Why are video games so fucking bad now?

Why are video games so fucking bad now?

It's been an amazing year for video games.

Some people are just never happy


Same reason movies are bad

Lack of creativity. Publishers just shitting out stale rehashes and reboots of IPs that sell. Once you have one successful franchise you just keep milking it until people get tired and reboot it, and then do it again. However if the reboot fails your favorite series is dead forever.

Devs taking the easy road and instead of making a new game just take an existing IP and characters and ruin it. Take the new GoW for example. They could have made a TLoU with new characters in a different setting but nah they took Kratos and his wife son.

Look into Indie and avoid mainstream.

Because you are no longer a child and the cover isn't enough to impress you, so you look at 100 written and youtube reviews and the Sup Forums hivemind and avoid wasting your time on "above average" or below games as ranked by other people. You take everyone's judgment except yours.Which esults in you never actually discovering that something that looks or is called bad might be an enjoyable experience for (you).

They're good this year but because I'm a cheapass I always buy games a year or two after so they're cheap. I'm just now playing DOOM, it's pretty great for $20.

Dunno, we're in a good video game drought.
Do what I do and hit up /vr/ and check out good games from the 80-90s. There's some underrated gems that blow these new AAA trash out of the water.

Bloodborne is probably the last good recent game I've played and that came out 2 years ago

The same reason people think yahoo messenger smilies are an acceptable reaction image on Sup Forums.

Because Google changed its emojis.

>yahoo messenger

Because SJWs are infiltrating studios and forcing them to make anti-white cultural marxist propaganda to advance their agenda.

vidya jews do w/e they want. people still buy their games. some people just never learn.

>Publishers just shitting out stale rehashes
>Bloodborne is probably the last good recent game
I'm still sad about Dark Souls 3
Miyazaki was supposed to be the chosen one.

This is the only right answer.

Too much movie shit, too many cutscenes, too many interruptions and tutorials and filler shit.
We need PURE GAMEPLAY, put you in the world and allow you to interact immediately, do shit. I don't care if the movement is unrealistic or whatever but stop with the fancy shit and give us VIDEO GAMES

They're not, I've seen these threads on a daily basis for the last 10 years

they're not bad you old fuck

They're not good either

I bet you think the jews are making the arabs invade America, too, huh?

>Bloodborne is probably the last good recent game I've played
Then you must have stopped playing games once you finished Bloodborne.

Because of your
>muh nostalgia
Bloodborne is one of those overrated games like FFVII. Just stop. At least it's better than the NieR Automata fags.

The demographic got infested by people who want movies. Creators will always cater to the largest, most profitable group.

>implying (((they))) aren't doing exactly that
Wake up.


People have been saying this for over 10 years

Fight me.
Nah no other game after it's release has interested me. DaS3 was a disappointment.
Actually I'll take that back. Hollow Knight was pretty good.

So BB was the last non-indie game that I played that was actually good.

They aren't. You're just a nostalgiafag.

They orchestrated the refugee crisis to make room for greater israel

Get woke

>30 years

The backlash against 3d games was huge

And they have been right all the time. Vidya has got worse year by year after the year 2000.

Someone please post the screencaps explaining why 2007 was the beginning of the end.

Because you've seen everything and are seeking really special, unique experiences.

However, the mainstream industry as a whole caters to newcomers or people who aren't as picky as you are.

I won't be as cynical as to agree they're "so fucking bad" but its obvious big business is hurting them pretty bad. Less love more shitting out annual sequels. Less originality, more copying whatever is popular. Stories can't ever end, got to tease/leave room for a sequel. All chasing the almighty buck
