As autistic as it is I've taken to recording the games I've played in a database and then recording various pieces of information about those games as well. Things like the publisher and developer, the release date, and the time it took me to finish it. Does anyone else do something similar? Does anyone have any ideas on columns I could add?
Anyone Else Keep Track of Games Similarly to This?
I wanted to do something like this, but I'd have to travel back in time to do it so I don't.
It just wouldn't feel complete.
>you will never be this autistic
Yeah the list here in the image only represents games I played from halfway through last year up to this year. This list here feels incomplete to me, but at least gives me an excuse to do re-runs of games I've already played.
i.......i feel kinda bad for you op.
Am I the only one autistic enough to do this? Even here?
>Score: 6
I don't do it but I actually kind of like the idea of keeping track of the games I've played and how long I've played them. Probably also helps you work on your backlog when you see the progress you've made.
Maybe add something like completion percentage or achievement/trophy count if you care for that at all
>persona with a higher score than BotW
fucking retard
>Persona 5
literal shit taste
Maybe you could add genre. It could be useful to identify those you like more, those you feel you can't play a game for more than X hours before getting bored, etc
Just make a backloggery account like a normalish person.
The game is great but unless it ends with a real life Makoto emerging from the screen to give me a blowjob then it won't be a 10/10.
Sorry, bud. I've played over 5000 games and there is no way I'm gonna keep a list that detailed for all those games. Just a list of games with font color indicating whether I liked it or not is enough for me.
I am not a big fan of the original Spyro, but I love 2 and 3. Persona 5's score was put in straight after finishing it. I'll probably drop it to 9
Shit man I liked BOTW but really don't see it as some massive 10/10 like others did. Persona 5 isn't a 10 either but totally a 9.
I use spreadsheets for this kind of shit all the time, even cataloging my digital libraries or movie/tv watch history, to finances
Just easier than apps to do it with, and familiar with excel for work
I think they're both around 9s. Each on excels at the other's weaknesses so it's a good mix.
same program
probably marginally less autistic
just name, console and a tickbox
You have my pity. Life must be tough for you and your crippling autism.
>Maybe add something like completion percentage or achievement/trophy count if you care for that at all
Completion percentages are hard to come by in games these days, at least I've never seen one in a JRPG before. An percentage count for trophies doesn't sound like a bad idea though. Thanks.
Just use Glitchwave
>Does anyone else do something similar?
Yes. Doujin music.
What's so bad about this? I have a list of games sorted by Release Date to keep track of games I finished and want to play in the future. The only thing I find weird is keeping track of hours played. That shit isn't even accurate and I don't see the point really.
>The only thing I find weird is keeping track of hours played. That shit isn't even accurate and I don't see the point really.
Eh I just wanted to know how much of my life I waste on vidya, and it's another statistic that's easily accessed.