


Female voice actors are dressed up, herded onstage and sing songs.

You are old enough to use google, what, want me to wipe your ass as well

welp, i didn't get any results so i guess you're full of shit

Of course not. But if someone makes a claim, it is up to them to defend it. In this case you would post a study done showing defense of your claim. It's not up to me to Google search your assertions

Protip: aside from high school Senpai, they're all underage.

16 is legal in Japan and a large chunk of the world

and nothing of value was lost
love live been ded since they decide to ditch the original for recolored version one

They're drawings. They don't have ages, or rights

14 is legal in most civilized countries

there goes maki.
Still got best girl though.

>the show canonically has the characters buying fan merch of themselves
>this news
All of my keks

Acqor is shit
Long live u

Maki was a mary sue shit, but at least you have good taste in Idolmasters.

I fucking hate tumbler nose,

Don't you just love it when Tumblr gets their filthy subhuman hands on a franchise?

Copyright law almost anywhere is archaic at best. It's a system designed by corporate interest and people who don't understand or keep up with the modern world of technology. The only positive way to even effect change seems to be through painstaking case law which involve fighting multinational corporations who will do everything in their power to bleed you dry.

I'm curious about this as well. Didn't they sue some daycare center for having Mickey Mouse painted on their wall?

I'm a sucker for pink hair

>You'll agree to have any arbiters be ones of their choosing
>In a district of their choice
>With lawyers of their choice
It's fucking stupid

Haven't most of those characters been drawn doing the most sickening depraved shit imaginable?

If you had you own IP, would you want your characters being portrayed that way?

>implying character designers don't live for the thrill of people drawing porn of their OCs

>If you had you own IP, would you want your characters being portrayed that way?
Maybe not, but that doesn't mean going after doujin makers is a worthwhile solution.

>Muh feelings should dictate what other people can do with drawings

Western "art"

They'll have to pry the You-chan (bestest Sunshine girl) doujins from my cold, dead, hand.

whichever one prevents people from stealing others works and reselling it or distributing profit or not.

Just make up your own fucking shit or move to china what the fuck reee.

Why now of all times?

because stealing is wrong any time

But Japanese companies acknowledge that it's free advertising. Fuck off with your draconian copyright mindset

stop fucking calling me a dragon reeee
They only say that to appease the doujinfags. They are literally held hostage. If they stop them from stealing their ips the community gets together and boycotts them and they lose sales. Its not that they gain sales its that if they let themselves get robbed they don't lose sales. They don't have a choice.

>Stealing an idea
Well they are clearly thriving even with the doujin industry. Both have been around for decades, if it was an actual issue it would have been stopped when it started

Walmart doesn't go out of business if a whole store gets robbed


Those aren't ideas, those are products you shitposter. You know this, you're not as dumb as you're making yourself out to be. So why do you pretend to be dumb?
And no, if Walmart lost a whole store they would be fine

its simple

Just don't use something that isn't yours. Especially if you did not get permission for it. How can this possible be argued?

It isn't stealing you fucking retard.

Because that's both too demanding and too controlling if it's FUCKING FICTIONAL CHARACTERS YOU ACTUAL PILE OF FUCKING GARBAGE.

Moving the goal posts won't win you any points. Fair use, parody, and other things are not infringement. Porn, for instance, can be parody and it's legal. And yes, people do pay for porn so don't say "yeah but they don't make money off of it".
Also, by your logic people shouldn't be able to wear super hero costumes because it's stealing a character idea. Fuck off

The mindset of some people

I like to pirate. I'm pirating right now. But I don't go around declaring pirating to be okay or fine or that its something that should be fought for. I know I'm doing something wrong and if my option to no longer be able to pirate was taken away I wouldn't try to rally as if I lost a right.

Okay when the creators ask to stop using it without permission instead of not saying anything. Now can we make some sense and cease using property that isnt yours. At least when the creators ask we can agree right?

>Fuck off

are you guys 12

No, but you clearly are. Suprise suprise, plenty of the mature people are the ones that do curse.



Well, they can ban doujins but you still got pixiv

The creators cannot tell some one to stop using their IP as long as it goes under fair use. Again, see the porn industry. Doujins follow under the same principle, it's fair use parody, or satire.
There is a difference between me making a drawing of you're waifu getting gang banged by dogs and selling it for money, and me selling your anime/game and claiming it as my own. You see the difference, no?
>At least when the creators ask we can agree, no?
No, because caving into whatever the creators request will remove all power and reason behind fair use. It's draconian, again, and should be fought at every step

The title is misleading, it's referring to non-printed goods like pins, plushies, cellphone straps, little stuff like that.

>curse not mature

None. Copyright sucks dick. Even copyright claiming nowadays can just die off already.

>Banning what is quite literally the only thing that makes that retarded idol shit any good


>not mature*
I really need to get my computer fixed so I can stop fucking phoneposting.

You mean twitter. All the good artists post there nowadays

If they actually cracked down on LL doujins instead of chinese bootleg merchandise (like what you buy on Fakku) then those dumb OLD MEN will have killed the biggest money-printing idol franchise. Not that I'd care, LL is a shitty ripoff of idolm@ster. You know what I'm talkin' about? Ask Miura.

Watch as Love Live starts bombing harder than ever. Doujin markets are huge, Sunrise are stupid to pull this now.

No it isn't, it doesn't make any clarification as to what types of goods will be targeted, and whether manga will be included or excluded.

You fail to realise that many successful mangaka are former porn artists.

Is this real? Are they insane? I hope they get a huge backlash

I would kill for a prolific Western doujin industry.

Indeed. Sex shouldn't be something taboo, while still so prevalent all over the media.

>No it isn't, it doesn't make any clarification as to what types of goods will be targeted, and whether manga will be included or excluded.
How about you look for an article instead of thinking what op's crop pic is actually the whole picture.

That's what I did. I also looked at the actual post on the site. Again, no clarification.

Fucking hell, they dont even have to be white anymore for Tumblr to plague their cancer.

Would be good but then you've got the Tumblr artists who would jump at the opportunity to make money with their shit art.

I'd be okay with that. Doujins are by fans for fans, so there's no reason to get mad about resource allocation.

Shit tumblr artists ALREADY make money with their art through commissions and patron.

This one actually wouldn't be that bad it it were just regular cartoon characters and not "improved" anime characters.

This. And Patreon is cancer, artists making products to be sold instead is far better for consumers. The few Jap artists that jumped on the Patreon train immediately got hit with a sudden lack of productivity once their income became monthly rather than product-based.

Except in the west, where anytime anyone tries to make a fan project or anything of the sort are threaten with legal action 9 times out of 10.

Most western art styles aren't arousing though. The good think about anime is if you're attracted to it it's all so similar that almost all anime art styles are arousing.

I know exactly what you mean, but some Western fanartists are pretty good at capturing the "eroticism" of Japanese doujins.

The vast majority of them are fujos though

Nintendo isn't an american company, though

But Nintendo of America is the one that does all the lawsuits. NoJ doesn't.

American copyright and IP law in general used to be fine before Disney started fucking with it, and before the DMCA.

Works that existed 40 years ago would be in the public domain, software couldn't be patented because it was an algorithm, and displays or performances were perfectly legal because it was an extension of the rights the consumer purchased when owning a product (IE: Showcases, Let's plays, advertisements, brand mentions). This is why you never saw generic products in old timey movies.

When Disney started filling senators asses up with semen, that's when the entire system broke down. If we could go 60 years into the past, we would have a fairly functional set of IP standards that didn't copyright things eighty years after an author's death, didn't allow genes and acts of nature to be patented, and didn't allow the consumer to use the product as they see fit.

American copyright law is best depending on what era you're referring to.

Worse. To protect Micky Mouse, they have been slowly increasing the statute of limitations on copyrighted works.
Steamboat Willie came out in 1928, and was the first ever known use of Mickey Mouse. So Mickey's terms of limitations should have ended about 40 years ago if we still had a sane copyright law system. Instead, Disney keeps increasing and increasing the terms by paying off senators and congressmen to the point where the statute of limitations for a work is now 80 years + artists death.

All so Disney's children's children's children can continue to make bank off a cartoon he made almost a century ago. Disney's own children aren't even alive anymore, and his children's children are almost elderly. Picture making something and getting the government to protect it for at least two generations past your death.

I think you have it a little backwards. Nintendo in general has a law firm based in America and one based in Japan. When either of their branches have a legal matter, they tap the law firm that they have in either country so they have a law firm from that country working on it based on that countries' laws. The company themselves don't go after a legal matter; because they're a game studio.

>That graph
Absolutely disgusting. I heard they were already pushing Congress to extend the limit even longer, it'll probably be passed before 2020

Yeah and what's behind door number three John?

Oh and thanks for DMCA takedown request spamming Burgers.

Doesn't Japanese copywrite always favor the creator? This is why we don't have Haruhi S3 from some random studio or other continuations of popular series. American publishers don't give a fuck and will boot the creator if they give them trouble (see The Walking Dead series) and American copywrite favors whoevers on the contract.

Japanese contracts typically favor the creator, too. There exist no longstanding clauses like here in the west that state "The creator forfeits all rights, thoughts, and actions regarding their work to the (company A)."

The fact that doujins are now """illegal""" make them all the more raunchier.

I don't understand how to read those colours. Why are all the acts starting before the stated year, sans the 1790 act?

The acts were passed then and the height they added on the Y axis is how 'long' it extended copyright past the previous act.

Japanese copyright law is pure cancer and it's purely by convention that doujin works are left alone.

you know any website or program that indexes pictures from twitter? I'm having a hard time finding and saving artworks from twitter